We are sharing this as a rumor and not fact, so keep that in mind when reading. The word around some parts of town is that Justin Bieber might have checked himself into a mental health facility. Justin hasn’t been seen in weeks, and while the spin is that he’s working on new music, in the past when he was busy in the studio, he would surface somewhere. Justin has been going through a sad time – a friend calls it an “early midlife crisis.” We have absolutely no proof he’s in a facility and are just sharing what we’ve heard, so we will keep you posted if we find out more. Whatever is going on, we certainly hope he gets better soon.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. I really respect you for explaining exactly what you know AND what you don’t know. It makes me feel good to read your items and know that you don’t make things up and you aren’t out to make people look bad.

  2. Stephen Carl Lentz “Pastor Carl”
    On November 4, 2020, Brian Houston, Global Senior Pastor of Hillsong announced through a church newsletter that he had fired Lentz. The reason for Lentz’s removal was cited as “leadership issues and breaches of trust, plus a recent revelation of moral failures.” Lentz acknowledged that he had engaged in an adulterous affair.His wife’s employment with the church was also terminated despite her own conduct not being an issue.

    Justin has been caught in a ‘recent revelation of moral failures’ as well

  3. I hope Bieber is in a facility if that is where he needs to be for safety and help with his mental illness.

  4. Perhaps he’s just really tired. I sometimes have a condition where I need to do something but I just don’t have the energy. Sometimes it helps to take a couple of extra days off, or even easier to smoke some relaxing cannabis strain https://westcoastbud.io/products/cannabis/sativa-strains/ . It usually helps to quickly relieve nervous tension and anxiety, which actually takes away a lot of energy .

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