Mario Lopez has been touring the country promoting his new book “Mario Lopez’s Knockout Fitness” and we hear he is SORELY missed by his costarring dancers on Broadway in “A Chorus Line.” They can’t wait for his hiatus to end June 3 because – we hear that a number of the dancing girls have crushes on him – and a few of the guys too. Insiders believe that dimpled Mario, who plays Zach, has hooked up with several of the sexy dancers and it’s creating quite a lot of backstage competition and drama. Anyway, we figure that by now, Mario’s girlfriend Karina Smirnoff, back in LA, has decided her best strategy is to ignore all rumors.
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Sam Champion and Mario Lopez should meet on a blind date. Both of them pose in a way that just screams “gay”. teehee
Must be a shortage of men. If the paparazzi caught Mario and some man french-kissing, it would make no diff to the desperate man-crazy hos on Broadway. If Karina is looking for a man that is faithful, she should dump him and look elsewhere.
He wants to be dumped by Karina so he can be like his idol George Looney Clooney, that is to pork anything that moves.
I love Celine Dion. Shes amazing and this proves it.
I just read that Clay Aiken is having a baby with David Foster’s sister….Is this true Janet?
Just proves that those in the entertainment industry, whether they be d listers or back up dancers, are some of the dumbest chucks of walking meat out there. I wonder when the production will shut down cuz everyone is suffering from an STD?
Girls love faggots; faggots love faggots; anyone that is famous is loved by one and all. No one cares; they just want their name associated with a big name, so they can be in the limelight. And that’s just the way it is on Broadway and Gollyweird.
I Think its sooo funny how you guys say mario is gay. this makes u feel better because hes good looking great body and women love him. Sorry guys, just you saying so doesnt make him gay. Instead of being jealous, how about getting off your fat, lazy, beer belly a$$es and workout so you wont be such a hater.. when really its just self loathing
I Think its sooo funny how you guys say mario is gay. this makes u feel better because hes good looking great body and women love him. Sorry guys, just you saying so doesnt make him gay. Instead of being jealous, how about getting off your fat, lazy, beer belly a$$es and workout so you wont be such a hater.. when really its just self loathing
Rock on Callisto!! Enough said.
is this the guy that played webster
Mario isn’t gay. If you want to accuse him of anything, accuse him of being a scumbag who has no idea how to have a relationship. He’s just abut “hitting and quiting.” One day, one of his victims is going to cut his chorizo off and stuff it in his mouth for defrauding her.
That a s s of his is “One Singular Sensation” and I’d be happy to bang it all night long.
Just cover his mouth, because that voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard.
He’s working on being gay, folks, he’s working on it. He’s been there, done that (with many various hos), so indulging in faggotry is his next venture. AND THAT’S WHY HE WENT TO BROADWAY, IT’S A LEARNING EXPERIENCE.
Haters….just let go! its only hatred of ones self. give us some love. Thanks ”Gasp” you prove callistos point.
Mr Hit and run is retarded and a whiney momma’s boy.
You want famous celeb dating times with no interesting conversation and a 3 minute sex romp with no real love given back other than a pat on the back as it’s all about him him him feel good, where your he torments you, saying things he knows will deliberately annoy you, and frequently makes hurtful jokes at your expense, and compares you to the prettier smarter chick he could be dating., Mario is your guy or see Nick Lachey Jessica’s dud ex.
Maybe someday someone will just flat-out ask Mr. Hot Stuff if he is gay, straight, or BI. Would he answser the truth? Don’t hold your breath. This boy is a hard one to figure out.
Mario is totally immature and finds it impossible to take on any major responsibilities, as evidenced when he cheated on Ali Landry, his bride of 2 weeks. His wee-wee is apparently too fantastic to be tied down to one person, so he is spreading his bad self around. Whether he is gay or not, who really knows. He is in very real danger though of catching something GROSS, because Broadway folks are mostly without morals, gay or straight.
mario definately has that, “I’m gay” pose down pat.
LUST is the key word here. Because of LUST, many illegitimate kids and many cases of STD’s.
Note to Hollywood and Broadway – keep on keeping on, with never a thought for the consequences.
Main reason woman go after men? He is good looking and very attractive and has passion on the dance floor and has a great body and he really cares about what he puts in his body and most of all…What he puts on his body and lets face the real facts! He has a hot body and very attractive in the face and his ass is smoking hot and..He looks amazing without a shirt and his smile lights up the room and he seems really nice and kind of sweet.
I apologise, that I can help nothing. I hope, to you here will help. Do not despair.
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