Joe Biden


Another whirlwind political week with the news that President Joe Biden was ending his campaign and all but anointed his successor, Vice President Kamala Harris. We are hearing that Hollywood was starting to abandon Joe after that scathing op-ed by George Clooney, but is now gearing up for the biggest star studded fundraiser EVER, to boost Kamala’s financial war chest. The details are still being sorted out, but according to my source it’s going to rival with Academy Awards with A-listers willing to contribute a minimum of $100,000 for an invite. We will share more details as we hear them.

Speaking of Joe Biden, now that he’s bowing out of the race and set to retire in January once his presidency is over, we just heard he’s planning a major change. Although Joe has called Delaware his home for most of his life, he wants to be closer to his California based son Hunter, so he’s already working with a top LA based realtor looking at suitable homes in the LA area. My source says that he wants to be on or near a beach and security is one of the concerns so he’s looking at gated waterfront properties from Orange County up through Santa Barbara.

Jennifer Aniston made headlines after she took to social media in a heartfelt post about women who can’t bear children after misogynistic comments from vice presidential candidate JD Vance recently resurfaced. Just heard from a well placed source that Jen, who usually stays away from the nastiness of politics, is now going all in for Kamala Harris and will soon appear alongside her at a political rally focusing on women’s reproductive rights.

Speaking of JD Vance, there are some rumblings that Donald Trump regrets listing to his son, Don Junior, who was pushing for Vance to be selected as the running mate. Our spot-on political source reports that there’s a plan being talked about to have Vance bow out of the campaign and claim a personal family matter is the reason. My source insists that Trump completely regrets choosing Vance, but if he decides not to replace him, you can expect to hear a lot less of JD on the campaign trial. As my source put it, Trump didn’t trust his instincts and was swayed by his son and now has serious second thoughts.

Enough politics -back to entertainment. Celine Dion made headlines for two things – performing at the Olympics and signing up for a residency at Resorts World in Las Vegas. What DIDN’T come out though, is what we just heard. She’s also recording a new album which will drop around the same time she kicks off her residency in Sin City.

And finally, as we exclusively reported, Leah Remini finally sold her Studio City, California home and we just heard she’s now looking for a new home in the LA Valley, but wants one in a guard gated community. Our source explains that Leah is still be hounded by her former pals in Scientology so that’s why she’s hypersensitive to make sure her new home has ample armed security guards.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


JCH READERS KNEW FIRST! While the world speculated on whether President Joe Biden would end his campaign – WE TOLD YOU ON FRIDAY that it was a done deal, and that the biggest donors to the Democratic Party were informed of this days earlier during a top secret phone call. Our well placed source came through again! Biden just dropped out of the race “before the end of July” as we reported. And gracefully, we might add. He immediately pitched all his support behind Kamala Harris and we could not be happier. The idea of Kamala Harris in office sounds like a dream come true…



It’s been a very busy week in the political world with the biggest story being the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump – here’s what we know. There was a reason that Donald was heard screaming for his SHOES as the secret service carried him away from the podium moments after the shooting. He wears LIFTS in his shoes to appear taller, and vain Donald didn’t want the press to photograph his shoes with the special inserts in them!

Speaking of Donald, as he accepted the Republican nomination for president on Thursday, he wore a bandage over his ear that was grazed by that bullet and now we just heard that he’s scheduled to undergo minor reconstructive plastic surgery to replace the cartilage that was blown away. Donald has turned to a top Beverly Hills plastic surgeon and is planning to have the surgery within the next few weeks. My source says that he could have gotten in earlier, but Donald enjoys the image of himself with the bandage as he feels it makes him appear stoic and macho.

The other big news is the continued backlash against President Joe Biden’s campaign and we just heard this scoop. The biggest Democratic donors were recently informed via a secure conference call that Biden will NOT be the nominee and to expect an announcement before the end of July. This isn’t speculation -it’s a done deal- and the powers that be are currently drafting a graceful way for Biden to bow out.

The Olympics are all over the news since they’re starting on July 27, and my source says that last minute plans are currently underway to get Taylor Swift to perform at either the opening or closing ceremony. Seems that ticket sales to the events haven’t been as great as expected, so they’re hopeful that an appearance by Taylor could somehow change that. She hasn’t signed on yet, as there are a lot of moving parts to navigate, but expect a big announcement if it all works out as the Olympic committee hopes.

