Sarah Palin’s name was announced as John McCain’s running mate, we sense a deliriously heightened air of political excitement and the feeling that democrats are scrambling to respond to this news carefully. It is HUGELY gratifying to finally have a female candidate, but we do wish she were more moderate – especially socially. Whether she’s the perfect candidate or not, she IS a woman and she represents a long overdue step toward “equality” that American women have been denied for so long. Don’t underestimate this political maneuver- it is a giant step for womankind.



  1. If the media thinks their gonna F*ck over Governor Palin the way they did Hillary, they got something else coming to them.
    Fishes, Hunts, sportscaster , basketball player , PTA mother of five , son in Iraq, great supportive husband, Journalist, Mayor of Wasilla , Beauty queen, Bucked her own party, got rid of corruption in her party and Governor of Alaska, decent uncorruptable.

  2. “Puleeze Janet! This woman is completely unqualified to be a VP and she’s a dipstick. Is a giant STEP BACK for women.”
    Palin has more experience running the government than ALL THREE of the other candidates …COMBINED.

  3. No Janet, having a female candidate who is not qualified for the position is not a good step for women or the country – it’s a terrible thing.
    She’s also no boon to motherhood. After all what woman who actually cares for the well being of her unborn child would choose to take an 8 hour flight to return home to have her child when she had already been leaking amniotic fluid for hours? Even more distressing is her insistence at passing a hospital well equipped to handle a pre-term baby, especially one already known to have down’s syndrome, in order to deliver at a lesser equipped facility?

  4. No Janet, having a female candidate who is not qualified for the position is not a good step for women or the country – it’s a terrible thing.
    She’s also no boon to motherhood. After all what woman who actually cares for the well being of her unborn child would choose to take an 8 hour flight to return home to have her child when she had already been leaking amniotic fluid for hours? Even more distressing is her insistence at passing a hospital well equipped to handle a pre-term baby, especially one already known to have down’s syndrome, in order to deliver at a lesser equipped facility. Sorry, this candidate is an inexperienced hypocrite, not someone to admire.

  5. I am shocked that this profanely named by the media PUMA (party unity my ass)women would think that supporting Hillary means that you must now take any woman offered. That’s the cult of the woman not the choice of a wonderfully qualified candidate who fights for abortion rights and decent Supreme Court Justicekolls and health care. Sarah Palin cares for none of those things. Recently she asked someone what the Vice President of the country did! Colleagues in Alaska say that it was a steep learning curve for her to be governor and that they can’t imagine anything further. McCain met Palin once and was until last week going to choose Leiberman as his running mate. Cries of evangelicals drove him to Palin, who is still reeling from her home state scandal. Don’t be foooled by this gimmick. We’re not casting a sit com, here. And having her run falls into the Dan Quayle category, not an historic move, Janet.

  6. Each one of us could govern 1 person for every mile. BFD.
    How long do you think she would have lasted in an 18-month primary?
    A step for womanhood would be to now see Hillary on the Supreme Court keeping a women’s right to choose in tact.
    Biden is going to cream her in the debates.
    Bring it.

  7. Janet, who is the ‘we’ you are referring to?
    Palin is the female equivalent of Goebbels.

  8. Choosing her is an insult to ALL women, except those who are ideologically aligned with her – and they can have her. She stands for nothing progressive; she has no platform that will in any way distinguish her; she is nothing more than a token; in fact, if one were to take a somewhat cynical perspective (who me?) she no more represents women than any male candidate would. And why would any political party WANT a female candidate to represent women? I predict she will fail miserably in attaining any goals the party has for her.

  9. Oh, please!
    The only women who will be persuaded to vote for McCaine because his VP’s a woman are women who think it’s better if men run everything!

