

Travis Kelce blabbed on his weekly podcast that it was HIS idea to join girlfriend Taylor Swift onstage during one of her recent European concerts, but we just heard what he DIDN’T reveal. Travis also came up with the idea of appearing in one of Taylor’s upcoming music videos for her latest album and my source says that some of it has already been filmed. Unlike most of Taylor’s last lovers (who’ve preferred to keep things on the down low) Travis loves the spotlight and enjoys having their romance out in the open.

Julia Roberts and her husband Danny Moder celebrated their 22nd wedding anniversary on July 4 with an Instagram post but I’m hearing that the couple ( who many predicted wouldn’t last) also have a secret Independence Day tradition where they renew their wedding vows to one another in private. The notoriously private couple stunned their friends and family 22 years ago when they got married during a July 4 celebration and Julia confided to a pal that they’ve repeated their wedding vow tradition almost every year (a few times they were apart working so they did it on a different date).

Desperate to save his faltering presidential campaign, Joe Biden is on an interview tour as we exclusively reported. Now we are hearing that in addition to the tour, Biden is prepared to take a cognitive test and release the results regardless of how they turn out. My political source says that at this point the president is willing to try almost anything to prove to the American people that he’s capable of being president and not mentally challenged.

On the other hand we are also hearing that his presumptive Republican challenger Donald Trump is TERRIFIED that Biden will be replaced and he’ll have to run against someone younger. My source says that Donald thoroughly enjoys painting Biden as old and feeble, but he’s worried he will be the one looking frail against a younger Democratic candidate. Get this: He’s even started using his wife Melania’s skin serum and emulsion that she orders from a top plastic surgeon every month. Donald is suddenly taking his appearance seriously. In addition to the fancy potions he’s also updating his wardrobe in hopes of appearing younger than 78!

Finally, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck made headlines for spending the holiday weekend on different coasts, but still wearing their wedding rings! For a couple seemingly on the verge of divorce, it’s odd that their rings are back on. Here’s what we know. Their marriage is rife with problems, including their different lifestyles (she loves the limelight and loves to live large, while he’s private and parsimonious). The only things they seem to have in common is incredible sexual chemistry and a true love and respect for one another. So for now, they’re not throwing in the towel, but are hoping to work out some sort of arrangement to stay married but live apart. As for the rings, we heard it was a calculated move to show the public they’re still working on their union.

PHOTO: New Heights podcast


Even though it’s Friday and our usual day for our popular Here’s What We Know feature, we just couldn’t NOT share this lengthy newsworthy tidbit. According to our well placed political source, President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance last night might have been part of a bigger plan. Please keep in mind this is gossip but it makes perfect sense if you keep an open mind. Behind the scenes, higher ups in the Democratic Party were hoping Biden wouldn’t run for re-election, but when he insisted, they decided if they gave him enough rope he would hang himself. Despite his good intentions, 81-year-old Biden showed his age and then some last night, and now even some of the most loyal Democrats are calling for him to be replaced. My source points out that many people in the party believed that Joe’s performance WOULDN’T be up to par, which is why they insisted on having the first debate BEFORE the Democratic Convention where he is expected to be nominated as the candidate. Keep in mind, this is the FIRST time in history a debate has been held before the convention. Since Joe hasn’t officially been nominated, the thinking is, it will be easier to replace him. Although he’s insisting he’s going to stay in the race, behind the scenes everyone from senators to cabinet members are urging him to step down. My source adds that the plan is to get Joe to announce he’s dropping out of the race but will continue to serve the remainder of his term as president and designate his delegates to someone else. (Personally, we’d love to have a female candidate)


She’s played a vice president, and then a president on Veep, and now Julia Louis-Dreyfus is hoping that life imitates art. Julia is a staunch Democrat, donating money and time to the cause, and now she’s hoping to get in on the action and run for Senator. The Seinfeld star’s acting career has been slowing down and she loves the idea of a new chapter of her life beginning in Washington DC, where she spent much of her childhood. Julia has to figure out where to run FROM – even though she has residences in New York and California, she’s planning to relocate to a state like Florida, which currently has two Republican senators, so she can run against them as opposed to running in a state that’s a Democratic stronghold.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-US