Finally, a sad week for celebrity deaths, including Dr. Ruth, Bob Newhart and Shannen Doherty. Speaking of Shannen, her former husband, the handsome Ashley Hamilton just revealed his own cancer diagnosis during a statement he released to the press on her passing. We just heard this though – Ashley is planning to launch a cancer foundation in Shannen’s memory and raise awareness of the disease and hopefully raise funds in the process. He’s leaning on his stepfather, the wealthy but notoriously frugal Rod Stewart to kick things off with a large donation. We will keep you posted if Rod funds the endeavor.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Mere days after George Stephanopoulos interviewed President Joe Biden the seasoned ABC journalist was caught on tape by a supposedly random pedestrian in NYC saying that there was no way Biden could serve another 4 years given his condition. Immediately after the tape was released by TMZ, George backpedaled and said he shouldn’t have commented. Here’s what we know: My inside source says that George felt like an accomplice going along with the narrative that Biden is fine and that the heavily edited interview didn’t show how cognitively impaired Biden is. While this is PURE SPECULATION on the part of my source, the theory is that the entire street incident was a setup so that George could clear his conscience and let the world know exactly how he feels since he was barred from speaking out by the network.

Britney Spears made the news for ending her seemingly toxic relationship with her maintenance man turned lover Paul Soliz. As we previously reported, Britney is now online looking for love. We just heard though that Britney is planning to ask for a restraining order against Paul since he allegedly keeps contacting her in hopes of reconciling. THAT’S the real reason Britney asked her brother Bryan to move in. My source adds that if Paul doesn’t go away peacefully, a restraining order is in the works.

Nicolas Cage’s son Weston was arrested on Wednesday for allegedly assaulting his mom, Christina Fulton. We are hearing that although Christina was photographed bruised and battered, she is REFUSING to cooperate with the police investigation and let’s face it, a crime without a victim is going to be hard to prosecute. We also heard that after years of bad blood Nic and Christina are learning to co-parent their 33-year-old son and that Nic paid for Weston’s bail and is also paying for Christina’s attorney as she refuses to cooperate with law enforcement.

We just heard this tidbit. Hours after George Clooney’s scathing OP-ED piece in the NY TIMES urging President Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential election, George sent flowers to the White House and tried calling Biden to explain his reasoning. The call was not put through and the flowers were rejected. The flowers being rejected is a standard security procedure since George didn’t give the White House a heads up to expect a delivery, but my source says George was shocked the president wouldn’t take his call so he could explain his position.

Finally, Travis Kelce was caught on a hot mic blabbing that the Super Bowl suite he got for his girlfriend Taylor Swift and his family cost $3 million. No disrespect to Travis, as we’re sure suites ARE that pricey. BUT we previously told you that Travis got the suite for FREE from the team, the NFL, and the network, because they all wanted Taylor to attend! As we reported, football has never been so popular and is reaching an entirely new audience – thanks to Taylor and her Swifties. The powers that be knew the value in having her at the biggest game of the year. We are also hearing that Taylor is adjusting her schedule to appear at most of Travis’ games this upcoming season, and once again the NFL is rolling out the red carpet to get her there. So while Travis is a good guy, he just might NOT be the big spender he implies that he is.

PHOTO: Lorenzo Bevilaqua/ABC


Remember where you read this, because if it actually happens, it will be a big scoop. Since a defiant Joe Biden doesn’t seem any closer to abandoning his presidential campaign, even though more and more of his fellow Democrats are urging him to quit, behind VERY closed doors some of the party operatives have concocted a plan. My vigilant Washington, D.C. source reveals that the plan is for Biden’s cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment and have him declared unfit for office. My source insists this is the worst case scenario plan, as their hope is that Joe will come to his senses and realize it’s time to step aside. But if he refuses to do so BEFORE the upcoming Democratic convention, it’s very likely this WILL happen…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


A defiant Joe Biden refuses to end his presidential campaign despite calls from within the Democratic Party that it’s time for him to pass the torch. Biden’s insistence in staying in the race, and possibly handing the presidency back to convicted felon Donald Trump, isn’t winning him many fans among Hollywood’s elite. According to my source, a group of Hollywood A-listers just canceled their plans to host a $100,000 per person fundraiser in Pacific Palisades for Biden, and now many other celebs are jumping ship. Rob Reiner was one of the first to beg Biden to quit, but his pleas fell on deaf ears, so now other movers and shakers are planning to go public in hopes of getting Biden to throw in the towel.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA The Bidens return to the White House


