

After over a month of being in two hospitals, first UCLA and then Cedars Sinai, Kate Beckinsale gave a hint on social media that she was suffering from stomach issues. Here’s what we know: For years, Kate has suffered from severe acid reflux, which gets worse when she’s going through stressful times. The death of her stepfather threw her into a tizzy and her acid reflux was SO bad that she was vomiting after every meal – don’t get this confused with bulimia though. Kate finally seems to have gotten the problem under control, but is now on a very restricted diet to control her body’s overproduction of acid.

Travis Kelce just signed a 20 episode deal with Amazon Prime Video to host the upcoming game show, Are You Smarter Than A Celebrity? What he DIDN’T reveal in the announcement is that he’s counting on his girlfriend Taylor Swift to get her famous celebrity friends to appear on his show. Here’s another interesting tidbit: Travis’ deal promises him a huge bonus if he gets Taylor to appear. According to our source, she hasn’t agreed, but she also hasn’t said no.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s estranged husband Ryan Anderson might be making lemonade from the lemons his marriage turned into. Gypsy Rose claimed that she was divorcing Ryan over many things, including his habit of hoarding food. Plus-sized Ryan has been offered an endorsement deal to lose up to 200 pounds using a new diet drug that’s similar to Ozempic, and hitting the market soon. Our source says that Ryan has wanted to slim down for a while and is motivated by the upcoming divorce to get in the best shape of his life.

Valerie Bertinelli made the news over her new romance with East Coast based writer Mike Goodnough. After hinting about the romance for weeks, Valerie and Mike just went public. While they’re claiming it will be a long distance relationship since he lives on the East Coast and she lives in Malibu, we are hearing that Valerie is already looking at property in Manhattan. She’s planning to spend a lot of time in the New York area now that she’s dating Mike, and wants a condo on the Upper West Side.

Finally, one last interesting Donald Trump tidbit. His criminal trial started in New York City this week and my source is revealing that his attorneys aren’t so thrilled about the thought of having every lunch with Donald. Here’s why: It’s customary for attorneys and their clients to have lunch together during courtroom breaks, but paranoid Donald is so afraid that someone will poison him, that he insists on only eating fast food for lunch. While his attorneys realize they need to spend this time with him going over the trial, some of them have started packing their own lunches so they don’t have to subject themselves to Donald’s daily doses of fast food.

Photo: Instagram  Kate Beckinsale looking thin in hospital



Kris Jenner isn’t happy with Amazon, but luckily, she knows the owner!  According to a source, Kris received an unexpected delivery from Amazon to her house – this was unusual since most of her packages go to her production office.  It wasn’t something she ordered, and the packing slip said it was a gift but with NO name.  Kris had one of her assistants spend HOURS on the phone with Amazon’s overseas based customer service to no avail – apparently it’s a company policy NOT to  disclose any information, including WHO sent the mystery package.  Fearing it was from a stalker, Kris dialed up her pal Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos, and expressed her frustration at the entire situation. Now Jeff is considering changing the ridiculous policy  – all thanks to Kris.


Photo: Instagram


Something doesn’t add up. TMZ just reported that Jamie Foxx was back at work filming a commercial in Las Vegas (see link below) but HOW is this possible in the middle of an actors strike? We’ve all seen those posed photos of Jamie LOOKING healthy and vigorous, BUT we have not seen ANY paparazzi pix and THEY are hot on his trail. And Jamie has still not spoken to or contacted anyone. Conspiracy theories are flying around that it was a lookalike or that perhaps he can’t speak due to a stroke. It’s been ONE BIG MYSTERY since his unexplained medical condition a few months ago, but this latest twist is even more confusing…

