Sarah Palin’s name was announced as John McCain’s running mate, we sense a deliriously heightened air of political excitement and the feeling that democrats are scrambling to respond to this news carefully. It is HUGELY gratifying to finally have a female candidate, but we do wish she were more moderate – especially socially. Whether she’s the perfect candidate or not, she IS a woman and she represents a long overdue step toward “equality” that American women have been denied for so long. Don’t underestimate this political maneuver- it is a giant step for womankind.



  1. PDS is spreading like a plague.
    Palin Derangement Syndrome…..PDS

  2. OMG! Her daughter is preggers AGAIN! “17 and will marry the father…Senator McCain and advisors knew of this beforehand…”

    “Okay. John McCain chose Sarah Palin without vetting her. That was his rash, impulsive decision. But, it’s time to untangle the Sarah Palin story — and it’s becoming clear that the only person who can really do it is Jerry Springer.
    Let’s review: Sarah is one of those fundamentalist types who like her new partner, John McCain, supports abstinence education. Yet, Sarah’s 17 year old daughter is five months pregnant. That story came out to put an end to rumors that Sarah herself is actually the grandmother of her fifth child:
    The 17-year-old daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is pregnant, Palin said on Monday in an announcement intended to knock down rumors by liberal bloggers that Palin faked her own pregnancy to cover up for her child.
    Either way, like her daughter, Sarah may have gone down that pre-marital sex path herself.
    Then, we have Sarah’s sister and her ex-husband. That divorce seems like one for the ages. It’s resulted in an investigation of the Governor for possible abuse of power. The details of the divorce have been showing up in articles — it’s very ugly. And, there are a lot of offspring in that clan:
    “Wooten was counseled by my husband to join Molly in acting civilly and with maturity during their divorce — for the sake of the nine kids they and Wooten’s girlfriend have between them all — and who are adversely affected by their circumstances. Wooten evidently took umbrage with the advice and that day told Molly she’d better ‘put a leash on your sister’ or he’d ‘bring Sarah Palin down.'”
    There’s even an in-law squabble. Sarah’s mother-in-law (who “still hasn’t decided which way she’ll vote”) dissed her to the NY Daily News:
    “I’m not sure what she brings to the ticket other than she’s a woman and a conservative. Well, she’s a better speaker than McCain,” Faye Palin said with a laugh.
    And, then, there’s Todd, the “First Dude.” Note how many times his name pops up in the scandal stories. Seriously, Todd is at the center of all of this.
    Like it or not, you have to admit, this is tailor made for Jerry Springer. Let Jerry do the digging the McCain campaign didn’t do.”

    “Okay. John McCain chose Sarah Palin without vetting her. That was his rash, impulsive decision. But, it’s time to untangle the Sarah Palin story — and it’s becoming clear that the only person who can really do it is Jerry Springer.
    Let’s review: Sarah is one of those fundamentalist types who like her new partner, John McCain, supports abstinence education. Yet, Sarah’s 17 year old daughter is five months pregnant. That story came out to put an end to rumors that Sarah herself is actually the grandmother of her fifth child:
    The 17-year-old daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is pregnant, Palin said on Monday in an announcement intended to knock down rumors by liberal bloggers that Palin faked her own pregnancy to cover up for her child.
    Either way, like her daughter, Sarah may have gone down that pre-marital sex path herself.
    Then, we have Sarah’s sister and her ex-husband. That divorce seems like one for the ages. It’s resulted in an investigation of the Governor for possible abuse of power. The details of the divorce have been showing up in articles — it’s very ugly. And, there are a lot of offspring in that clan:
    “Wooten was counseled by my husband to join Molly in acting civilly and with maturity during their divorce — for the sake of the nine kids they and Wooten’s girlfriend have between them all — and who are adversely affected by their circumstances. Wooten evidently took umbrage with the advice and that day told Molly she’d better ‘put a leash on your sister’ or he’d ‘bring Sarah Palin down.'”
    There’s even an in-law squabble. Sarah’s mother-in-law (who “still hasn’t decided which way she’ll vote”) dissed her to the NY Daily News:
    “I’m not sure what she brings to the ticket other than she’s a woman and a conservative. Well, she’s a better speaker than McCain,” Faye Palin said with a laugh.
    And, then, there’s Todd, the “First Dude.” Note how many times his name pops up in the scandal stories. Seriously, Todd is at the center of all of this.
    Like it or not, you have to admit, this is tailor made for Jerry Springer. Let Jerry do the digging the McCain campaign didn’t do.”