  10. Obama is a glorified speaker who has another agenda and it ain’t pretty. Go McCain!!!!

  11. This is typical of repulibliCONs. They pick an unqualified candidate with no national or foreign license experience.
    McGramps should have just gone to a 7=11 and pointed at a woman and said “You!. I have selected YOU! to be selected to be my VP candidate for VP.”
    This is so typical of the CONservatives of the Bush regime. They want to be in power for only 10% of the population (i.e. the rich) and they continue to LOWER the level of competence of those in the government.
    McSame just handed Obama the president.
    Living it and loving it!

  12. Obama is a glorified speaker who has another agenda and it ain’t pretty. Go McCain!!!!

  13. I just want to keep this country
    One Nation Under God… NOT – One Nation under Allah.
    Barrack Heusain Obama – no thanks.

  14. that will be a hell of a commute from Alaska to washington d.c. not green

  15. 1:10 PM, (I am smart) is correct. It was on CNN, CBS and ABC ….. he did not put his hand over his heart for the pledge of allegiance. He did not look at the American flag. He did not repeat the pledge of allegiance. This was shown on the National News casts several times. I’m not that wild about McCain and the beauty queen, but he’s better than a lying Muslim who has an agenda against the U.S. I also think he is in cahoots with Muslim countries….we will find out in the worst possible way if this unknown big-eared jerk wins. Plus, Michelle just does not look like a
    first lady, and I’m not talking about her color. She has a funny bulge just under her lower lip..what the hell is that.

  16. I LOVE SARAH PALIN!! Yes, she is very conservative but, I’m excited about such a large step for women-kind. HELL YEAH!!

  17. TALKERS are fine for listening but a woman cares!!

  18. I don’t care if she’s a woman,sShe’s anti gay and anti a woman’s right to choose! Gay’s and woman are tax paying Americans and deserve rights! Who is she to tell them how to live?!! That to me is un-American! She doesn’t believe that Global Warming is man made?! Not to mention that McCain wants to go to war with Iran, that’s un-American! This country never went out to pick fights. We went to war if we were threatened or attacked. What are all you people going to say when they implement a draft and they take more of our young men and women. Wake up people, They’ve sold you a bill of goods that if you are anti war you’re un-American. I love my country and would like to see those billions we spend on this stupid war on schools and medical care for AMERICANS. McCains just another tool for big business.
    Have we forgotten that Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction and has bankrupted this country? He should be impeached! Do we really need four more years of that bad behavior?!

  19. Palin is an insult to both Women and Feminism… Her Phyllis Schaffley / Anita Bryant Mentality is utterly Barbaric.. She has no real political experience except for being a Mayor and now Governor for a year and a half……
    She is into Pro-Life and has a child with Down’s Syndrome.. She should be the good Christian Wife she claims to be and stay at home and tend to her Disabled Child… Not getting into the political arena..
    What good Christian Woman can advocate Pro-Life and then KILL Animals for fun? She obviously need to get her Priorities in order..
    One cannot compare her to Women like Barbara Boxer or Hillary Clinton because she is so clueless as a Human Being not to mention as a WOMAN!!!
    McCain should have asked for Paris Hilton to be on the ticket.. Paris is not the sharpest knife in the drawer but Palin makes her look like a a Harvard Graduate..

  20. “If anyone thinks Obama is not a Muslim, think again. He will deny it to the end, but he is a Muslim. Have you ever heard of any Christian with the middle name of “Hussein”. Yes he is a Muslim, and anyone who votes for him apparently could care less about 9-11…”
    Wait a minute–you think spreading that pathetic and disproved rumor is going to convert people to McCain, a 72 year-old-cancer survivor who admits he doesn’t know much about the economy, thinks “rich” people are those with $5 million and doesn’t care if we stay in Iraq—for 100 years–who picks someone he has met once for VP even though she isn’t informed or ready to take over as commander in chief? Come on, if that’s all you can say to recommend McCain, I feel sorry for you.
    The governor of Louisiana converted to Catholicism but is Indian by birth. Does that make him a Hindu forever?
    That’s not even Obama’s case. Don’t forget the church going white Kansas grandparents of Obama or the attendance with Hillary at prayer breakfasts or babtism and prayer.
    People who cite 9-11 as a reason for everything (like Rudy’s to make him president although his failure to equip the firemen resulted in many deaths) are the worst kind of self-servers. It does an injustice to people who died to use it to speak out against a presidential candidate.
    Janet, you should stick to Hollywood gossip. I am not impressed with your political analysis or lack thereof.

  21. “If anyone thinks Obama is not a Muslim, think again. He will deny it to the end, but he is a Muslim. Have you ever heard of any Christian with the middle name of “Hussein”. Yes he is a Muslim, and anyone who votes for him apparently could care less about 9-11…”
    Wait a minute–you think spreading that pathetic and disproved rumor is going to convert people to McCain, a 72 year-old-cancer survivor who admits he doesn’t know much about the economy, thinks “rich” people are those with $5 million and doesn’t care if we stay in Iraq—for 100 years–who picks someone he has met once for VP even though she isn’t informed or ready to take over as commander in chief? Come on, if that’s all you can say to recommend McCain, I feel sorry for you.
    The governor of Louisiana converted to Catholicism but is Indian by birth. Does that make him a Hindu forever?
    That’s not even Obama’s case. Don’t forget the church going white Kansas grandparents of Obama or the attendance with Hillary at prayer breakfasts or babtism and prayer.
    People who cite 9-11 as a reason for everything (like Rudy’s to make him president although his failure to equip the firemen resulted in many deaths) are the worst kind of self-servers. It does an injustice to people who died to use it to speak out against a presidential candidate.
    Janet, you should stick to Hollywood gossip. I am not impressed with your political analysis or lack thereof.

  22. No, being a woman does not a caregiver make. Ask many husbands and sons and daughters about that.
    And what does she care about> Palin cares about teaching creationism in schools, preventing a woman’s right to choose, ignoring the possibility of equal pay for equal work–just go down the list that McCain offers. A couple of months ago she didn’t even know what a VP does (according to an interview with her) and now she thinks she can be one? McCain was set to pick Leiberman until last week, when social conervatives said they wanted her to shore up the base. Are women that stupid? I know some ex beautfy queens who are much more qualified than she is to run (take Diane Sawyer) and don’t think that they know foreign affairs because Alaska is close to Russia, as Cindy McCain (our expert) said.
    This is not a sit com people. If you vote for Sarah Palin because she’s a woman–well, take your medicine later. I’m ashamed that women could be manipulated that way.

  23. Funny how some of the moron demoncrats will quickly label a VP unqualified because she lacks experience yet support a Democratic nominee for President who has even less experience and is running on an empty tag line of HOPE.
    That’s why Palin is such a great strategic pick. She clearly focuses the issue of inexperience back onto Obama. All she is is a reflector of what’s wrong with Obama. In the end, people will see that McCain is the choice for someone that has experience because they will see Obama and his campaign as hypocrites to even dare label a VP as inexperienced.
    And why did Obama pick Biden as his VP? Because Obama has no EXPERIENCE AT ALL and Biden gives Obama gravitas.
    I know I will be voting for McCain now because he has a VP pick that is better prepared to be president than BaCrack Hussein oSHAMa

  24. To the dipschits who think a VP can do anything about abortion…a VP or a PResident can’t. So her views on abortion mean nothing.
    Say that they put up judges who overturn Roe V Wade. Does abortion become illegal? NO, it doesn’t.
    What happens is that the issue goes back to the state legislatures for them to decided. That’s right. Each 50 states, not 58 states according to barack, would decide if Abortion should be legal in their state. Before Roe V Wade, ~70% of the states allowed abortion. Even in California is was legal. And you know who made it legal? None other than Ronald Reagan. I know, many of you brain dead idiots are shocked to learn this. YEs, Reagan was against abortion but he understood it was a state’s right and he knew the people of califronia wanted it. He did not think it was a Federal issue and didn’t want the federal government involved in it. He was and still is right about it. It’s a state’s issue and it should be resolved at the state level. Not by 8 unelected judges who are not suppose to create legislation.
    It saddens me that so many people today are ignorant about history and how our government works.

  25. 9:14 It converted me! Barrack Muslim Husein Obama is bad for this country. No to Obamuslim.

  26. 9:14 It converted me! Barrack Muslim Husein Obama is bad for this country. No to Obamuslim.

  27. hey folks, it’s not 1958 anymore and the red scare is over.
    Calling a person a “communissssssssss” is a lame attempt to NOT discuss the issues that are relevant to our country.
    Dismissing Obama as a Muslim means nothing other than YOU are a redneck.
    Americans are Muslim, Hindu, Shinto, Catholic, Jewish, African, Asian, Latina, European and everything in between.
    Didn’t anyone anyone ever tell you this?
    Go back to the Ozarks, we don’t need your kind interrupting serious discussion about the challenges our country faces.

  28. Yesterday was John McCain’s 72nd birthday. If elected, he’d be the oldest president ever inaugurated. And after months of slamming Barack Obama for “inexperience,” here’s who John McCain has chosen to be one heartbeat away from the presidency: a right-wing religious conservative with no foreign policy experience, who until recently was mayor of a town of 9,000 people.
    Who is Sarah Palin? Here’s some basic background:
    She was elected Alaska’s governor a little over a year and a half ago. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage.1
    Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.2
    She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000. 3
    Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.4
    She’s doesn’t think humans are the cause of climate change.5
    She’s solidly in line with John McCain’s “Big Oil first” energy policy. She’s pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won’t be ready for years. She also sued the Bush administration for listing polar bears as an endangered species

  29. Wow she has vagina, and I have a vagina so I’ll vote for her! There’s a reason the forefathers didn’t give women the vote.

  30. Why do Republicans hate America? They don’t seem to care who they put in office, look at what the highly qualified Bush/Cheney has done to the country.

  31. To the dipschits who think a VP can do anything about abortion…a VP or a PResident can’t. So her views on abortion mean nothing.It saddens me that so many people today are ignorant about history and how our government works.
    I think they do. They just want to dirty the war
    hoping that if you throw enough mud some will
    However didn’t work for me. I am still voting

  32. Wonder how long it took 6:23 to type that nonsense? As far as obama goes. I don’t care if he is a muslim or not. He is a socialist and a chicago democrat. Both things are bad. There isn’t very many things more corrupt than a chicago politician. Socialism has been proven not to work over and over again but people still insist on it. Makes no sense. They just change the words around. Like calling themselves progressives. Its the same nazi bs no matter how you look at it. I love rugged individualism, limited government, decreased taxes, rights for the individual NOT the group. Mrs Palin has shown she is a proponent to all of these things.

  33. To the dipschits who think a VP can do anything about abortion…a VP or a PResident can’t. So her views on abortion mean nothing.It saddens me that so many people today are ignorant about history and how our government works.
    sounds like someone needs to go back to high school and take a government class (I’m guessing you think the country is and should be run on so-called “Christian” values in whichever bible translation you choose to read too). Who do you think nominates the Supreme Court justices? These are life long positions so any damage done (i.e., the religious mandate they plan to enact) will outlast the administration and set the country back generations. What a lovely a back-water this country will become under a McCain-Palin administration – first state sponsored fundamentalist Christian religion taught in public schools starting with creationism and then what? shall we bring back the flat earth society too?

  34. She’s a liar who is pretending her grandson is her own baby. She wants to outlaw not only abortion but birth control. I guess that’s why her daughter carried the baby to term while she was out of school for 8 months with “mononeucliosis.” Palin is an unqualified right-wing “Christian” fascist. Janet if you think this is progress, I suggest you stop reading USWeekly and start reading some newspapers.

  35. Fabulous choice! A woman who lives her convictions. Obama is completely unqualified to be POTUS. Dems should have flipped their candidates.

