Melania Trump


Kate Middleton continues to be MIA, and her absence this week at the 80th celebration for D-Day in France was just the latest since her health battle began. Here’s what we know. Kate isn’t out of the woods yet, but she’s on her way to recovery. Although her stamina is improving she’s been advised by her doctors to avoid all public gatherings since her immune system is compromised while she undergoes treatment. Once her treatment concludes, she’s vowing to make up for lost time and resume her duties.

We’ve continued to update you on the trials and tribulations Leah Remini has been dealing with as she struggles to unload her Studio City, California home. We recently heard this tidbit. Leah just replaced her former realtors at Compass with Josh and Matt Altman, better known as the Altman Brothers. My source says the brothers have vowed to get to the bottom of it, and find out if Leah’s former associates in Scientology are behind the issues she’s been experiencing.

Melania Trump just dropped this bombshell on her husband Donald: If he recaptures the White House he shouldn’t expect her to join him in relocating to Washington DC. Win or lose, Melania’s plan is to divide her time between New York City and Palm Beach. She doesn’t have much interest in life in DC, especially now that her son Barron will be off at college. As my source puts it, the last thing she wants to do is be trapped in the White House with her husband and not her son.

Jennifer Lopez dominated the headlines this week after canceling her concert tour and vowing to spend more time with her family. As we previously reported J.Lo’s priority is to save her marriage to Ben Affleck. We just heard this update. Jen and Ben are planning a family vacation combining all of their kids, as soon as Ben wraps up his currently filming movie, a sequel to his successful 2016 film, The Accountant. My source says it will be a make or break vacation and will likely determine if they stay together.

And finally, last week we told you that Jean Smart’s MAX series, Hacks, was being renewed for season four. Soon after other outlets picked up our scoop and the streaming giant confirmed it. Here’s an update: Jean is hoping to reunite with her former Designing Women costar, Annie Potts next season. A role for Annie is currently being written, but Jean doesn’t want to jump the shark and make it a cliche. She has wanted to reunite with Annie for the longest time, so the writers are working overtime coming up with something worthy.

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It’s no surprise that now convicted felon Donald Trump is grifting after being found GUILTY on all 34 criminal counts – Donald’s sending fundraising emails nonstop to his supporters asking for what else, MONEY! What IS surprising though is that my source reveals Donald is actually TERRIFIED of going to prison and he’s already asking his friends and family members to write letters to the judge singing his praises. Although it is quite common for convicted criminals to ask their loved ones to write letters to the judge (you might remember Ashton Kutcher took a lot of heat when he wrote one on behalf of his pal, convicted rapist Danny Masterson) Trump really wants his daughter Ivanka and his wife Melania to submit letters to the judge, but so far NEITHER has agreed. As my source puts it, Ivanka loves her dad but doesn’t want to get involved, while Melania doesn’t seem to care what happens to her husband. (remember this is a transactional marriage)

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The season three finale of Hacks just dropped on the streaming service MAX and we have some good scoop on the highly acclaimed and popular show. Although it hasn’t been announced, season 4 is a go and you can expect to see all of the familiar faces, even those who appear just briefly. According to our source, series star Jean Smart makes a conscious effort to ensure even the smallest characters have enough lines so they can continue with their SAG/AFTRA benefits. As my source puts it, Jean is not only the matriarch on the show, but she’s taken on a motherly role to the cast.

The verdict is in and Donald Trump was found GUILTY on all 34 criminal charges making him a convicted felon, and we just heard this interesting tidbit: As we previously reported, Melania Trump stayed away from the courthouse and our inside source reveals WHY. It was her psychic advisor who told her to keep her distance! Apparently Melania consults her psychic before making major life decisions, interestingly enough, this mimics another former First Lady, Nancy, Reagan, whose friendship with psychics made headlines back in the 1980s. Melania’s medium told her nothing good would come if she attended the trial, and apparently she was right!

The late but not so great O.J. Simpson made headlines after a new $500,000 tax lien came to light. According to our source, O.J’s two kids with his late wife, Nicole Simpson, Sydney and Justin are collaborating on a reality show based on everything they know and what they suspect. My source says the kids are scrambling to make money now that OJ’s dead, as he financially helped them. The untitled project hasn’t found a home yet, but is being shopped around to streaming services. We will keep you posted.

Paris Hilton made headlines yet again for another mishap with her young son. A few weeks ago she was taken to task for posting a photo of her son incorrectly placed in a car seat and now once again she made headlines posting a photo of her son wearing a lifejacket that was on backwards. According to our source, the new mom is trying her best, but really doesn’t have much practical experience with babies, so she recently hired a private tutor to teach her the ABC’s of motherhood. Our source says that Paris hasn’t doesn’t want to make any more public errors when it comes to her kids, so the tutor is showing her ins and outs. Our source reveals that Paris has already spent $10,000 on her parental training.

And finally, Nicki Minaj made headlines as she was arrested in Amsterdam over a soft drug related charge. Although she was released with just a small fine, our inside source reveals the whole thing doesn’t pass the sniff test. Because of the delay, Nikki missed her show in Manchester, England, but our source points out that the venue was FAR from sold out, and can’t help but wonder if the entire incident was manufactured to save Nicki the embarrassment of performing in a non-packed arena.

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Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez dominated the headlines this week as rumors swirl that their marriage is dunzo.  Here’s what we know.  The couple are going through a rough patch,mostly due to their different spending habits.  SHE likes like live large, but he’s more frugal and finds her excessive spending a turn-off.  In J. Lo’s defense, she is worth more than Ben, so she understandably finds it insulting that he would tell her how to spend HER money. My source says the one thing the both of them have in common is they’re quick to react, BUT do love one another, so while anything is possible, it’s most likely their marriage will stay intact, considering they are in counseling.