  5. “i am noticing the right wingers are all listing as their name, anonymous.”
    Kelley, I don’t believe this comments are real. Maybe a small %, but I am sure the comments “for” Palin are actually from people who get paid by the republiCON party or that pig himself, rove.
    Who cares what they say, they are NOT going to convince the American people to vote for McSame when they know they he will continue the same policies as bush.
    McSame = more wars, more taxes (for the Middle class and none for the rich), more budget deficits, more increases in gas prices, more division, etc.
    And let’s not forget McSame will bring the draft back for his 100 years in Iraq.
    Again Kelley, and you true bloggers, don’t worry about the pro-Palin comments. Most of them of the “anonymous” ones are really the same people being paid $6.25/hour.
    But hey, they at least bring some COMIC RELIEF! 🙂
    Presdent Obama 2008!

  6. Ooooowee, she does have a helluva large square jawline. McCain just has a growth on his jaw.
    How many times has “The View” had near-screaming matches when discussing politics/religion. Everyone believes what they believe and that’s that, no need to get worked up about it.

  7. Obama favors late term abortion and infanticide. So it’s OK to kill babies but not moose?
    You compare a baby to a moose?

  8. “Obama favors late term abortion and infanticide. So it’s OK to kill babies but not moose?”
    No he doesn’t, you are lying. Are you an educated person? You certainly don’t sound like it. You must watch The Faux News Network too. Which has been proven to to have the least educated audience in Cable News.

  9. this is an open letter to john mccain and sarah palin:
    dear republicans, you are liars. do you really expect me to believe this old woman popped out this baby and that poor little daughter bristol is in fact now pregnant. please do not insult the american publics intelligence. just be honest that is all we ask. democrat or republican it doesnt matter. I might have been born at night but not last night. you people are liars, sarah palin you are a disgrace to all women who want to get ahead through real hard work and not story weaving. you disgust me, go back and crawl under the rock you came from in alaska, the state no body cares about. I liked you initially, you are a repulsive human being, how could you treat your own family so poorly. mccain you are a desperate old man. you filth bucket, ill equiped to run cindys life let alone a country. I hate you. you are everything that is wrong with this country. is obama better, who knows but you are not the man to lead the US. go back to your prison camp you obviously didnt learn anything about decency there the first time.


  11. Dear 1:09 p.m. I am not a liar. Do your homework. Obviously you don’t read anything but the far left smear blogs. And you are a perfect example of the destruction of our schools and propaganda that the communists have wrought on this country. They prey on the young and ignorant like you.

  12. Dear no way
    You sound like such an intelligent and educated person — NOT! Another example of the hatred and ignorance that the far left of this country has wrought. You must be a very unhappy person. One can only assume that you had terrible parents and a very abusive childhood to have so much blatant hatred in your heart. How old are you anyway? Two?

  13. I check out this web site on occasion and I am pretty appalled at the hatred of the lefties. Where does all your hatred come from? You are all always saying how liberal and tolerant you are but nothing could be further from the truth. Basically you all sound like crazy Nazis. None of you seem to know much of anything. The lack of education is obvious.

  14. Wow!. What a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, name calling two year old liberals. Grow up much?

  15. “Fabulous choice! A woman who lives her convictions.” Yes, that “teaching abstinence only” thing really worked out in her household. What an insulting hypocrite! Tell the rest of the country to live, but don’t tell her family how to live!

  16. For those of you who may have fallen for Mr. Sinclair’s little “practical joke” about Senator Obama, you are forgiven. It’s unfortunate that lonely people feel they have to lie to make friends, but there it is. It turns out that Larry was in a mental hospital at the time he says he met Barack Obama. Sorry, Larry. Game over.

