Let’s clear this up once and for all. Brad Pitt told Larry King that his romance with Angelina Jolie started AFTER he split up with Jennifer Aniston and he never cheated on his wife. For all you doubters- he IS telling the truth! Brad and Jen had decided to end their marriage long before he hooked up with Angelina. Long beforeFriends ended, Jennifer decided she wasn’t happy being married to Brad and had stopped trying to have a baby with him. It was Jennifer’s idea to split up. They were figuring out how to end it gracefully when he started filming Mr & Mrs Smith with Angelina. Angelina immediately set her sights on Brad and shamelessly turned on the charm. Brad was flattered but he didn’t reciprocate until he and Jen separated. Brad has never been a playboy or a cheater – in fact he’s one of the few faithful guys in Hollywood. Just ask Gwyneth Paltrow.


79 thoughts on “BRAD PITT IS A ONE WOMAN MAN

  1. Janet,
    STOP SMOKING CRACK. Brad cheated on Jen. 100% proof positive. Do you really believe anyone tells the truth on Larry King? Remember, Paris Hilton went on and said she never did drugs. You are losing credibility here if you believe Brad was faithful.

  2. Jesus Janet, at least have your time line correct. FYI from someone who isn’t even an “insider” as you claim to be, he was filming Mr and Mrs Smith before Jennifer finished filming Friends. That’s true so how could they have decided to split after Friends ended and were working out how to end it gracefully when he met and started working with Angelina? He had already been working with her prior to the end of Friends. Credibility slides down the toilet when you cant even get the time line straight Janet 😉

  3. Anonymous 12:18 AM, why don’t you try to get the timeline right.
    Brad started filming M&MS in January 2004 and Jennifer finished filming FREINDS in January 2004. They both happened the same MONTH.
    Here’s the full timeline:
    January 2004: Jennifer films final episode of FRIENDS.
    January 2004 – April 2004: Brad & Angelina film M&MS.
    May 2004 – June 2004: Brad films Oceans 12.
    July 2004: Brad and Jennifer break up behind the scenes.
    August 2004 – September 2004: Brad & Angelina resume filming on M&MS.
    January 2005 – Brad and Jennifer publically announce break-up.
    March 2005 – Brad & Angelina start dating.
    Janet is right Brad didn’t cheat on Jennifer, but you people have been brainwashed by the tabloids.

  4. Wrong. He was on set with Angelina Jolie instead of being with his wife while she was finishing her show. So yes, he was already working with her before Jennifer finished Friends. He started filming Mr and Mrs Smith before Friends wrapped. LOL, don’t talk about believing the tabloids, who are you quoting about the July breakup? The tabloids or a fans try hard justification of a relationship born out of infidelity?

  5. At least Janet admits Angelina set her sights on him from the moment she met him, turning on the charm even though he was married. Janet’s exact words, she’s not silly, only confirming what everyone already knew. Angelina Jolie set her sights on a married man and had to have him, just like she had to have Billy Bob Thornton while his wife to be had no clue. Shameless.

  6. I don’t care what happen brad and angelina are two sexy celebs who i hope stay together forever and ever . Let’s see what happens in the furtue with these 2 .

  7. ughhh puleaseee people why beat the dead horse again and again (horse=jen)’s over and done with.. brad is happy with angie and got the kids he’s been longing for a looonnnnnng time while married to Maniston.

  8. ughhh puleaseee people why beat the dead horse again and again (horse=jen)’s over and done with.. brad is happy with angie and got the kids he’s been longing for a looonnnnnng time while married to Maniston.

  9. When Brad and Jen took that final vacation in Jan 2005, he was wearing a t-shirt that said TRASH. It was implied at that time that that was when he officially broke up. That up until then, he had just grown very distant from Jen and she could see it but could do nothing. This is while Angelina was actually calling him (purely business related doncha know). They announce the split in Jan. He throws her a birthday party in Feb as if this is a nice breakup. Then W magazine comes out with their spring issue in May, which had to be photographed not long after the breakup. It was very Brad and Ang depicting a family. Jen was interviewed by Vanity Fair soon after, crying often, saying a “sensitivity chip” was missing. Her friend in the article said as sad as she was, it would be worse if Ang was pregnant. Of course moments after W, the tabloids had Brad and Ang vacationing together in Africa, never anticipating that photos would appear everywhere, in spite of all the denials. My view is, this was an emotional break up by Brad, a single minded pursuit by Ang and Jen, possibly thinking they would focus on family after the series ended, realizing too late. Angelina sealed the deal by being pregnant before the final papers were signed. Brad knows he better find a way to be happy with Angelina, because the fallout of a break-up with her now would be brutal. Funny how it appears even his own mother prefers Jen. Angelina appears extremely calculating and has someone mentioned, she did this before with Billy Bob, who was engaged.