  36. “To the dipschits who think a VP can do anything about abortion…a VP or a PResident can’t. So her views on abortion mean nothing.It saddens me that so many people today are ignorant about history and how our government works.”
    The President picks Supreme Court Justices, and YOU talk about “dipschits”.

  37. “Fabulous choice! A woman who lives her convictions.”
    Yeah, Pro-Life but kill for fun.

  38. Obama favors late term abortion and infanticide. So it’s OK to kill babies but not moose?

  39. Hey 7:59! Big difference between killing a humane being and killing an animal! Obviously you value animals over humanes! Thats a shame

  40. To 9:32 p.m. “It saddens me that so many people today are ignorant about history and how our government works.”
    Excellent point and the ridiculous and outrageous comments here prove your point. Our schools have been on the downslide since 1966. Our educational system and media have been taken over by the far left which has been propagandizing young people since then. I am 62 years old and have watched in horror as the communists have reached their goals. If anyone is interested please research “Communist Goals 1963” and you will see what so many of us have watched happen to our wonderful country the last 40 years. This is based on a book by a former FBI specialist in communism under J. Edgar Hoover. It was originally published in 1958 as a text to explain communism to high school students. Most high school students today do not have the reading or comprehension skills to understand the book.

  41. To 7:15 a.m. I am sure you must be one of our lost souls who thinks the Constitution requires separation of church and state. It does not! It requires that we not establish a state religion such as the Church of England or the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It was the left wing Supreme Court that CHANGED THE CONSTITUTION FROM THE BENCH when ONE ATHEIST, Madalyn Murray, and her communist lawyer sued the city of Baltimore. This is why the presidential election is so important. The next president will likely appoint several justices to the Supreme Court. We must get the court back to the kind of strict constructionists that they should be so that uneducated, ranting left wing loons like yourself can be stopped from taking rights away from everyone who does not agree with your lunacy.

  42. Excuse me 8:53 but you have no right nor the invitation to evoke your religion on me. Your religious beliefs begin and end at your front door.

  43. Well there ya go. She admitted today her 17 year old unmarried daughter is pregnant. Talk about those Republican Family Values. Do as I say and not as I do!

  44. Anonymous 5:01 am.m, or whatever the hell your name is, I laughed out loud when I read your post. Here is a brief example of your incredible hyopocricy…
    …”Real women like Sarah Palin.”
    That’s what YOU believe, correct? And if other women don’t agree, they’re not REAL women, correct? LOL AGAIN! You just described yourself, moron. The whole gist of your pathetic post is that liberals believe what they believe and anyone who doesn’t agree, well, they just don’t count. Look in the mirror before you post, why don’tcha?
    And then there’s this priceless gem…
    “…It’s interesting to see all the liberal scumbags on here and in the democratic party start to rip a woman apart because she doesn’t believe what they believe. See, in the liberal world, woman’s rights only applies to women that believe exactly what they believe. If they don’t, well, they just aren’t women.
    There are no liberal woman who believe womnen’s rights only belong to a few select women. They believe that ALL women should have equal rights. You might want to learn something about the subject before you go shooting off your stupid mouth. Makes you look less like a jackass.
    At least I had the guts to use my real name.

  45. i am noticing the right wingers are all listing as their name, anonymous. goes to show how much they believe in their candidate, if you don’t have the spine to even list a fake name. we will never debate the issues, as having a reality mentality tastes better to most folks. instant gratification, by spitting out hate. there is no answer, we’ve fallen too far, IT IS CERTAINLY THE FALL OF ROME. so enjoy your taste

  46. The Wise Women behind their man have given a better life and moral impact on a lot of citizens.. whether or not you think the US desires more conservative, patriotic governing now while they throw out the wasteful liberal crap, is a sure bet. No matter what your lifestyle and opinions.. you greatly desire Integrity from your leaders, less taxing, freedom of expression and depend on fair, just and moral rules and regulations for the good of all., considering the weakest in the whole the most important. Make America strong. Stop over taxing and budget your own country before you attempt to try and save the world and end it’s woes.

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