  17. Marianne,
    The difference between you and Bristol Palin is that you would abort (kill) the baby. Conservatives believe in the value and sanctity of human life. I’m sure her baby will be well loved and cared for. Maybe that is what has been missing in your life. Perhaps you never had the unconditional love of your parents. That would explain your hateful attitude. It is very difficult to raise a good child nowadays when there are so many slutty girls like you out there setting a bad example. Unfortunately your kind outnumber the good girls. What a shame.

  18. Oh my God..I had to laugh out loud at the Stupid remarks about Obama that he’s in favor of late term abortion! That’s such bull! Yeah, and he’s a terrorist too! LOL. The mind is such a terrible thing to waste.. you idiots.
    Your president Bush would rather kill our young men and women in a fake war and that’s ok?! I love you pro life conservatives that are ok with Bush sending our young men and women to war after he lied about weapons of mass destruction and he’s not impeached for lying?! But thank God he didn’t get a blow job! Now that’s a crime. Sex bad, murder good?!
    You don’t have a problem that over 600,000 innocent Iraqi civilians have been killed since this war started. I believe that’s more Iraqis killed than when Sadam was in power…and he was called satan? Bush also used that as a reason to start this war, that Sadam was a murderer. But hey, after all ALL muslims are terrorist right? And since Obama has a middle eastern name…well there it is. Evil doer. Oh, and now this administration and McCain wants to go to war with Iran. Do we want to kill off an entire generation?! And where is the money going to come from to pay for this war?! Oh you dumb bigot republican sheeples. Fox news has really done it’s job.
    Stupid people shouldn’t be allowed to vote! That’s how Bush was elected.

  19. The only thing that is missing thus far from this soap opera is the identity of the baby’s father.
    Just from the perspective of a soap opera, wouldn’t it be just awful if the baby Trig was the result of incest between the father Todd Palin and his daughter, Bristol?? awful awful. just awful.
    hope it isn’t true in real life……
    but in soap operas, well anything kooky happens.
    what a circus!

  20. This was on national news many times: During the Pledge of Allegiance, Barack Hussein Obama turned his head away from the American flag. He did not put his hand over his heart. He did not recite the Pledge with the rest. I swear I saw this on CNN, NBC, CBS, Fox. He is a closet Muslim. One day he was broke and the next day, it was announced he suddenly had $25,000,000. Many think he is backed by Saudi Arabia and surrounding Muslim countries. THESE ARE FACTS. Draw your own conclusions.

  21. Mooseburgers,
    The baby’s father has been identified as her boyfriend Levi. That’s all we know so far.

  22. Rusty forgot to take his meds. The men in white coats are coming to take him away, ha ha.

  23. Rusty forgot to take his meds. The men in white coats are coming to take him away, ha ha.

  24. Obama voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in the Illinois State Senate in 2002. It’s very easy to confirm. It can be googled. Also go to youtube – “Explosive Audio Found Obama arguing against BAIPA”.

  25. “Conservatives believe in the value and sanctity of human life.”
    Yeah, as she sends her son to Iraq, a WAR OF CHOICE to do what? Kill people. How many innocent men, women and children have died in Iraq, not to mention our own sons and daughters in a country that didn’t attack us and posed no threat and had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. So much for your sanctity of human life.

  26. John McCain crashed 5 Aircraft and graduated 5th from last in his class in Annapolis. Yeah! Just as stupid as Bush. 4 more years! 4 more years!

  27. 5:25! He still had to land his aircraft on the deck of a carrier! That alone takes more guts than you will ever have! You can’t be stupid and be a navy pilot! It just isn’t possible! I worked on a flight deck for 31/2 years so your not going to tell me any different

  28. What kind of a family are the Palin’s anyway?
    What kind of a wacko woman boards a plane while she’s in labor?
    What kind of a mother leaves a newborn Down Syndrome baby to campaign all over the country?
    What kind of a mother decides to run for VP of the US if she’s just given birth to a baby who needs her and if she’s just found out her unwed teenage daughter is going to have a baby?
    There is a lot about this woman that needs to be PROBED. In a country where the right wing makes “family values” their stock in trade, their cause, their reason to rule, the state of THEIR families need to be exposed.