  10. When Brad and Jen took that final vacation in Jan 2005, he was wearing a t-shirt that said TRASH. It was implied at that time that that was when he officially broke up. That up until then, he had just grown very distant from Jen and she could see it but could do nothing. This is while Angelina was actually calling him (purely business related doncha know). They announce the split in Jan. He throws her a birthday party in Feb as if this is a nice breakup. Then W magazine comes out with their spring issue in May, which had to be photographed not long after the breakup. It was very Brad and Ang depicting a family. Jen was interviewed by Vanity Fair soon after, crying often, saying a “sensitivity chip” was missing. Her friend in the article said as sad as she was, it would be worse if Ang was pregnant. Of course moments after W, the tabloids had Brad and Ang vacationing together in Africa, never anticipating that photos would appear everywhere, in spite of all the denials. My view is, this was an emotional break up by Brad, a single minded pursuit by Ang and Jen, possibly thinking they would focus on family after the series ended, realizing too late. Angelina sealed the deal by being pregnant before the final papers were signed. Brad knows he better find a way to be happy with Angelina, because the fallout of a break-up with her now would be brutal. Funny how it appears even his own mother prefers Jen. Angelina appears extremely calculating and as someone mentioned, she did this before with Billy Bob, who was engaged.

  11. Somehow I clicked into Janet’s website but ended up at Just Jared. Weird

  12. When Brad and Jen took that final vacation in Jan 2005, he was wearing a t-shirt that said TRASH. It was implied at that time that that was when he officially broke up. That up until then, he had just grown very distant from Jen and she could see it but could do nothing. This is while Angelina was actually calling him (purely business related doncha know). They announce the split in Jan. He throws her a birthday party in Feb as if this is a nice breakup. Then W magazine comes out with their spring issue in May, which had to be photographed not long after the breakup. It was very Brad and Ang depicting a family. Jen was interviewed by Vanity Fair soon after, crying often, saying a “sensitivity chip” was missing. Her friend in the article said as sad as she was, it would be worse if Ang was pregnant. Of course moments after W, the tabloids had Brad and Ang vacationing together in Africa, never anticipating that photos would appear everywhere, in spite of all the denials. My view is, this was an emotional break up by Brad, a single minded pursuit by Ang and Jen, possibly thinking they would focus on family after the series ended, realizing too late. Angelina sealed the deal by being pregnant before the final papers were signed. Brad knows he better find a way to be happy with Angelina, because the fallout of a break-up with her now would be brutal. Funny how it appears even his own mother prefers Jen. Angelina appears extremely calculating and as someone mentioned, she did this before with Billy Bob, who was engaged.

  13. When Brad and Jen took that final vacation in Jan 2005, he was wearing a t-shirt that said TRASH. It was implied at that time that that was when he officially broke up. That up until then, he had just grown very distant from Jen and she could see it but could do nothing. This is while Angelina was actually calling him (purely business related doncha know). They announce the split in Jan. He throws her a birthday party in Feb as if this is a nice breakup. Then W magazine comes out with their spring issue in May, which had to be photographed not long after the breakup. It was very Brad and Ang depicting a family. Jen was interviewed by Vanity Fair soon after, crying often, saying a “sensitivity chip” was missing. Her friend in the article said as sad as she was, it would be worse if Ang was pregnant. Of course moments after W, the tabloids had Brad and Ang vacationing together in Africa, never anticipating that photos would appear everywhere, in spite of all the denials. My view is, this was an emotional break up by Brad, a single minded pursuit by Ang and Jen, possibly thinking they would focus on family after the series ended, realizing too late. Angelina sealed the deal by being pregnant before the final papers were signed. Brad knows he better find a way to be happy with Angelina, because the fallout of a break-up with her now would be brutal. Funny how it appears even his own mother prefers Jen. Angelina appears extremely calculating and as someone mentioned, she did this before with Billy Bob, who was engaged.

  14. Somehow I clicked into Janet’s website but ended up at Just Jared. Weird

  15. If Brad and Angelina want to be together now, so be it. It looks like Jen has moved on. But they should stop trying so hard to portray themselves as saintly. The only ones they seem to have convinced also think Britney is due for a comeback any day now.

  16. If Brad and Angelina want to be together now, so be it. It looks like Jen has moved on. But they should stop trying so hard to portray themselves as saintly. The only ones they seem to have convinced also think Britney is due for a comeback any day now.

  17. This was the “perfect prey” fot Angelina. This was a man with a PUSSIE, a SISSY-BOY for real!!

  18. yes Janet,we all believe you have the intimate details of a Hollywood couple’s split. ha ha. Did Jen call you personally? bahhhhhh!

  19. If Jennifer truly wanted a kid, she did not have to wait until after Friends was over. Courtney Cox was pregnant during filming, and so was Lisa Kudrow. Jen does not want kids.

  20. I think some of the people in here are NUTS and need to get a life. Brad is happy with Angie and their kids and that is all. You don’t like it that is to bad, don’t read anything about them then. People need to get a life.

  21. Who cares about the Holy-Shitz anyway? Move on already. But Angie has the nerve to hate her Dad when she isn’t any better? Hypocrite. She is still a shitty actor and Brad is worse.

