Tom Cruise


Tom Cruise is going for the gold and participating in the Olympics! Although he still does his own stunts, 61-year-old Tom is NOT becoming an Olympic athlete, but he IS filming a top secret promo for the upcoming summer games. According to an observant insider, Tom recently filmed part of the promo near the famous Hollywood sign – with plans to continue filming in other locations, including the host city of Paris. The games begin in July, so Tom has plenty of time to complete the promo, which will air during the opening ceremonies.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


File this under things that make you go hmmm… We couldn’t help but be skeptical when we read that blast from the past, Hulk Hogan, was a real life hero when he spotted an overturned car in Clearwater,(!) Florida. (See link from TMZ below) Hulk recently married yoga instructor Sky Daily who is a second generation Scientologist. We aren’t SURE if Hulk has joined the controversial group, but it looks like it. Hulk and Tom Cruise were seen sharing a private box at a recent Tampa Bay Buccaneers game! We aren’t trying to take anything away from Hulk’s supposed good deed, we can’t help but think that something smells fishy. Scientology has allegedly been known to stage accidents and then have their members conveniently be there to save the day. Years ago it seemed like Tom Cruise was playing a real life hero on a regular basis. He got lots of publicity for rescuing people on a sinking boat, and also saving a woman injured in a car crash, and taking her to the hospital, where he paid her bill. We’ll let YOU decide!

Photo: Instagram


We were recently SHOCKED to hear that the lovable and talented Chloe Fineman from SNL was born into a Scientology family! How devoted she is, we don’t know. But we DO know that SNL producers have for YEARS been trying to get Scientologist Tom Cruise to host or make a cameo appearance on the show and he has always turned them down. (Although two of his ex-wives HAVE hosted) Now the SNL top brass are urging Chloe to use her Scientology connection to persuade him to appear. Our inside source says Tom has avoided SNL because the show has poked fun at Scientology and HIM in the past. To her credit, Chloe has a sense of humor about it all, so she’s working to get Tom to bury the hatchet and make an appearance later this season.

Photo: IMDB


We are absolutely DELIGHTED to hear that Leah Remini is continuing her campaign of EXPOSING the truth about the church of Scientology with a 60 page lawsuit! This untaxed and corrupt “church” really has it coming. In the lawsuit, Leah points out that they have harassed and intimidated her and people around her and explains how they have caused her to lose business opportunities. I had a similar experience years ago when I revealed in Star Magazine that Tom Cruise was a Scientologist. I didn’t realize what a HUGE scoop it was. After that, fake lawyers started calling me to find out my source for the story. The phone company called and told me people “from several states” had tried to get a copy of my phone bill and warned me that they probably would succeed. They eventually DID. My source was a former Scientologist and when they got her name from my phone bill, they tormented her and made sure her family members who were still Scientologists never saw her again! When the truth about Scientology is finally revealed, Tom Cruise’s career will never be the same…


Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Tom Cruise is moving from city to city promoting Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning at premiers and he is always surrounded by what looks like dozens of burly security guys. Tom likes to chat with fans so he needs to be WATCHED. Are they Scientologists guarding him? Certainly the “church” would have a LOT to lose if something happened to Tom. Last year, Tom started getting serious threats after he fired a disgruntled stunt producer from the set. The angry guy sued Tom, director Christopher McQuarrie, and Paramount, and started a rumor that Tom’s films are financed by Russian oligarchs. Judging by the number of guards around him, Tom is still worried about SOMETHING…


Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


For years, Tom Cruise has been sending practically everyone in his address book the same Christmas present, a white chocolate coconut Bundt cake from Doan’s Bakery in Woodland Hills. As the story goes, his then wife, Katie Holmes was introduced to the cake by her Mad Money costar, Diane Keaton and it was love at first bite for Tom. Year after year we are bombarded with various celebrities like Rosie O’Donnell posting photos of the luscious cake she just received from Tom on social media so we finally caved in and gave it a try. We’re not Tom’s biggest fan, but when it comes to cakes he really knows his stuff. Now informally known as “the Tom Cruise cake” it was BEYOND delicious, well worth the price and every calorie!


This 2007 happy photo of Tom Cruise with Katie Holmes, Victoria and David Beckham and Will and Jada Smith is very revealing. When Tom married the popular Katie, he gained access to celebrities that he wanted to convert to scientology. This group was seen at many events together. Tom was dead-set on recruiting David Beckham and even built to soccer field on scientology property to lure him, but it didn’t work, according to Mike Rinder in his new book. Tom DID influence Will and especially Jada, enough to open a scientology school for young kids in 2008. It was called the New Village Leadership Academy, and featured images of L Ron Hubbard on the walls, and scientology books and philosophies. The elementary school ran out of money in 2013 and closed. In 2015 Will cut ties with Tom Cruise.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


She’s growing up fast, and everybody seems to think Suri Cruise, 16, looks like her mother Katie Holmes. But look closely- she is actually a dead-ringer for her father Tom Cruise! A young female version of course, but the resemblance is obvious. That’s probably not what anyone wants to hear, since Scientologist Tom has chosen to cut ties with his only biological daughter and hasn’t seen her for years. Tom’s latest movie Top Gun: Maverick has created quite a sensation – but has Suri even SEEN it? Her father might be the most famous actor in the world- presumably her friends and school mates ask questions about him. It must be SO awkward for her. The only good thing about this father-daughter problem is that Suri has been rescued from a life in Scientology…


Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


We can’t help wondering about John Travolta’s current ties to Scientology. At one time John was such a high ranking member that it was said he could get away with murder. John was the most powerful celebrity “church” member until Tom Cruise came along. He’s been a member since 1975 (remember the Battlefield Earth debacle?) but rumors are circulating that he is now distancing himself from the organization. They started after his wife Kelly Preston died of breast cancer in 2020. John praised the medical team that treated his wife, but it’s noteworthy that Scientologists are vehemently AGAINST traditional medical treatments like chemotherapy and radiation. Last year, John sold his big house in Clearwater, Florida, where Scientology headquarters are located, and didn’t look back. (Tom Cruise still has a house there) Nowadays John doesn’t say anything negative about Scientology, nor does he bring up the subject. He certainly does not want to anger the powerful and controlling church – bad things might happen. So if he DOES discreetly slip away from Scientology, we probably won’t know about it…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA  John greeting fans outside The Four Seasons hotel in Paris


We have not seen Top Gun: Maverick yet (lack of interest) but we MIGHT, since Roger Friedman suggested we read a tantalizing review by Luke Y Thompson for The Underground Bunker. Thompson points out that Tom Cruise as Maverick, is worshiped by every character in the movie, and those who disagree with Maverick, only do so because they have not yet realized the full goodness and greatness he possesses! Maverick has been pulled out of retirement to lead a final mission because nobody on the planet has been – or will be – as good as he is. His recent directors seem devoted to glorifying and flattering Cruise, above all else. They add extra scenes of Cruise running or speeding on a motorcycle without a helmet to emphasize his youthful masculinity – in every film. All this hype points to Tom Cruise being the most awesome guy EVER, and he’s loving every minute of it. So are the Scientologists.

Photo: Top Gun: Maverick