Kobe Bryant was driving out of the parking structure on Robertson Blvd and the attendant took his ticket and said “That’ll be five dollars.” Kobe scowled “Do I have to pay?” The guy said “Everybody pays” and Kobe smirked “I only have a hundred dollar bill.” The attendant took the bill and proceeded to count out Kobe’s change in a stack of small bills. Disgruntled Kobe stuffed the money in his pocket and gave the guy a disgusted look before he drove off. THIS from a man who didn’t flinch at a $21,000 tab for Cristal champagne at Blush in Las Vegas a few months ago!

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  1. Please Janet, this Negro star would not quibble over 5 dollars. We cannot believe this phony story.

  2. He looks cheap.. those clothes don’t fit him at all.. heh

  3. Cheap bastard !!!! next time he should fart in his car before he gets out !!!

  4. I’m not surprised at all. He’s always been arrogant…and he still looks like a gerbil.

  5. He is a jerk. Just like Marbury only he has a lot more talent, but they weren’t brought up with class and manners, so why would they have them now?
    Millions of dollars do not buy class…plus he is comp-ed everything. He thinks the parking garage is lucky to have him there.

  6. He is a jerk. Just like Marbury only he has a lot more talent, but they weren’t brought up with class and manners, so why would they have them now?
    Millions of dollars do not buy class…plus he is comp-ed everything. He thinks the parking garage is lucky to have him there.

  7. Why would you expect this whiny selfish man to act differently? He raped a young woman and then paid her off as well as his wife with her $4-million ring. Now those fans in LA want to make him the NBA most valuable player? It will be interesting to see if the NBA supports this known abuser of women.

  8. I heard he doesn’t like to pay for his sex either

  9. When you’re used to having everything handed/given to you, a sense of entitlement developes…and the richer they are the cheaper they get has always held true.

  10. I use to be a limo driver for a big company and one of the client’s is Kobe. I had the priviledge of driving Mr. Kobe Bryant (and i say Priviledge very sarcastically) the day after they won the Western Conference. I drove him here, drove him there. the whole time the smile on his face never went away. I don’t blame him, he just won the western title. So I’m thinking at the end of the day when i drop him off at his mansion in Newport Beach, I’m gonna get a nice tip from the guy. HaHaHa. All I got was a “thank you”. I mean dude, you just won the west, your in a really good mood and i just drove your but around for 9 hours! and all i get is a thank you? Believe it people. he is just like every other celebrity that i drove around. so tight, you could hear them squeek when they walk. and i drove around ALOT of famous celebrity on a day to day basis for 4 years.

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