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Openly gay Neil Patrick Harris of “How I Met Your Mother” recently admitted in an Out Magazine interview that he harbored a celebrity crush on CNN anchor Anderson Cooper. Harris swooned “He’s dreamy. Just dreamy.”
Upon hearing the news, Anderson was surprised and flattered and, with the usual aplomb, told a friend “I’ll have to start watching Neil’s show.”

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  1. Well of course Neil IS right, Anderson IS dreamy…don’t know if he’s too “old” for him…there HAVE been hollywood rumblings about Anderson being gay as well, but i find that HARD to believe, amybe just difficult for a straight female to give up on the idea of that silver fox not being on “my side”…boo-hoo…what a loss for MY team THAT would be!!! But, hope he’s flattered, and happy with WHATEVER he chooses…he’s one smart, funny classy guy!!!!

  2. Reta, wake up and smell the gaydar. Anderson is 100% gay, half of New York knows that.

  3. These two flamboyant homosexuals would make a great couple, but their togetherness may lead to them burning in hell for all eternity. Would it be worth the risk?

  4. Anderson is sooo adorable. He’s not old, he’s just premature grey. There’s a difference. Oh, and he’s hardly flamboyant. He’s the epitome of style, class and just all around coolness. I love his laugh.

  5. Neil Patrick Harris strikes me as having been around the block one too many times. Hopefully our Anderson won’t catch any bad germs.

  6. Doogie Howser? Eeew! Anderson can do much better!
    Like me for instance. If I wasn’t the wrong sex and married.

  7. Anderson Cooper IS dreamy. He’s the kind of guy EVERYBODY has the hots for, too bad he’s more exclusive. And leave NPH alone! He’s cute. Not smokin’ hot like Anderson, more puppy-dog cute.

  8. NPH is cute sexy…and he has a boyfirend. He just has a wee crush on the real McDreamy.
    Anderson is hot sexy…and I’ll take him any day!

  9. Flaming, both flaming, all the way.
    Anderson is just waaay more discreet. It’s his Vanderbilt upbringing.

  10. anderson is the paris hilton of news.
    with a mega marketing campaign behind him he still manages to bring in low ratings.

  11. 6:48 AM>>>>> Yes…Anderson is….And, because as you said, because of his very posh Vanderbilt upbringing, he choses to be discreet.

  12. I don’t care which way Anderson Cooper swings, he is beautiful. Plus, he’s willing to trash Dina Lohan for the skank she is, so I say more power to him.

  13. I couldn’t agree with you more anon 11:31. Anderson cooper is a beautiful person and tells it like it is. Anderson & Neil would make an awesome couple but I would want either of them for myself.

  14. I couldn’t agree with you more anon 11:31. Anderson cooper is a beautiful person and tells it like it is. Anderson & Neil would make an awesome couple but I would want either of them for myself.

  15. Anderson RAWKS he’s a classy compassionate guy plus he ripped the Lohans a new azzhole so what’s there not to like? Everybody knows he’s gay nobody cares there is no closet for him to come out of.

  16. They made their own bed, they will lie in it.
    Definitions of lie:
    Lie…as to lie down.
    Lie…as to lie about their sexual orientation.

  17. Neil darling I know exactly how you feel. I have these hot dreams about the dashing Mr. Cooper every day. Ooh, baby.

  18. @ Celeste what in the hale are you talking about? NPH is out and out gay while Anderson is of the don’t ask don’t tell gay variety but A has never lied about his sexual orientation he just dosen’t answer the question… nor has he fronted a beard (fake girlfriend) as other gay celebs like Vin Disel, Eddie Murphy, Tom Cruise, John Travolta, etc.

  19. Ha ha, this is Celeste. I can’t tell you why, but I just wanted to write something weird and off-the-wall that totally did not make any sense, and I succeeded. Just felt like it, no ulterior motive.

  20. A Think Anderson is gay as well, but he is a hottie, and I am sure many gay men/straight women have a crush on him,, Dreamy,, Yes

  21. A Think Anderson is gay as well, but he is a hottie, and I am sure many gay men/straight women have a crush on him,, Dreamy,, Yes

  22. Anderson likes the dark meat.
    Out of the closet.

  23. They do make a cute couple.
    Unfortunately, they are both also widely known to be unwavering Power Bottoms.
    Sorry, no love connection, Chuck!

  24. Confirmed, Anderson is attracted to men of color, which is a shame because I’m the other white meat. haha

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