We just had to laugh when we learned that Melissa and Joe Gorga are too broke to make their mortgage payments and THAT’S why they just put their New Jersey mcmansion up for sale for 3.8 million. It seems like all these Real Housewives of New Jersey are anything but real. According to Radaronline, Melissa and Joe were living in a modest $500,000 house with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths before she was cast on the show. Joe had built the gaudy mansion on spec, hoping to find a buyer. As a builder, he got an interest free loan for a certain period of time until he sold the house. When his wife was cast on Housewives, they decided to move into the big house so they’d look wealthier than they are. And they ran up a LOT of bills keeping up the image. Now the interest free period on the loan is over and they can’t afford the huge payments so they have to sell. We wonder if exposure on the show will make the house sell faster…

About The Author


  1. People in America actually watch this rubbish?

  2. So that’s a fake whorehouse and not a real one?

  3. America is running on credit, janet. Do you laugh at that too?
    No gold to back the dollar. Foreigners are no longer buying america debts. the counterfit dollars that the feds print is credit debt, debt, I bet that is funny too.

  4. I think.its sad that children are losing their home. I dont think there is anything funny about it. And i understand that they dont need a mansión but to them.its just their Home n they have to b uprooted. Furthermore, who even knows if this is fact. Since u seem to be enjoying it so much maybe u made it up. U must b a Theresa fan. It shows u seem as ugly, jealous n mean as her n her SLOB the Blob Giudice. That is All!

  5. Looks like someone, other than myself has been reading

    Not a good story for the NJ Housewives franchisees. I wonder who could have possibly leaked this story? Joe’s sister Theresa, maybe?

    Lesson of the day is..we’re only as wealthy as our bankers allow us to appear to be.

  6. I hate to see anyone loose there home and have to redirect the family/kids. I only wish the Gorga’s the best of LUCK. Its a bad economy right now and selling the home will be hard, but fingers crossed.


  7. He is HOT he makes my pinky-size man meat throb!

    But they’re total tools and fools, reality tv changes folks for the worse.

    But I WOULD DO HIM FOR FREE if he would visit my double-wide trailer, that is. After dark. My folks don’t cotton to man on man lovin.

    …..THAT’S ALL FOLKS. “I hope for a piece of ass for peace and for a change”

  8. but this slut is living the sick californian lifestyle.

    (they can even fool americans in North Dakota)

  9. I doubt seriously that ANY of the so-called “reality” shows are real. Producers arrange things to look a certain way so the shows will draw viewers. That ain’t reality in my book.

  10. I know people in the midwest under these same living in their high end home (for the purpose of selling i.e. built before the bubble burst) and are having a hard time unloading it. The Gorga’s are in very good company. Bravo TV however portrays them in a different light and THAT’s what I find disturbing and wrong.

  11. Sometimes people just want to front themselves but they want everyone to pay attention to what they have and what we see is a place too big for so few people living in that space…Crazy to live beyond your needs and just think about how many hours you have to work to pay for all that space you don’t need!

  12. Why not just pay off your house you had before and be done with it…Put an end to paying off a house you can’t afford…That is crazy money grubbing and greedy way of life..When I See this woman shopping until they drop and spending crazy amounts of money…I Think to have there credit cards pulled and so that way they will not take what I make at work…Shopping and eatting out every day this woman seem to do…I Don’t see them cleaning the home and doing yard work and if a woman ever did that to me…Divorce her ass and leave her alone..

  13. That House is too big for so little group of people living there and…In life looking Rich and not being able to pay your bills is stupid and Dumb…Bills come first and what is left…You make ends meet and do the best with what you have…I do wish you luck on the new show and hope you can bail yourself out of this mess but if it was me…I would rent the place out and ask family to move in with me..Soon!

  14. “We just had to LAUGH when we learned that Melissa and Joe Gorga are too broke to make their mortgage payments and THAT’S why they just put their New Jersey mcmansion up for sale for 3.8 million.”


    I don’t care who they are. I could not get any pleasure or comfort out of someone losing their home.

  15. People are always trying to live High On The Hog but it is nice to see some one fail..Playing Rich and spending money before it comes in is stupid and you can Gamble and lose everything.?

  16. Nice to see that not only poor people have to lose but to see some one fronting off like they don’t have a worry in the world is sad…They could had just down sized and made every one see them as normal would had been a blessing for a house that big is crazy unless you can fill it up is Nuts.

  17. Think of the childreeeeeen. Bah, kids are the parents responsibilty. Who cares if they have to move? Military kids move every 6 months to 3-4 years. Exec’s kids move. It isn’t a horror, it’s just life.

  18. I agree with Nicole above, I’m sick of the whole, “feel sorry for me, I have kids” should have thought about that before hand. Too bad they weren’t thinking about their children. Another liberal statement. It’s ok, take more of my hard earned money for your welfare charity, that’s what will happen!

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  20. Bueno mi opinion es k errs Una hater ybuna envidiosa , ybme.imagino k tiene k vivir mejor k Ella, si Claro!!!!
    Pues he visto todo Los programs de nee jersey housewife y mi pensar k Teresa envidia al hermano y su esposo Joe es un hasco y un puerquito, la familia se valora y creo knlos gorga son de esa clase, ydi fueron striper se superaron como familia, mientras teresa estuvo k vender sus historias y copiar de las recetas de su madre para sobrevivir porn por lo k se vio su esposo gasta todo con sus amantes en, y sobre tu risa ridícula espero k nunca te pase.hago así y no tengas hijo
    Para k vea en propia carne.lo k se siente cuando la gente mala como tu le gusta en pelusar a las persona sin pensar en ti mismasdas mucha lastima y espero nunca abrir un diario y verte peor k ellos

    Espero k conozca a dios ante k al.diablo!!!!

    The mother
    Puerto rico

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