Hollywood Whodunit


Not only does he make her gorgeous, but he’s also a consistent plus-one for this A List star. To make it a guessing game: he either does her hair, her makeup, her wardrobe, or her plastic surgery. The poor guy actually thought they had a genuine friendship outside of their business relationship, but reality hit him across the face over gay pride weekend. Our guy hosted a gay themed party in Los Angeles over the weekend, bragging to all his non-celebrity friends that Miss A-List promised she’d show up. He felt like a loser when not only was she a no-show but she didn’t even bother to call to let him know she couldn’t make it. Sure, the next day she sent the obligatory flower arrangement expressing her regrets for missing his party, but now he’s rethinking their entire relationship and insiders predict it won’t be long before they part ways.



Through the years we’ve heard almost every kinky fetish out there (and written many of them as blind items) but this one is new -even for us. Even though he could well afford to fly private, this international star usually opts for commercial flights and now we know WHY. As off-the-charts as this sounds, he has a specific kink – he likes to sniff women’s pantyhose, specifically ones worn by flight attendants after a long flight. During a recent London to LA flight he chatted up one of the sexier attendants and eventually he revealed what he was into. He offered to pay her $1000 for her used pantyhose, so before the flight landed she headed to the lavatory and removed them. He still buys her hose after long flights and has her ship them to a P.O. box in a discreet package addressed to his alias.


My, my, my, the publicists for this movie are working overtime to leak stories about a romance between the two main leads. NOTHING could be further from the truth, since the only thing they actually have in common is they’re BOTH gay. His penchant for men is the worst kept secret in Hollywood, but his female costar has hidden her sexuality for decades. She fears it would jeopardize her leading lady status. Stories about them flirting and hooking up in their trailers are just hitting the press, but read them with a grain of salt. They’re quite fond of one another, but given their sexuality they are strictly in the friend zone.



This technically isn’t a whodunit since our celebrity was the victim and not the perpetrator. This A-list star has been in the limelight since elementary school, having a successful Hollywood career spanning decades. Now that other less successful child stars have started revealing they were sexually abused as kids, our celeb is terrified of getting dragged into the headlines. Our former child star was also abused, but fears it will damage a successful career. Even though this now-adult performer has been asked by a former costar from childhood to corroborate the stories of abuse on one of their sets, this star is choosing to remain silent, fearing damage to a squeaky-clean image.



For decades, these two equally famous A-list actors were closer than Siamese twins. They worked together, partied together, invested together and were the definition of BFFS. Luckily their significant others also got along famously so it made for good times for everyone. One of the actors went through a very public breakup and rebounded with a new love and therein lies the problem: the other actor and his wife can’t stand the new partner and it’s affected their friendship. Before you start guessing, this is NOT about Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. Contrary to some reports, Matt and his wife happen to ADORE Jennifer Lopez, so guess again.

guess who!!!


There’s a reason this long time  and well-liked couple has appeared to defy the Hollywood odds and stay happily married – THEY’RE SWINGERS! They have a tight-knit group of celebrity friends and industry movers and shakers, and they host sex parties – frequently swapping partners. They’re smart enough to only invite A-Listers into this group because they wouldn’t want their secret revealed or used against them for nefarious purposes. Long story short, they host swinging sex parties at their Santa Barbara home -away from Hollywood -and that explains why they appear so happy after all these years.




This star has been going through a rough time lately, with speculation buzzing that it’s caused by a stalled career or relationship problems. If only it were that simple. The real issue is he feels like a she, and is seriously contemplating having a sex change operation! While Chaz Bono was arguably the first face of celebrity sex changes until Bruce Jenner decided to become Caitlin, if this worldwide star decides to switch genders he will instantly become the BIGGEST celebrity sex change story ever! To say he’s a household name would be an understatement and if he changes genders the story will dominate the headlines and likely torpedo his career and relationship – which is why he’s torn.



These two A-list female performers have a lot in common, especially when they’re between the sheets! Although both have hinted at being bisexual, their most recent significant relationships have been with the opposite sex. Right now, they’re secretly working on a project together and during their downtime, they’re getting busy in the bedroom. Currently it’s still just a friends with benefits situation, but the younger of the two is developing strong feelings for the slightly older one and wants to go public. The older one isn’t ready for that, but if it ever happens they will definitely be a power couple.



These two A-listers have a lot in common, especially when they’re between the sheets! Although both have alluded to being bisexual, their most recent significant relationships have been with the opposite sex. They’re secretly working on a project together and during their downtime they’re getting busy in the bedroom. As of now it’s still just a friends with benefits situation, but the younger of the two is developing strong feelings for the slightly older one, and wants to go public. The older one isn’t ready for that, but if it ever happens, they WILL definitely be a power couple…



This A -list couple’s unexpected divorce shocked the world as they seemed to be picture perfect. As more and more juicy details of their split suddenly become public, including infidelity on the wife’s part, don’t expect it to get much nastier. Here’s why: The handsome clean-cut husband has some weird sexual fetishes including wearing women’s undergarments. Our conniving wife has a cache of photos of him dressed in frilly lace panties. He knows if they ever become public it would torpedo his career, so he’s doing his best to not badmouth his ex and telling his loose lipped friends to zip it.