

After over a month of being in two hospitals, first UCLA and then Cedars Sinai, Kate Beckinsale gave a hint on social media that she was suffering from stomach issues. Here’s what we know: For years, Kate has suffered from severe acid reflux, which gets worse when she’s going through stressful times. The death of her stepfather threw her into a tizzy and her acid reflux was SO bad that she was vomiting after every meal – don’t get this confused with bulimia though. Kate finally seems to have gotten the problem under control, but is now on a very restricted diet to control her body’s overproduction of acid.

Travis Kelce just signed a 20 episode deal with Amazon Prime Video to host the upcoming game show, Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity? What he DIDN’T reveal in the announcement is that he’s counting on his girlfriend Taylor Swift to get her famous celebrity friends to appear on his show. Here’s another interesting tidbit: Travis’ deal promises him a huge bonus if he gets Taylor to appear. According to our source, she hasn’t agreed, but she also hasn’t said no.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s estranged husband Ryan Anderson might be making lemonade from the lemons his marriage turned into. Gypsy Rose claimed that she was divorcing Ryan over many things, including his habit of hoarding food. Plus-sized Ryan has been offered an endorsement deal to lose up to 200 pounds using a new diet drug that’s similar to Ozempic, and hitting the market soon. Our source says that Ryan has wanted to slim down for a while and is motivated by the upcoming divorce to get in the best shape of his life.

Valerie Bertinelli made the news over her new romance with East Coast based writer Mike Goodnough. After hinting about the romance for weeks, Valerie and Mike just went public. While they’re claiming it will be a long distance relationship since he lives on the East Coast and she lives in Malibu, we are hearing that Valerie is already looking at property in Manhattan. She’s planning to spend a lot of time in the New York area now that she’s dating Mike, and wants a condo on the Upper West Side.

Finally, one last interesting Donald Trump tidbit. His criminal trial started in New York City this week and my source is revealing that his attorneys aren’t so thrilled about the thought of having every lunch with Donald. Here’s why: It’s customary for attorneys and their clients to have lunch together during courtroom breaks, but paranoid Donald is so afraid that someone will poison him, that he insists on only eating fast food for lunch. While his attorneys realize they need to spend this time with him going over the trial, some of them have started packing their own lunches so they don’t have to subject themselves to Donald’s daily doses of fast food.

Photo: Instagram  Kate Beckinsale looking thin in hospital


For decades, Oprah Winfrey has had two large closets, one for her fat clothes, and one for her skinny clothes. It’s no secret how Oprah‘s weight has fluctuated through the years, but now that she’s incorporated the weight loss drug Ozempic into her diet, she intends to keep the weight OFF. How serious is she about staying skinny in her 70s? According to our source, Oprah recently donated ALL of her fat clothes anonymously to a charity that helps battered women get back into the workforce. Oprah has never done this before – previously opting to hold onto some of her larger things just in case she gained the weight back. But this time she intends to STAY skinny, which is why she cleaned out her closets for good.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Oprah is thoroughly enjoying her weight loss


Get ready to see a whole lot LESS of Donald Trump. Before you get too excited, the polarizing politician isn’t going anywhere except to his doctors to get the weight loss drug Ozempic. According to our source, stout Donald wants to lose weight so he looks fit on the campaign trail leading up to the November election. He’s not a fan of dieting and can’t give up his beloved fast food, so he’s hoping the miracle drug helps him painlessly and quietly, shed the flab. One more tidbit according to our source – he won’t be the ONLY one in his family who’s turned to the drug to stay thin. We’ll let you guess that one yourself…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Don’t expect to see any LESS of White Lotus fan favorite Jennifer Coolidge. Unlike many Hollywood actresses, Jennifer is comfortable with her curves. She was recently approached by Weight Watchers to be the spokesmodel for a planned ad campaign involving their point counting system combined with the popular weight loss drug Ozempic. Although the offer was in the millions, Jennifer passed on the deal, explaining to pals that she LOVES doing commercials -and her spots for the Discover card, Uber Eats and Old Navy are quite popular. The problem is: she doesn’t want to be linked with the somewhat controversial weight-loss medicine.

Photo: Instagram


Post Malone claims to have lost over 55 pounds by cutting out Coca-Cola from his diet (We have our doubts and suspect Ozempic MIGHT have played a teensy part.) The heavily inked rapper is thrilled with his new body except for one thing, the drastic weight loss has made many of his numerous tattoos wonky. Post got most of his body art done while he was much heavier, but now that he’s lost the fat, his saggy skin is making his tattoos look distorted and smashed together! He’s been working with a tattoo artist trying to rectify the problem. Lotsa luck with THAT…


Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


THIS is a surprise! Kelly Osbourne was photographed leaving Drake’s party this week looking THINNER than we have EVER seen her! Kelly admits she had gastric sleeve surgery a few years ago but she credits her diet and workout regime for helping her keep the 85 pounds she lost off. Still, she DID have a baby with boyfriend Sid Wilson just last November, yet she’s skinnier than ever today. And as her body got smaller her lips got bigger! Interesting because her mother Sharon is now looking equally skinny with fuller lips. We’re not going to tease these two about using Ozempic – people are probably already doing that. But the mother and daughter makeover IS astonishing…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Her residency at Caesar’s Palace is a monumental hit, but spending weekends in Las Vegas is NOT doing Adele’s diet any favors. The talented songbird dropped a ton of weight since she first made a splash in 2011 with Rolling In The Deep, losing nearly 100 pounds from her heaviest. She still looks great, but is complaining to pals she’s having a hard time resisting the fine dining, 24 hour room service, and endless buffets that living even part-time in Las Vegas offers. She’s back to wearing mostly black flowing gowns on stage until she loses the extra pounds.

Photo: Caesar’s Palace


Our well connected Donald Trump source shared this telling tidbit about the disgraced former president. By now everyone around the world has likely seen this mafia boss like mugshot where’s he’s scowling, but the more interesting part of his rap sheet concerns his WEIGHT. Our source reveals that Trump was TERRIFIED of having to jump on a scale during the booking process, since he likes to pretend he’s in great shape. Luckily for HIM the standard booking procedure is to use the weight listed one’s driver’s license, where Trump’s is listed at 215 pounds. If he’s found guilty and sent to prison, Trump will be strip searched and weighed, and according to recent pics, he probably tips the scale at over 250 pounds!


Since WHEN do women lie about their weight by ADDING pounds? In the not-so-distant past, women (and men) shaved a few pounds OFF their weight on driver’s licenses etc. No big deal. Heidi Klum is being chastised by fans who think she is lying when she said she weighs 138 pounds. 5’9″ Heidi had an Instagram chat with fans and told them she tried to eat no more than 900 calories a day. Shocked fans demanded to know her weight and when she told them they accused her of lying. “NO WAY do you weigh that much!” they insisted – referring to photos. These fans calculated that she lied because she didn’t want to admit how thin she is because it’s not hip or acceptable to be too thin nowadays. Really.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Post Malone is still insisting that it was coke that caused him to GAIN weight – not lose it. He’s not talking about the drug- Malone means Coca-Cola! It turns out he was in the habit of drinking can after can of his beloved Coke all day long, without a second thought. Not long ago he realized all that sugar had plumped him up to 240 pounds. It wasn’t easy, but he stopped guzzling Coke and saved it only for special occasions. (like champagne) It’s hard to believe, but the 28 year old singer gradually lost almost 60 pounds without the help of Ozempic! He says that performing is much more fun now. This is kind of a slap in the face for the Coca-Cola company- if we were CEO, we’d send Post a few cases of Diet Coke and try to keep him as a customer…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA  Malone on tour in NYC