Harry Morton


An acquaintance of theirs just told us that that Lindsay Lohan and Harry Morton didn’t really break up at all – they PRETENDED TO so they could get more attention from the press! Who knows what to believe any more? Everyone was feeling sorry for Lindsay and she dragged Stavros Niarchos around town to help her “get over” Harry. Actually it looks like she and Harry are masters at drumming publicity for themselves . This week the pair turned up at perhaps the most photographed restaurant in the world = The Ivy = and pretended to be “working things out” while flashbulbs popped. Give us a break.


Was Lindsay Lohan’s romance with Harry Morton a FAKE from beginning to end? We told you about their mutual love of publicity and the many photo-ops they set up together to make themselves more famous. (Those “candid” shots are all staged!) Now we’ve learned that they share the same publicist and THAT publicist set them up to meet last summer at a beach house. This same publicist has arrangements to share information with the top celebrity magazines. So this publicist took credit for making Lindsay and Harry a famous couple and kept the magazines happily informed also. Lindsay might have even been PAID to make Harry famous. All because it would benefit his Las Vegas club. It sounds like a tidy business arrangement but it’s possible that Lindsay developed feelings for Harry. When Harry called it off and left for Las Vegas, Lindsay was hurt. So now she’s hooked up with Stavros Niarchos (another publicity hound ) to get even. Just keep those flashbulbs popping!


And here’s another example of a fake photo set up.. We hear Harry Morton and Lindsay share an equal passion for publicity. We’re told he WAITED OUTSIDE Cartier for photographers to arrive before he commenced with his fabricated ring shopping. The phoney story went everywhere, just as Lindsay and Harry hoped it would. Seeing is not always believing in Hollywood.