Our political insider just shared this and we couldn’t wait to tell you. After an undeniably disastrous debate, Democratic bigwigs have given up on trying to persuade President Joe Biden to abandon his reelection campaign and are now leaning on his wife, First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, to convince him. As my source puts it, the well meaning President isn’t ready to step aside despite the onslaught of calls urging him to do the right thing to prevent Donald Trump from another disastrous term. My source reveals that it’s a combination of pride, stubbornness, and (unfortunately) possible mental decline, that’s preventing the President from seeing what most everyone else saw. Now the plan is to talk some sense in Jill and appeal to HER common sense and her smarts. If anyone can convince Joe to walk away, it’s Jill.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Travis Kelce blabbed on his weekly podcast that it was HIS idea to join girlfriend Taylor Swift onstage during one of her recent European concerts, but we just heard what he DIDN’T reveal. Travis also came up with the idea of appearing in one of Taylor’s upcoming music videos for her latest album and my source says that some of it has already been filmed. Unlike most of Taylor’s last lovers (who’ve preferred to keep things on the down low) Travis loves the spotlight and enjoys having their romance out in the open.

Julia Roberts and her husband Danny Moder celebrated their 22nd wedding anniversary on July 4 with an Instagram post but I’m hearing that the couple ( who many predicted wouldn’t last) also have a secret Independence Day tradition where they renew their wedding vows to one another in private. The notoriously private couple stunned their friends and family 22 years ago when they got married during a July 4 celebration and Julia confided to a pal that they’ve repeated their wedding vow tradition almost every year (a few times they were apart working so they did it on a different date).

Desperate to save his faltering presidential campaign, Joe Biden is on an interview tour as we exclusively reported. Now we are hearing that in addition to the tour, Biden is prepared to take a cognitive test and release the results regardless of how they turn out. My political source says that at this point the president is willing to try almost anything to prove to the American people that he’s capable of being president and not mentally challenged.

On the other hand we are also hearing that his presumptive Republican challenger Donald Trump is TERRIFIED that Biden will be replaced and he’ll have to run against someone younger. My source says that Donald thoroughly enjoys painting Biden as old and feeble, but he’s worried he will be the one looking frail against a younger Democratic candidate. Get this: He’s even started using his wife Melania’s skin serum and emulsion that she orders from a top plastic surgeon every month. Donald is suddenly taking his appearance seriously. In addition to the fancy potions he’s also updating his wardrobe in hopes of appearing younger than 78!

Finally, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck made headlines for spending the holiday weekend on different coasts, but still wearing their wedding rings! For a couple seemingly on the verge of divorce, it’s odd that their rings are back on. Here’s what we know. Their marriage is rife with problems, including their different lifestyles (she loves the limelight and loves to live large, while he’s private and parsimonious). The only things they seem to have in common is incredible sexual chemistry and a true love and respect for one another. So for now, they’re not throwing in the towel, but are hoping to work out some sort of arrangement to stay married but live apart. As for the rings, we heard it was a calculated move to show the public they’re still working on their union.

PHOTO: New Heights podcast


No sooner did we have the world scoop that President Biden was either going to try to get another debate with Donald Trump scheduled immediately, or if that didn’t work, start granting interviews to major news network – that scoop came true! Less than 24 hours later, CNN revealed that the president has his first interview scheduled with ABC on this Friday. According to my well connected source, Trump passed on the idea of another debate (as we expected) so now in a last ditch effort to save his candidacy, President Biden will go on an interview blitz. Once again, we told you so!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Even though it’s Friday and our usual day for our popular Here’s What We Know feature, we just couldn’t NOT share this lengthy newsworthy tidbit. According to our well placed political source, President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance last night might have been part of a bigger plan. Please keep in mind this is gossip but it makes perfect sense if you keep an open mind. Behind the scenes, higher ups in the Democratic Party were hoping Biden wouldn’t run for re-election, but when he insisted, they decided if they gave him enough rope he would hang himself. Despite his good intentions, 81-year-old Biden showed his age and then some last night, and now even some of the most loyal Democrats are calling for him to be replaced. My source points out that many people in the party believed that Joe’s performance WOULDN’T be up to par, which is why they insisted on having the first debate BEFORE the Democratic Convention where he is expected to be nominated as the candidate. Keep in mind, this is the FIRST time in history a debate has been held before the convention. Since Joe hasn’t officially been nominated, the thinking is, it will be easier to replace him. Although he’s insisting he’s going to stay in the race, behind the scenes everyone from senators to cabinet members are urging him to step down. My source adds that the plan is to get Joe to announce he’s dropping out of the race but will continue to serve the remainder of his term as president and designate his delegates to someone else. (Personally, we’d love to have a female candidate)