Since Whitney Houston hasn’t been doing to well lately, we started wondering about what her ex Bobby Brown is up to. On Saturday he performed at a concert for a radio station in Atlanta with his group Heads of State. The other “heads” are Johnny Gill (Eddie Murphy’s longtime roommate) and Ralph Tresvant. Surprisingly, Mo’nique popped up in the audience, cheering Bobby on. Bobby needs the money. His baby mama Kim Ward hauled him back into court for unpaid child support. LaPrincia, 20, and Bobby Jr, 19, have college expenses! Through the years Bobby has been in and out of court and jail for late child support payments. So what did he do about it? He had another child with his current fiancee Alicia Etheridge.
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……or to much sperm?
100% spade city. Cut out welfare and put them to work!
Yo Bobby, here’s a chance for you to score again. Kim Kardashian misses her black lover and is jealous of Khloe who has the black Lamar Odom. She’s also jealous of Kourtney who has a baby with Scott Disick. She wants a black stud AND a baby. She just might waive all child support to shack with you (part time of course) and a kid. Perfect for you!!!
Someone concerned with another dating a black man. And no man, woman, or beast would want them.
Bobby B is definitely one of the most hideous “men” on this planet, and I don’t understand how he can get ANY female to screw him! I’d have nightmares! He’s a fat, over it, drunk, loser who was NEVER that talented to begin with. He used to be puny when he first started out, the only way he could get any size to him was to become obese. So, now he’s obese, ugly beyond words, and still a drunk, yeah ,he’s a real catch, I want THAT for my babydaddy!
Dude needs to learn to use a condom
I think it is wonderful for a Beautiful Black man like him to have more children aslong as he can and if you can get it up and get it in and get it out then that really rocks and if he payes his child support is great and I like Bobby Brown and…He is a fantastic singer and Thank God..He is creative in having children!!!They are the future and they are to go on for us after we are gone and of course people that want just one is placing all your eggs in one Basket and that is Dumb but hey other people have a right to do what they want and if he wants many children..THEN SO BE IT AND IF IT MAKES HIM HAPPY TO HAVE MORE THEN JUST ONE CHILD TO LOVE THEN SO BE IT AND WHO HAS THE RIGHT TO TELL SOME ONE HOW MANY CHILDREN THEY SHOULD HAVE?
No talent but he is at least straight and not as much a druggie than his ex wife. Send him off to a Mississippi work gang for a while and maybe he will pay his bills.
Whitney is meanwhile still having her carpet munched on on a regular basis!
Bobby Baby pay your kids off and you can do it honey just get your ass out there and sing.
Massive amounts of Talent and you have made millions and can do it again and all you need to do is just act and sing and pay those kids off and claim them all on your tax return and…I know you can do it and matter of facts with all the songs you have is enough to sing for the rest of your life and for know stop creating more music and stick with what you have and sing that forever and ever and ever…Trust me?