  29. May Bristol Palin and Jamie Lynn Spears can get together for lunch. Jamie could give her some good advice on how to handle being an unwed mother, Jamie at 16 and Bristol at 17. Good stuff, politics again mixing with sho biz.

  30. What makes SP qualified? She sold a plane on ebay! Did you know that? That’s what republican party’s response was as to her qualifications for office on Larry King. I sold a Coach pocketbook once…maybe I’ll run.

  31. People have a short memory. 911 hello. If we had another happen all you tree hugging Dems would change your tune real quick! McCain for 2008.

  32. People have a short memory. 911 hello. If we had another happen all you tree hugging Dems would change your tune real quick! McCain for 2008.

  33. 11:25 you are right. America is fast becomming Mc Religions and cultures – which is why McCain represents REAL America. I am sick of giving away our country and our values. I do not approve of every culture & religion showing up here and not adapting to our ways. Whining that they don’t want Christmas celebrated or taking prayer out of schools and how it imposes on their so called rights.. The whole country is going to hell because even now we are foolish enough to allow a traditional Muslim to run for Presidency. It is not racism. It is about preserving OUR country. BHO is getting funding overseas – gee I wonder by whom? I don’t want foreigners taking over America – that is a change I don’t believe in. When in Rome – or get the hell out.

  34. Well the foreigners I know are the first to bitch about holidays like Christmas BUT they have no problem collecting the overtime pay for them.. I am voting for McCain. Sick of pressing 1 for English in MY country.

  35. Just like the nazis…right? Seriously…what the f-ck is wrong with you? Who raised you? Your way or the highway? Why don’t you go live in a hole with everyone that thinks and looks exactly like you and then you won’t have to worry about it. Go read the constitution….

  36. If they want to move here and speak english and preserve our culture fine. If not go back to where they are from. That dude from Finland was right. That’s not Nazi That is establishing boundaries so if you are a guest in MY home you are not rearranging my furniture. Why the hell do I have to press 1 for english in MY country? If I wanted to live in Mexico I would move there.

  37. If they want to move here and speak english and preserve our culture fine. If not go back to where they are from. That dude from Finland was right. That’s not Nazi That is establishing boundaries so if you are a guest in MY home you are not rearranging my furniture. Why the hell do I have to press 1 for english in MY country? If I wanted to live in Mexico I would move there.

  38. What does 9/11 have to do with anything? Iraq didn’t attack us, but we went to war with them anyway. As to who did attack us and killed three thousand on our soil, Osmama Bin Laden, Republican President G.W. Bush said on 3/13/02…
    “I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.” “I am truly not that concerned about him.”
    Look it up, that’s a fact. You can even see him say on YouTube. Explain that Republicans, why doesn’t the all mighty Bush care about who attacked us? We’re waiting…..

  39. Lately I have been coming here just to see the fake people with the same name “anonymous” and of course some made-up names. How creative. I’m impressed. NOT!
    I don’t worry much about this election.
    Palin selection pretty much put a naill in the cofin of the republiCON party. Oh, they can hire their $6.25 an hour nobodys to come to various blogs and talk all this crapola.
    Guess what I do? LAUGH!
    It truly is hilarious to see how deperate the republiCONs have become.
    I am so waiting for a new awakening in American.
    GO PRESIDENT OBAMA who will be sworn in on January 2009.

  40. Hey Fun Me,
    I’m sure that’s your real name. It’s much better than Anonymous. What a jerk!

  41. Hey 5:18 p.m. How do you think you got the freedom to walk around saying stupid, inane, idiotic things like you do? Because of our fabulous military. You must be one of those Kumbayah types who’s too chicken to defend your rights. AND we have a VOLUNTEER military you nincompoop. Loser!

  42. Wow. Is there any left wing intelligence in this world? What a bunch of ignorant haters.

  43. The ones who say liberals are the ones making hateful comments on here need to read ALL the posts. There are plenty of Republicans spewing their hate.

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