Kayne West wants to join the party but no one will invite him – a political party that is! Kayne became the butt of jokes everywhere thanks to his ridiculous 2020 campaign for President, so this time around he’s offering up his endorsement -but no one wants it. The Biden campaign quickly declined the offer and even Donald Trump had enough common sense to pass up the chance to appear with Kayne and get his endorsement. My source says Kayne, who’s desperate to stay relevant, is now trying to woo spoiler candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr, but hasn’t been able to connect with him. As my source puts it, Kayne is more interested in the publicity than he is the politics, which is why he offers up his services to everyone.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Yes, that’s Kanye making a low-profile entrance to son Saint’s basketball game


During a talk at The Maker’s Conference in Beverly Hills on February 29, Gwyneth Paltrow said (and we agree) that “women should rule the world,” and that’s EXACTLY what the actress and Goop founder plans to do. While Gwyneth didn’t reveal her plan during her appearance, a friend explained that Gwyneth intends to throw her hat into the political arena and run for office. She’s not quite sure what office, but more than likely she’s thinking Senator. Keep an eye out as Gwyneth plans to continue dropping subtle hints about her plan until she’s ready to make the big announcement…


Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Just because we’re not a fan doesn’t mean we don’t have a well-placed Donald Trump source and this latest tidbit is a real doozy! The former president is well aware that Nikki Haley is suddenly approaching neck and neck with him. He recently confided to a friend that if he doesn’t win the Republican nomination for president and Nikki does, he plans to run ( and of course fundraise) as a third party candidate which will all but GUARANTEE that Nikki loses. Our source explained that Donald is the epitome of a sore loser and he plans to punish EVERYBODY if he doesn’t get the nomination. Just remember WHERE you read this!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA  Donald leaving the courtroom


This is political gossip AND fashion gossip so we just couldn’t resist sharing. One of our fashion sources revealed that presidential candidate, Nikki Haley is now working with an established stylist to make her look more presidential. A Republican Super PAC just gave Nikki their practically unlimited checkbook, so now her campaign is flush with cash. As a result, she’s being seen as a potential Republican front runner, and someone who can dethrone the divisive Donald Trump. Nikki decided she needed a makeover, so she’s working with a NY based stylist on updating her wardrobe, accessories, makeup, and hair. Even though she’s a conservative Republican, she’s also seen as reasonable and moderate, so most of the top fashion designers are willing to work with her. As our source explained it, many of the designers who refused to dress Melania Trump due to her husband’s policies, are more than willing to work with Nikki. Look for subtle changes from now on – her new and improved look will be complete early next year.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Hollywood is on strike so we’re sharing some juicy Washington, D.C. gossip: According to our well-placed political insider, some powers-that-be are strongly encouraging Ron DeSantis to drop OUT of the race for the White House and have concocted a respectable exit strategy for him. Our source confides some Republican bigwigs are secretly strategizing to get a better candidate to dethrone Trump as they fear Ron isn’t the right guy. Behind VERY closed doors they’re urging Ron to drop out BEFORE the first primary votes are cast and blame his exit on the needs of his young family and wife (who recently battled breast cancer). They promised to make him their ONLY Republican candidate in either the 2028 or 2032 presidential election depending on who wins the White House in 2024. Plus, they’re promising to help him raise millions if he decides to run for Governor of Florida again. Not a bad deal. So far, Ron hasn’t agreed, but his dismal polling and frequent missteps might be enough to persuade him to listen to the advice of the party’s elder statesmen.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Unlikely presidential candidate and vaccine denier, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. hopes his ripped body will win over female voters. No kidding! As misogynistic as it sounds, a source reveals that RFK Jr.’s political strategy includes showing off his tanned and muscular physique as often as possible -and then comparing himself to octogenarian Joe Biden. He kicked off his new “sexy campaign strategy” on Twitter this week, posting a shirtless video doing push-ups and remarking how he’s getting in shape to debate the president (even though no debates are planned.) My source insists this isn’t a joke and we should plan to see more shirtless shots all throughout the campaign. We are torn between being amused by his strategy or insulted…

Photo; RFK Jr (on right) and his trainer


Poor Cheryl Hines. The Curb Your Enthusiasm actress has been known to walk a fine line between her well-connected Hollywood friends and her unconventional thinking husband Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Cheryl’s already lost a few friends due to Bobby’s anti-vax beliefs and conspiracy theories on the Covid vaccines. (Remember- he wrote an anti-Dr Fauci book) Now that he’s running for President, our source says Cheryl’s social life is in decline. But what can she do? As soon as she publicly endorsed her husband’s long shot candidacy, more of her remaining friends jumped ship! My source says that a number of Cheryl’s friends are avoiding her calls and stopped inviting her places. She went from popular to social outcast in a matter of weeks. That’s not what you expect when you marry a Kennedy!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA