“katyperry “russellbrand #janetcharlton

Russell Brand is squirming just a little, as finishing touches are being put on a documentary that he appeared in with his estranged wife Katy Perry while they were married. In 2010 it seemed like an OK idea to agree to be in the documentary called “Part of Me” about Katy’s life. Their romance, marriage, and the disintegration of their life together is all on film. Brand would LOVE the footage of their marriage to be cut OUT, but it’s not going to happen. Now he can only hope that he doesn’t get “The Kardashian Kut.” That’s when his moments on camera are cleverly cut to make him look bad – like when Kim K doctored her reality show so that her ex Kris Humphries looked like the villain.

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  1. What actually happened here? Was it a fly-by-night-romance? Was it beard duty? Did she dump him because she saw he wasn’t as successful as she had hoped he would be? Were they just too different once the lust ran out?

  2. Hopefully Russell don’t have the same PR pigs the Fartrashians are using (ie: themselves, aka: Demons R Us)Somethings like marriage or your private life should be kept private. Unfortunately in this day & age, big brother is always watching, a celeb should be watching even more & at all the times.

  3. I doubt she’ll do that. In my opinion, these 2 got married too quickly but they clearly loved each other and it wasn’t for show. Anyone ever see pictures of their wedding let alone see it on a special?

  4. No way could even one frame of his image be in that film without his signed release. He was lucky to escape that religious kook. Big boobs, no brains. He’s too good for her.

  5. Brand certainly doesn’t need any assistance in looking bad. It’s doubtful Katy will do a kartrashian on him.

  6. Americans will gladly empty their wallets and purses to watch this rubbish.

  7. Russell was on Rachael Ray a few months ago and it was a total disaster. He looked like he was high or on something and kept trying to be funny and there was little audience laughter reaction. He kept interrupting Rachael and she was clearly ill-at-ease. The more she tried to be cool, the worse it got. He may be a very sad man inside.

  8. Indy, He seems to try so very hard to appeal to the American audience. Perhaps, he is more popular in England??

    I hope he has an opportunity of some kind (maybe a supporting role in a movie?) with a good comedic script where he could shine and find his niche here.

    There is a part of me that wants to see him successful. Given all the crap that he has been through in his early life.

  9. Kris Humphries was very dense, self centered, and rude!

  10. Walt,

    You’re right. I hope he finds what he is looking for. Right now, he seems kinda lost and pitiful.

  11. being a public FAGGOT attracks much more fans…….

  12. He looks unwashed and ignorant. His image is on his face. No one cares about anything about Katy except for her boobage.

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