Contact Janet Charlton’s Hollywood

Write Janet if YOU had a celebrity encounter! Or an Inside Hollywood scoop? A pic you want to share with the world? Or suggestions how we can improve the site for you! Thanks!

7 thoughts on “Contact Janet Charlton’s Hollywood

  1. Hi

    Greetings of the day! I hope everything is fine at your end.

    I am Jennifer, Working as a digital marketing executive and passionate about writing on different marketing & digital signage industry-related topics.

    Recently I got a chance to visit your website & I find it very impressive. I loved your content on the website:

    We are working on a campaign for a client who is interested in doing a guest post collaboration on your website:

    The article will be well-written and according to your blog theme with small brief about the client in the article.

    If you’re interested, please let me know your pricing for a guest post placement.


  2. Stop posting crap from Elizabeth Chambers.

    She only has two prioritiesin life – spreading shit about other people to make her feel better and breaking her custody agreement regarding her children.

    How many paedophiles do you think have seen photos of her kids on instagram?

  3. Janet, I hope the summer breeze is keeping you refreshed.
    We represent a group of German publishing houses.
    We are very interested in working with you to produce a biography of your life .
    This could include books, film, and other engaging content to be streamed on German iptv channels.

  4. Hello Janet
    Thanks for all the fun gossip over the years. I just wanted to mention that your post on “George Santos loving gossip” has been loading as the first story on your site every since you posted it. I have to click refresh every single time I land on your page to get anything new.

    Not sure what the tech issue is, but I thought I would send a quick note on the off chance you weren’t aware of the problem.

  5. Janet, I hope the winter solstice is keeping you refreshed and full of vigour
    We represent a group of German publishing houses.
    We are very interested in working with you to produce a biography of your life .
    This could include books, film, and other engaging content to be streamed on German iptv channels.

  6. I don’t see any repilies to your gossip threads anymore and I can’t log in either , your site was supposed to send me an e mail to reset my password but email never arrives

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