Stavros Niarchos


An acquaintance of theirs just told us that that Lindsay Lohan and Harry Morton didn’t really break up at all – they PRETENDED TO so they could get more attention from the press! Who knows what to believe any more? Everyone was feeling sorry for Lindsay and she dragged Stavros Niarchos around town to help her “get over” Harry. Actually it looks like she and Harry are masters at drumming publicity for themselves . This week the pair turned up at perhaps the most photographed restaurant in the world = The Ivy = and pretended to be “working things out” while flashbulbs popped. Give us a break.


Where Lindsay Lohan goes, trouble follows. We just got word that a fight broke out at Xenii last Saturday night. When Lindsay arrived at the after hours club with Stavros Niarchos and another guy, she headed right for her exboyfriend Wilmer Valderrama’s table. Obviously Wilmer has a problem with the 2nd unnamed guy. Sources say Guy #2 used to be Wilmer’s close friend – UNTIL he had a fling with Lindsay! The exfriend tried to buddy up to Wilmer but Wilmer smacked him and he swatted Wilmer back. Guards broke up the fight and Wilmer ducked out, leaving his bodyguard to sort things out. All this went down while Janet Jackson was performing onstage! Underage Lindsay was allowed to remain in the club as long as she promised not to drink. Stavros held her hand.