It’s mind-boggling, but it seems that pancreatic cancer stricken Patrick Swayze is going back to work. Whatever they’ve been doing at Stanford University Medical Center has been working for Swayze, and he can’t wait to get busy. The A&E network was happy with his pilot for “The Beast” in which he plays a rogue FBI agent, and after consideration, they agreed to film 13 episodes this summer in Chicago. We’re astonished because insurance for the star of a show is always a huge issue. How did they work THAT out? We’re happy for Patrick and hope for the best. Hot and humid Chicago is not a great place to be in the summer.
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Can’t we let him heal in peace?
I’m happy for Patrick and i’m looking forward to seeing his new series.
Seem’s like he is on the road to recovery – good luck to him 🙂
i believe this particular pic was at a basketball game..his first public outing since he was outed as being sick. im sorry but he doesnt look like hes healthy enough to start such a task. He doesnt good. May need more time.
Can we let him heal in peace is such a stupid question so why ask it. Hes a celebrity and in this day of the stalkerazzi you can forget. he hadnt made news until he got sick. These people are vultures who prey on the weak and they will continue doing it until we stop reading about it on the websites, stop buying in touch, people, star, national enquirer. ITS OUR FAULT!! if there was no demand they would not supply it.
Patrick is a true gentleman, and a wonderful human being. I will keep him and his family in my prayers. God bless you, Patrick.
I bet they have written into the story line that his character will get killed off..
He looks like death on a broke down stick there’s a coffin looking for a body in Chi town!
Idiot ought to stay home with wife and children until he is sure he will survive and enjoy being alive, praising
God, and seeing his family as much as possible. It’s not like a career is the best choice he should make.
The weather in Chicago during the summer isn’t that bad. It is better than most places because it doesn’t get that hot and it doesn’t get that humid. Houston gets humid. Anonymous, he doesn’t have any kids. Let him do what he wants to do and leave him alone.
Chicago is a nice place to die
To the poster above who said he should stay home with his wife and children — I don’t think he and his wife ever had any children. But I agree he doesn’t look healthy and should be concentrating on his health, not on making a series.
Rooting for him and hope he gets very well asap!