Hollywood Whodunit


This former boy-bander hasn’t aged as well as he hoped. While we never found him particularly attractive, back in the day, scores of his female fans went to bed dreaming of him every night. But those dreams might now be nightmares, since he secretly wears a toupee. He’s working on his comeback tour and has a full-time hairstylist whose only task is to glue on his wig. He’s terrified of aging so before he takes the stage again he’s scheduled numerous cosmetic procedures, but wrinkles aside, his biggest fear is that his female followers will discover he’s basically bald.



Look closely the next time you see a photo of this international superstar because he recently had a $200,000 facelift from a top Beverly Hills plastic surgeon – but the ordeal wasn’t without some drama. Hours after the procedure, the athletic star developed an unexpected hematoma (a pooling of blood under the skin that is one of the risks of the surgery) and had to be rushed back to the hospital to repair the problem. Thanks to the emergency surgery for the hematoma, the star now thinks he’s pulled a little too tight, which is why he’s sporting facial hair until he can have another procedure in hopes of making his facelift less obvious.



We’re keeping this one anonymous, since we don’t want to jeopardize the police investigation. It’s one of the priciest gated communities in Los Angeles and its residents read like a who’s who of the rich and famous. Despite state of the art security, and homeowners dues OVER  $10,000 a month (!) the neighborhood has been hit with more than a few recent burglaries. One B list but wealthy resident was robbed weeks ago of millions of dollars worth of  jewels and designer handbags. Now some of the celebrity residents (including a pop star and a musical legend) are SO terrified that they’re arming themselves, taking shooting lessons as a GROUP. None of the robberies are being reported because if word got out about the break-ins, house values would plummet.


This celebrity spawn is barely a household name even though BOTH of her parents are famous- but she wants to change that. Her parents divorced years ago and they both moved on. Our fame seeking gal has warmed up to her very famous stepmom, SO much in fact, that the stepmom is encouraging her to have body enhancing plastic surgery to boost her chances of becoming famous. Our generous stepmom is offering to pick up the tab for breast and butt implants even though the girl barely old enough to vote. The problem is our gal’s dad doesn’t approve of his daughter going under the knife, so she and her stepmom are scheduling the surgery for when he’s out of town working…



This is NOT the type of item we enjoy writing, but it’s too newsworthy not to share. We can’t name names so we’ll leave it to you readers to figure out. This public figure is secretly battling a life threatening illness. They’re doing their absolute best to keep it quiet, fearful that if word got out their world would immediately come crashing down. They’re already well into their golden years, but that’s not stopping them from working on a major comeback. Since money is no object they’re under the care of the world’s best doctors but nonetheless look closely next time you see them (and you will) and you might be able to spot the noticeable differences in their appearance from just a few months back…



To the outside world looking in, it appears SHE has it all – beauty, fame, wealth, and a happy marriage. But looks can be deceiving. She’s actually trapped in a MISERABLE marriage but she’s too financially tied to her spouse to consider divorce. What’s a girl to do? Get a voodoo doll! You read that right. Our superstar commissioned a black magic witch to make a voodoo doll with her partner’s hair! Behind his back she torments the doll, hoping to cast a spell. As our source puts it, if something were to happen to him, she would play the grieving widow in public, but behind closed doors she’d be the happiest woman alive…



This actress is old enough to qualify for AARP, but she CLAIMS her ageless beauty is all due to healthy living and store-bought creams. In fact, she goes out of her way in interview after interview, to DENY she’s ever had Botox or fillers, and credits her wrinkle-free face to genetics and her so-called miracle cream. Well, guess what: liar, liar, her pants are on fire! She and her partner have monthly Botox and filler injections at their Beverly Hills home, shelling out $50,000 to get the wrinkle reducing injections done in private. She wouldn’t dare be seen walking out of a plastic surgeon or dermatologist office so she pays the hefty price for the in-home house call. Luckily, her partner is a gazillionaire so money is no object.



These Hollywood A-listers have been together forever, and while neither is a stranger to plastic surgery, their latest his and hers nips and tucks are certainly unique. The dynamic duo recently had some intimate surgery at the same time so they could recuperate together – she had a vaginal rejuvenation and he had a scrotum lift! Apparently this isn’t the first time they’ve gone under the knife at the same time and among other things like Botox and injectables, they’ve had eye lifts together as well. Despite being well into their golden years, they still enjoy an active sex life and decided to get their private parts in shape!



Even though we knew about troubles in this Hollywood marriage we had no idea how much their union had disintegrated. The bigger breadwinner of the attractive couple has recently secretly rented a “love shack” where they go to have one night stands behind their spouse’s back. They’re hiding their infidelity since there’s a clause in their prenup guaranteeing a bigger payout if the wealthier spouse is caught cheating.




This holier than thou actor claimed to move out of LA to give his family a better life in Las Vegas, but one of his past vices seems to have resurfaced now that he’s living in Sin City. He kept it pretty much secret, but in his younger days he was addicted to gambling. He bet on anything and everything, but finally stopped after a massive loss nearly torpedoed his marriage. Now that he’s so close to the action, he’s been unable to control his urges. When his wife isn’t looking he sneaks off to the casino’s high limit money rooms and bets $25,000 a hand on blackjack, as well as placing six figure bets on sporting events! Friends now fear moving to Vegas could be his downfall!