Photo Credit: BetMGM


After months in total seclusion with a mystery medical condition, Jamie Foxx was recently seen on a boat in Chicago, and here’s what we know: First, our source says the photos were staged and the paparazzi tipped off (most likely with Jamie’s permission and probably for a generous fee.) Second, Jamie plans to sit down with Oprah Winfrey and FINALLY reveal what medical condition he was suffering from. With speculation running rampant and rumors of a stroke or drug overdose swirling, Jamie decided to set the record straight. He chose Oprah because her prime time interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle was a huge ratings success, so Jamie feels his sit-down will also pull in a massive audience.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Don’t assume from this photo that things are OK with Jamie Foxx. He’s been hospitalized for 3 weeks with a mystery medical condition. Jamie recently started posting to his social media accounts, BUT the innocuous posts were probably written by a member of his team – HIS would have been clever. Even Jamie’s longtime friends are being kept in the dark about his condition. A friend of Jamie’s inner circle says that calls and messages from Jamie’s close friends are NOT being answered. (Katie Holmes can get no info) WHY? While everyone is hoping for a miracle, it’s likely the situation is far more dire than is being disclosed. The movie he was filming when he was stricken, Back in Action, has resumed filming with a lookalike! THAT doesn’t happen often. Today a friend of Jamie’s declared on Facebook that Jamie has actually been in a coma for three weeks.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


The shocking death of former Scientologist Lisa Marie Presley today at 54 has left those you knew her with more questions than answers. According to a resident in the ritzy Calabasas neighborhood where she lived, Lisa Marie has been feeling “off” and unwell for months, even going as far as confiding to some neighbors that she felt like she was drugged. Lisa thought perhaps she was suffering from black mold poisoning, but her house was given the all clear. She was wobbly at times and feared she had MS, but after a recent check-up, that apparently wasn’t the case. Lisa had remained friendly with her first husband Danny Keough and he moved into her Calabasas home in 2021 after the suicide of their son Benjamin left Lisa distraught. Their relationship was platonic and he helped with her 14 year old twins. Wild theories about Lisa’s untimely death are already circulating among some fellow residents of the posh development involving Scientology, but they’re just too litigious to print….

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Lisa at Golden Globes two days ago


Her friends continue to speculate about the REAL reason Chelsea Handler and Jo Koy abruptly ended their once-promising romance. (She was obviously CRAZY about him!) Chelsea revealed on Brooke Shields’ Now What podcast that she and Jo’s decades long friendship seemingly ended along with their romance, hinting something about “accountability.” Chelsea’s been tight-lipped with many of her friends, only revealing that something happened that she just couldn’t accept. Some friends have pieced together that flirty Jo was chatting online with other women and while he thought they were innocent flirtations, Chelsea considered it a form of infidelity. Until Chelsea spills the beans on exactly what caused the split, that’s the most popular theory among some of her friends..

Photo: Instagram


We can’t help but wonder what’s going on under all those hats that Justin Bieber wears for ALL occasions, regardless of the weather. No matter how dressed up his wife Hailey is, for a party or event, Justin wears a hat or hood – or both. Sometimes he advertises his DREW collection, sometimes not. Onstage he favors a knit cap. We can’t REMEMBER the last time we saw him without a hat! Is Justin losing his hair? Having hair transplants? Or just a bad haircut?

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


OK- here’s a little Oscar mystery. Britney Spears’ personal trainer fiancee Sam Asghari turned up dressed in a tuxedo, at the Elton John AIDS viewing party ALONE. No Britney. What do you suppose happened? Certainly Britney was the one invited. Invitees donate a lot of money to enjoy this event. Tickets just to the after-party cost over $5000 apiece- and the dinner tickets (when Sam arrived) costs $9000 per person. Did Britney back out at the last minute? If so, why did Sam come alone? Does he have wealthy friends to hang with inside? Hmmm…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


We always thought that model Naomi Campbell, 51, was an odd (and pretentious) character, and this magazine cover backs that up. British Vogue featured Naomi on their March cover with her 9 month old baby girl that NOBODY knew about! Naomi’s close friends admit that they knew she WANTED a baby, but were gobsmacked when she suddenly appeared with her little girl. In her interview inside the magazine, Naomi coyly refused to discuss where the baby came from. (She never appeared to be pregnant) She insisted the baby was not adopted – “she’s MY child!” Naomi also refused to name the biological father. We’re thinking she used a surrogate- but why is she being so weird and evasive with Vogue?

Photo: British Vogue