Kansas City Chiefs’ Harrison Butker didn’t win any female or gay fans this week thanks to a commencement address where he basically voiced his controversial opinions against the LGTBQ community and women’s rights.  Making it worse he quoted Taylor Swift in the address, referring to her as his teammate Travis Kelce’s girlfriend.  Here’s what we know.  Taylor was PISSED that he dared say her name in such a hate filled speech and she told Travis under no circumstances will she ever be photographed anywhere near him.  She also made it be known to the powers that be on the team that she doesn’t feel comfortable publicly supporting the team if it has a misogynistic homophobe in its ranks.  My NFL source predicts Harrison will be traded, but the question is, who will want him?

Justin and Hailey Bieber made headlines when they announced they’re expecting their first child together. They kept the news a secret from family and closest friends, but now we’re hearing that Justin has been taking parenting classes with a therapist who visits his home three times a week to help him cope with the demands of being a first time dad. My source says he’s determined to do everything RIGHT and get his unpredictable mood swings under control before the baby arrives.

The Sex and the City spinoff, And Just Like That recently started filming its third season in New York City and we can tell you that Kim Cattrall will definitely appear again in another cameo and this time she will share the screen with a cast member -but it won’t be Sarah Jessica Parker.  We are hearing that Kim’s character Samantha Jones is living in Europe and will be visited by one of the cast, and the scene will take place there.  Producers haven’t decided if it’s going to be Cynthia Nixon or Kristen Davis, but it’s going to happen.

And as usual, what’s a week without a piece of Donald Trump gossip! Donald’s youngest son, Barron made headlines when he was announced to be a delegate at the upcoming Republican national convention, only to have his mom Melania publicly decline the invitation the next day, citing a “scheduling conflict.” This makes no sense, since Barron would be expected to be at the convention when his father is nominated to be president, anyway.  We heard that Donald actually gave the okay to announce Barron as a delegate, but Melania immediately nixed it. My well-placed source says that it was a screaming match unlike any other, as Melania threatened to boycott the convention herself if Donald forced the issue of having Barron as a delegate. Needless to say she won.


Melania Trump wants to get back to work, but her husband Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is standing in her way. The former model had always planned to return to the runway once her only child, son Baron, was in college – and that’s exactly where he’ll be in just a few months. Melania has already been in contact with some top modeling agencies, as well as one of the biggest talent agencies in the world, about resuming her career (in addition to modeling she’d also like to book TV commercials, endorsement deals and more). Since Donald’s campaign will be in high gear once Baron enters college, the former President told Melania she had to put her comeback on hold. My source says that truth be told, Melania seems to support her husband’s candidacy, but she won’t exactly be heartbroken if he loses. Long story short, she’s ready to branch out again and feels the campaign and the potential presidency are roadblocks.


We’re not saying times are tough for her, but Melania Trump isn’t above cleaning out closets for some extra spending money. Through the years, Melania was given a generous clothing allowance by her husband Donald, and now she has storage units packed with clothes she’ll probably never wear again. According to our source, Melania has been consigning her designer castoffs to various resale shops in Palm Beach, Florida, and making a small fortune in the process. Even though her husband has questionable taste when it comes to HIS clothing, former model Melania (she’s 5’11”) has a sophisticated eye for quality clothes. But don’t get too excited -you’ll never know if you score any of Melania’s wardrobe. The stores sign a strict NDA and are prohibited from revealing she was the former owner.


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Some well-placed insiders say they will NOT be surprised if Melania Trump divorces her cheating husband, Donald Trump, now that her mother Amalija Knavs has passed away. Amalija was more than a mom to Melania – she was her best friend and confidant. According to the source, it was Amalija who advised Melania to make her marriage to Donald work whenever problems arose. (like his alleged extramarital affair with a pornstar) Now that Amalija is gone, these insiders predict Melania won’t have her live-in support system, and she could easily decide to ditch Donald and love the rest of her life without his seemingly never-ending baggage. Time will tell…

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The former First Lady uses an expensive skincare line from a top Beverly Hills dermatologist, which is only available at the doctor’s office. Recently she was delighted to learn they they were having a Black Friday sale. She ordered $20,000 worth of serums, moisturizers, and anti-aging treatments. My source says Melania is a repeat customer and usually has the goodies delivered to her in Palm Beach, spending approximately $2,000 a month on the products. The stuff rarely goes on sale, so Melania jumped at the chance to stock up, ordering a years supply in one swoop. Now here’s the funny part, Melania asked for FREE SHIPPING since the order was so large – and even though it wasn’t part of the promotion – she got it!

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We were first to report that Melania Trump was renegotiating her big fat prenup with Donald, and now we will be the first to tell you she plans on joining him on the campaign trial – for a PRICE! Melania has been missing in action while Donald zigzags across the country campaigning for his old job back. According to our well placed insider, Donald feels Melania’s absence is hurting his campaign, especially with female voters, so they’ve hammered out a deal. Melania will pocket $100,000 each and every time she appears by his side at a campaign event. Think about it:  if there are three events in one day, she takes home $300,000!

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Way back in March we told you that Melania Trump had secretly started to renegotiate her prenup with her cheating husband, former President Donald Trump. Complicated prenups involving millions, if not billions of dollars, take a lot of TIME to hash out and now SIX months later, the Daily Mail has confirmed our story. (See link below.) We hate to brag, but once again our political source was spot ON with this scoop. This is the same person who  whispered in our ear that Donald planned to sell merchandise with his mugshot plastered on it – and that’s exactly what he DID!

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