Hollywood Whodunit


Their unlikely May/December romance has all of the markings off a Hollywood movie, but who knew the movie was Pretty Woman! While they concocted some plausible story of how they met, the truth is a lot more believable. He’s old, rich, and very well connected, and she’s young, sexy, and ambitious. She supplemented her income working for a top madam, charging upwards of $5,000 a night for companionship. Just like in Pretty Woman, our guy fell for her looks, charm, and ability to speak her mind. After a few paid encounters, he begged her to give up her secret career and promised to make her rich and famous. She agreed, and now she makes him feel young and he gives her the financial stability and fame she’s always desired.



This good looking and very successful celebrity is incredibly insecure, despite his fame and fortune. For years he’s been paranoid that his beautiful better half had a roving eye. The better half has usually been able to put his worries to rest, but lately his insecurities have taken a toll on their relationship and their perspective careers. While she publicly is standing by her man, privately she’s singing a different tune and is quietly exploring her options should she decide to separate. On a side note, we also know one of the reasons he’s worried that his partner is straying. While he was blessed with looks, brains and talent he was shortchanged in one area that can be important.. His diminutive manhood seems to be the reason he’s SO insecure, at least according to one of his other famous exes.



The Pacific Palisades fires are no laughing matter, but we couldn’t help but share this lighthearted whodunit about the serious tragedy. Our celebrity was one of the unfortunate who were affected by the decimating blaze, but before she evacuated her picturesque property, she gathered what few possessions she could, including her Ozempic! Even in a state of panic as the fires threatened her home, the weight loss injection was at the top of her list of things to take. After years of struggling with her weight she credits the drug as a godsend and has a years supply in her refrigerator. After saving her pets and a few mementos, she scooped up her prescription and fled. Luckily the fires didn’t destroy her sense of humor, so she’s sharing the story with her pals, confiding that even SHE finds what she grabbed in the chaos to be funny.



Our aging heartthrob, who’s known for his physical attributes and athletic prowess, recently underwent a top secret facelift in Beverly Hills. Although he didn’t spare a penny on getting the best doctor and the best care, he just isn’t thrilled with the results- griping that they’re just too subtle. Although the scars from his first procedure have barely healed, he’s talking about going under the knife again for more drastic results and now his longtime wife (no stranger to plastic surgery herself) is worried her hubby is suffering from body dysmorphia. The original doc refused to do another procedure so soon after the first, but that’s not stopping our guy from shopping around for another surgeon who WILL snip away. He recently met with a more aggressive doctor in Miami (no surprise there) and is hoping to schedule his next face lift just as soon as there’s a break in his schedule. His wife is upset and now leaning on friends to get him to change his mind.



This entertainment icon’s fairly recent death inspired plenty of tributes, but was no surprise since he was very open about his health battle. Looking back, however, his demise seemed quite sudden despite his ongoing illness – and now we know why. Our beloved star went out HIS way, taking a suicide pill when the pain got too intense. He worked up until the very end and he planned his death, but didn’t want to publicize his end of life decision for fear of alienating some of his more conservative fans. His remaining loved ones are now torn, with some wanting to reveal exactly how he went out in hopes of furthering right to death causes, and others firmly against saying anything because they think a big reveal might tarnish his legacy …and their residuals.



These costars are suddenly touting their romance and how they’re madly in love, but the entire thing is one big sham. It’s the world’s worst kept secret that HE swings both ways, but actually prefers men. His long suffering wife finally had enough and when she ended their marriage, he decided he needed another beard. His new gal pal is the perfect match because she knows about his sexuality and just happens to be best friends with the gay guy he’s sleeping with. In case you’re wondering WHY she would subject herself to this, it happens our guy is on the A-list, while she’s still relatively unknown, and she feels being romantically linked with the closeted gay will catapult her to fame and fortune.



History loves to repeat itself, even in Hollywood. Back in the day, this major celebrity (she wasn’t famous then) had a rumored affair with her bisexual hairdresser and now fast forward 40 plus years and her equally famous daughter just had a one night stand with hers! Unlike mom, whose tryst was fueled by champagne and quaaludes, this romp was just fueled by curiosity. Our gal’s hairstylist is said to be extremely well-endowed, and she just couldn’t resist indulging. Although he was previously with a female, he’s now strictly male-oriented, but he didn’t want to lose our gal as a high paying client, so he downed a few shots of tequila, popped a Viagra, and took her for the ride of her life. It will never happen again though – they made a pact – it was just a ONE time thing that she wanted to check off of her bucket list. She’s telling pals that it was an amazing experience that she will not soon forget…



This popular Hollywood legend (singer and actress) is no stranger to plastic surgery nor does she hide her fondness for going under the knife. She’s always looked amazing given her age, but her latest romance with a younger man really got her scrutinizing her looks in a magnifying mirror. She bypassed her longtime plastic surgeon and underwent drastic procedures with a more aggressive doctor, and the results were horrific – which is why you haven’t seen much of her lately. She quickly had corrective surgery to undo some of the damage, and is finally ready for her close-up.



This should be relatively easy to guess, but we are presenting it as a Whodunit since it involves legal issues. This celebrity, famous for being famous, might have finally landed a big starring role, but unfortunately it’s in her own production of Mutiny on the Bounty. Behind her gilded doors, her extensive staff is teaming up to SUE her for low wages, no overtime, and other labor violations. Apparently our gal insists her staff dress a certain way with specific color palettes, but she doesn’t give them a clothing allowance or help pay for their dry cleaning. Despite her wealth she is only generous when she thinks it will get her good press, and is quickly developing a reputation as a bad boss. She has no clue the lawsuit is coming, but will be smart to settle since despite the countless NDA’s they’ve signed, the law will still allow for the employees to sing like canaries once a lawsuit is filed.



This A-list actor wants the world to believe he’s moved on from a very public split, but while he’s rebounded from his ex into the arms of another, he’s still not over his former partner. While his replacement companion is equally as attractive as his former one, he’s encouraging her to undergo plastic surgery to look more like his ex. While she hasn’t agreed to the surgical transformation, the makeover has ready begun. His new squeeze changed her hairstyle, her makeup and her wardrobe to look more like his former lover. A friend blabs that our guy specifically requests his gal pal wear the same fragrance and stilettos that his ex favored. The new gal puts up with it since she wants to seal the deal and figures she will be set for life once she does.