Suri Cruise, 5, looks like a determined young businesswoman. Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise’s little girl has a mind of her own (she dresses herself and advises her mother what to wear) and probably thinks all kids are as indulged as she is. Since she’s home-schooled she may never find out how the other half lives. It’s too bad because she looks like she could use some little friends her own age.

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  1. It’s very creepy to see a little girl dressed up like a teenager. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a photo of her playing with any kids her own age, she’s always out with adults. It’s quite sad really.

  2. Not only home-schooled, but taught the Scieno-cult “technology” which basically results in illiteracy. Grown up products of this “education” claim they never got less than a B+ even if they didn’t get the concept. When they told the teacher they didn’t get it, they were told to study their “word definitions” and “model it” (in clay). Very bizarre way of teaching, guaranteeing the child never gets into university. They would never pass the SATs. But the cult wouldn’t want that anyway, the kids might see there is a different point of view of the world.

    Children have to play with other children to learn how to make their way in the world. Its very important; play is a child’s “work” so to speak. Suri is missing out on a vital part of her childhood. Not playing with her peers ensures she will have a very hard time co-existing with others her age. What will happen when she gets around people who don’t dote on her and think she is perfect? How will she respond and cope?

  3. Well, his first two kids were raised the Scientology way also. How did they turn out?

  4. Cruise should have married a “nobody” scientologist, and the kid could have play dates, and a somewhat normal life. Apparently Cruise needed a high-profile marriage for his personal brand marketing.

  5. I feel sorry for Suri. There is so much good in allowing children to make choices, of course. But this home schooling, if it does not include social activities with other kids, then Suri won’t learn conflict management. That means she’ll be spoiled and selfish and ANY person educated in early childhood development would know that. Scientology is bad, bad, bad.

  6. Scientology is worse than bad; there is not an adjective strong enough to describe it. If a miracle happens in the future and Suri somehow can get away from these demons, she will be kidnapped and kept prisoner to be de-programmed. SCI’s will stop at nothing.

    BTW, who is home-schooling her. Katie is not the brightest star in the sky.

  7. Anna said it all. Suri will never be allowed to get a real education, nor will she ever be allowed to socialize with non-Scieno children. She will never be allowed out of the cult. Even though she seems like a brat sometimes, I feel sorry for her because she will not ever be happy.

  8. Big doubts if Suri will be pierced and rapping,,,,she will be able to say a complete sentence.

  9. I just want to buy her a pair of jeans and sneakers so she can play outside and get dirty if she wants to. how sad this is.

  10. I definitely fall into the category of those who think Scientology is a creepy cult but none of us can say whether or not Suri knows “how the other half lives.” Gimme a break, I am sure the kid has friends. And by the way, Strom is living proof that a lot of non-Scientologists are much worse off in terms of being civil human beings.

  11. Amazing that someone would make a statement like that. Must be a overt or covert enabler.

  12. Just dashed off a check to the “Suri Cruise Future Therapy Fund.”

  13. Disgusting. Suri will be the next Willow Smith, backed by the pimp of all pimps Jay-Z.


  15. The shoes looks rediculous on a child this young. And if it’s true about her telling her mother how to dress, I am speechless.
    And THIS woman is “teaching” this child?

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