We were impressed with an observation that the NY Post’s Andrea Peyser made about the Oscar nominated movie “Precious.” She pointed out that you don’t often see movies coming out of left-leaning Hollywood that show the results of welfare dependency in a BAD light. The agonizing story of teenage Precious features her sadistic mother, played by Mo’Nique, who won’t leave the house as long as her monthly checks arrive. The dysfunctional family knows all the tricks to maximize their government assistance. Andrea points out that the REAL villain in this movie is the SYSTEM that rewards horrendous behavior while financially punishing those who are productive. How right she is.
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I’m always surprised by how dull witted you can be. Surely your analysis of the welfare system can penetrate beyond the staggeringly obvious. Welfare cheats represent less then 3% of the overall costs, what do think the percentage of tax cheats are ? hmmmm ?
Stephanie you are in denial chick. Ild rather see tax cheats than people mooching off the Gov. or bleeding it dry by being illegal.
this because “FAT AMERICANS” are a serious health care problem!!
Just passed a black girl this morning about 16, pushing a baby carriage at about 8:00 a.m. out on 10th Ave. That’s the problem, these girls start having sex around 12 or so and are pregnant by 13!
Myself a left leaning liberal, I never have found Democrats excuse those who are in the “system” and propagate this parasitic relationship from generation to generation. What liberals believe is there has to be programs in place to give those in the “system” a way to get out. So far, “no child left behind” is the best the Republicans can do. They didn’t fund it properly and it was designed to demonstrate how great the program was and not designed to be effective.
The dysfunctional family knows all the tricks to maximize their government assistance
Wait until the government gets ahold of
health care…
Interesting how the “poor” always seem to have money for cigerettes, alcohol, drugs. Hell, even the moochers out on the street corners always have a cig in the hands! As long as they can spend money on that they’ll never get a cent out of me! And I couldn’t care less what happens to them. They did it to themselves!
The system is broken. Liberals like to think that welfare recipients are looking for a hand-up, but in reality, they are only looking for a hand-out.
Even at my grocery store it mind-boggles me how I will see SEVERAL women with one baby and PREGNANT as well on food stamps AND every single one of them has their nails done and their hair “did”. It is just inexcuseable. It’s like they are rewarded to keep getting pregnant.
your analysis of the welfare system is one sided. there are many ‘aspects’ of this system.
i have no problem going after welfare cheats, but let’s get the cheats at the top too (corporate america, etc).
no ‘system’ is perfect, it may just needs to be managed better.
The welfare system is broken and needs to be fixed. But the libs/progressive/democrats want to keep it as is because it keep people dependent on the government and we know these politicians and their sycophants are for big government.
Also, the recepients are white women, blacks, and hispanics. They are all equal opportunity smoochers. They will vote for obama and his ilk to stay on the moneywagon.
There are cheats in the system, but there are people it genuinely helps get on their feet, too; and I would hate to punish them for the grifters (who will either go around making more direct thefts from people or move along to some other fraud).
This is unemployment, not welfare, but I knew a guy who got laid off and got unemployment and worked his ass off to find other jobs; and it kept him from being homeless.
It is even harder to get a job when you’re homeless. I knew a woman who I am pretty sure was homeless, was qualified as a teacher (and was bright); and her only way of keeping in touch with potential employers and working as a substitute teacher at sometimes less than six hours’ notice, was a pay as you go cellphone. (Hard to keep clean and fresh having to move from shelter to shelter, too)
If you want fewer teen pregnancies, start offering true sex ed. People who are educated about birth control and the realities of parenting are *far* less likely to wind up accidental young parents than are those who are raised with the idea that sex is evil and “just saying no” will always work (it’s never worked with any culture in any period throughout any history we have access to, so just why would what never worked in the past suddenly start working now?!)
WOW! Did Janet Charlton say that? You’re as “left-leaning” as they come and you actually spoke truth! Good for you…now if we could just get you to stop Jesus-bashing!
A lot of unwanted pregnancies come from being raped, by a family member or a serial rapist. Some are too dumb to even lock their doors or sliding glass doors. Where I live about a year ago, they caught a low-life who raped 12 and he said he entered thru an unlocked door.
President O used to be the chief organizer of these enslaved to poverty and welfare citizns raised to help vote and keep the demo’s party active in politics.. and he helped establish Acorn to get them the means and ways to beat the system too. Wife Michelle worked as heartless admin in hospital to toss out those who couldn’t pay.. Opposites attract.
Now this is most truest statement I’ve read on this site. Having delivered mail for years I know first hand most the statements here are very true. They don’t even think about bettering their lives they just ask where’s my check? Most people know the truth about welfare but don’t want to be honest with themselves that it should have a two year limit and that’s it. If you have more kids too bad. Helping people is being firm and telling them get a job or you’re on your own.
Hey Poopy Stryker……we just had a Republican president for eight years (in case you’ve forgotten) and there were millions of people on welfare then, too. So don’t blame Obama for all the welfare cheaters.
Hey Patty
I am not blaming obamao but he is not the savior of these folks in the welfare system. He is the instrument to keep them there because it is part of democratic party ideology. He fooled you well and I hope that hopey/dopey/change is working for you.
You know damn well the libs/progressive/dems love this system. ACORN, obamao support this systmem. Read about his role in Chicago. So if the shoe fits baby, he is wearing them well. It must hurt to know you are discovering your emperor is a fraud.
I am not a republican but I know their platform calls for people to be less dependent on welfare and the government. One reason why Bush got in trouble is because he didn’t do enough to clean out welfare and other wastful programs. His democrat loaded congress helped in his demise. The nanny state belongs to the dems and you know it. Don’t even try it dear.
You may call my position heartless but I know that while some people need welfare to pull through rough patches in life, I am working to keep at least two or three welfare moms on their backs while their boyfriends plunder away making more babies.
BTW, no matter who is president, this welfare system will always be there. But I won’t give a pass to the current guy either. Obamao is in his element. That means his party platform is at play with welfare.
PS: Who do you think these voting welfare folks (the cheaters that is) vote for the D or the R. Nough said.
Long live the USA
PoopyStryer,you are so right on! Run for office!
I love it when a plan comes together! It’s about time we get “ALL THE CHEHATS” in one place . . . JAIL!!
I love it!
Hey Barkely,
I just passed a young white girl this morning, she had to be about 14 carrying a baby at 7:30am on 18th. This is part of the problem too.
Precious is all about keeping emotions and feeling inside and not speaking out about abuse and fear and trama and drama and frustration and hurt and abuse that your taking at home and it is better to speak up and get everything on the table and yes welfare helps people who can’t help themselves but also it helps people help themselves to get off of welfare at the same time and of course tax payers are paying and yes it cost so very much and yes telling the truth and being honest is the right way to go.
SOME PEOPLE JUST TAKE ADVANTAGE AND SOME PEOPLE REALLY NEED THE HELP…Welfare is for Honest people who really need the help and lets face facts no one is ever going to get rich being on public help and yes some people really need the help in order to get off the system and just think about all the money that is wasted by the tax payers and just think about all the poor people that have to pay taxes.
People are hurting and what is wrong…It is family doing to this to each other and abuse should never be in the home..