Valerie Bertinelli


After over a month of being in two hospitals, first UCLA and then Cedars Sinai, Kate Beckinsale gave a hint on social media that she was suffering from stomach issues. Here’s what we know: For years, Kate has suffered from severe acid reflux, which gets worse when she’s going through stressful times. The death of her stepfather threw her into a tizzy and her acid reflux was SO bad that she was vomiting after every meal – don’t get this confused with bulimia though. Kate finally seems to have gotten the problem under control, but is now on a very restricted diet to control her body’s overproduction of acid.

Travis Kelce just signed a 20 episode deal with Amazon Prime Video to host the upcoming game show, Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity? What he DIDN’T reveal in the announcement is that he’s counting on his girlfriend Taylor Swift to get her famous celebrity friends to appear on his show. Here’s another interesting tidbit: Travis’ deal promises him a huge bonus if he gets Taylor to appear. According to our source, she hasn’t agreed, but she also hasn’t said no.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s estranged husband Ryan Anderson might be making lemonade from the lemons his marriage turned into. Gypsy Rose claimed that she was divorcing Ryan over many things, including his habit of hoarding food. Plus-sized Ryan has been offered an endorsement deal to lose up to 200 pounds using a new diet drug that’s similar to Ozempic, and hitting the market soon. Our source says that Ryan has wanted to slim down for a while and is motivated by the upcoming divorce to get in the best shape of his life.

Valerie Bertinelli made the news over her new romance with East Coast based writer Mike Goodnough. After hinting about the romance for weeks, Valerie and Mike just went public. While they’re claiming it will be a long distance relationship since he lives on the East Coast and she lives in Malibu, we are hearing that Valerie is already looking at property in Manhattan. She’s planning to spend a lot of time in the New York area now that she’s dating Mike, and wants a condo on the Upper West Side.

Finally, one last interesting Donald Trump tidbit. His criminal trial started in New York City this week and my source is revealing that his attorneys aren’t so thrilled about the thought of having every lunch with Donald. Here’s why: It’s customary for attorneys and their clients to have lunch together during courtroom breaks, but paranoid Donald is so afraid that someone will poison him, that he insists on only eating fast food for lunch. While his attorneys realize they need to spend this time with him going over the trial, some of them have started packing their own lunches so they don’t have to subject themselves to Donald’s daily doses of fast food.

Photo: Instagram  Kate Beckinsale looking thin in hospital


An updated version of the popular 70’s sitcom One Day at a Time just MIGHT be coming back as Another day at a Time. The series was considered groundbreaking for the era – featuring a single working mom with two daughters, covering topics like divorce and premarital sex. Netflix retooled the series in 2017, keeping the title, but not much else – it only lasted a few seasons. (Costars Bonnie Franklin and Pat Harrington have passed on.) This time the plan is to bring back “sisters” Mackenzie Phillips and Valerie Bertinelli as senior citizens who move in together when their husbands pass away and kids move out. Hmmm… now it reminds us of The Golden Girls …

Photo: Mackenzie Phillips, Bonnie Franklin, Pat Harrington, Valerie Bertinelli



It’s been five years, and through thick and thin, Valerie Bertinelli and her boyfriend Tom Vitale are still together. When she joined Jenny Craig and lost weight, Tom did too, so they stayed on the same wave length. Recently they went out to dinner at Osteria Mozza where they enjoyed dinner but were careful about what they consumed. Outside while they were waiting for their car, the couple was seen hugging and smooching like teenagers in the alley.


Newlywed Eddie Van Halen barely resembles the person he was a couple of years ago. The last time we saw him he looked homeless – dirty stringy hair, rotten teeth, nasty clothes, and beat up shoes that flapped because they were so worn the soles detached. It’s amazing what giving up alcohol can do for a person! Eddie married his girlfriend Janie Liszewski last month (no alcohol at the reception) and his 50 pounds thinner exwife Valerie Bertinelli was at the wedding. Both Eddie and Valerie have given up their vices and improved their lives.



Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Life is good for Valerie Bertinelli. She has a new book, “Losing It,” and a new talk show coming up. And she doesn’t hesitate to discuss her exhusband Eddie Van Halen. Valerie talked to Ladies Home Journal about Eddie’s “denial:” “The guy has mouth cancer, gets part of his tongue cut out, and he insists cigarettes have nothing to do with it. You should have seen the guy he attributes his “cure” to. They sat around drinking and smoking in our hotel room. But the cancer hasn’t come back, so who am I to say!” Life isn’t so hot for Eddie – he recently left his band tour and went back to rehab for alcohol abuse.


Now that she’s lost over 30 pounds on Jenny Craig, Valerie Bertinelli is ready to reprise the role that made her famous – Barbara Cooper on One Day at a Time! In 2005, the cast, including Bonnie Franklin and Mackenzie Phillips and their TV husbands got together for a reunion show where they chatted and showed sentimental highlights from the old series. At that time Valerie felt she was too chubby to actually film a new episode. That reunion show pulled in huge ratings for CBS and they’re delighted that Valerie recently said yes, she will film a reunion special featuring the characters today.