  22. Lots of Hollywood couples break up and cheat. Can someone please explain why this one evokes so much passion? I don’t get the Aniston thing, she’s rather homely, so why do you folks care so much whether her heart was broken… Seems to me, if my husband was telling everyone who would listen that he wanted a kid, I would either shut him up, get pregnant or kick him out. Never got why “it was never the right time” for her. It’s not like it would have hurt her career during friends…

  23. Jennifer is cold and calcuating. She doesn’t want kids yet she wants to give off the appearence of the “All-American girl next door”, so she LIES by saying she wants kids.
    Watch, she will NEVER be pregnant.

  24. are you people for real. this happened over 3 years ago. i agree with the 7:02 who said that some of the people in here are nuts. try obsessed. obsessed with people who could care less about you and your timeline and theories. GET A FRIGGING LIFE ALREADY morons. its hollywood. stuff like this happens all the time.

  25. Why are we so obsessed with who is sleeping with who and when they are doing it? The only sex life we should be worried about is our own!!!


  27. @ UGH. You’re an idiot. If your going to get involved in the debate, can we not oversimplify this to she’s good, she’s bad.
    I still am trying to figure out why people feel so vested in Aniston? This notion that Jolie trapped Brad is also amusing. If you recall, she and Billy adopted Maddox, (in Cambodia) and then Billy Bob said no thanks, and left. And as millions of single moms will tell you, getting pregnant is no guarantee a man will stay. Brad pre-Jolie, stated numerous times he wanted a boatload of kids, he found someone who’s willing to give that to him. Why are they the bad guys? Why does this triangle, that was only a triangle for a matter of months, still, three years later cause a tornado on the Internet?

  28. Ahhhh….Brad and Angelina. Two saints who are now saving the world. What a crock. Brad wanted children so bad, but he chose someone to bear his child that was so crazy that she wore Billy Bob Thornton’s blood around her neck, made out with her own brother and is bisexual. Way to go Brad! She’s not confused at all.

  29. Jennifer said she never wanted to.. Angie said.. dump her and I will.. Brad said.. Cool with it.

  30. I am so glad to read the truth. Jennifer wanted to play the victim so people would continue to be interested in her. If she wanted a baby she could have had one. She didn’t have to wait for Friends to end. Please. Thank you for confirming that Gwyenth cheated on Brad.

  31. Maybe for the moment, fast forward ten years, broke, ugly, hate each other, drug induced coma skeleton! Kids into drugs, drinking, and god knows what else! The paps will be around then too, will they earn a buck from the photos then? No, they will pay to bury them!
    Just getting started? Well, is it going to be American Children because the international adoption doors have slammed shut for the Holie Jolie and her fabricated lies and exploitation of kids!
    And somebody needs to ask Gwyenth why Brad wears that stupid hat, because he never bathes or shampoos, that was one of her major complaints about the boy, he is filthy trash!

  32. blady02 is a classic example of a woman who’s been cheated on who can’t take it out on her EX so she takes it out vicariously on celebrities she THINKS cheated.
    How sad.

  33. Thank you 11:48. I agree completely….so sick of “saint” Jennifer. And yes…that other “saint” and “icon” Gwynenth cheated on Brad with Viggo Mortensen.
    The truth will set you free!

  34. I hate to say this but Jen was the understudy to Jolie…what man do you know would get married to someone saying “we’ll see how long this last, if we stop growing then this is over” crap unless Jen agreed to have a kid after Friends ended (the first time).
    It didn’t happen she picked her career over her marriage…FINE. You reap what you sow…
    Jen got her boring career and Brad got his soulmate and family.

  35. Brad and Angie are liars. We all saw the photos of them holding hands and canooding on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith while he was still married to Jennifer.
    I’m sick to death of both those a-holes.

  36. Even Aniston has since acknolwedged that the Brangelina affair happened before Aniston and Pitt had agreed to end their marriage

  37. Even though I can’t Brad or Angelina, I think they are perfect for one another.
    Let’s get it straight though, when they vacationed in Africa, Angelina knew the photos would be shown everywhere because she set it up herself, she called the paparazzi to rub it in Jen’s face.
    Faithful, lol. What about Claire Forlani?
    Want to address the “spider-woman” nickname, Janet? Why was she called that if Brad was already separated? Why would Vince V. tell him to go home to his wife?

  38. angelina jolie gets uglier every day, I used to think she was the most beautiful woman alive but look at those ridiculous arms and extra knobby shoulders no diet or exercise will fix that and her lack of a waist if you look closely, the only she has going for herself are her synthetic breasts and face other than that I wouldnt want to see that skeletor naked its funny how jen is all body no face and jolie is all face no body. interesting.

  39. This is lame.
    What is so wrong about not wanting kids?
    I think not wanting them, and having them anyway is!
    If brad and ang are happy together, who cares?
    All you people need to go get laid.
    or a hobby!

  40. Get a life. Brad is very happy with Angelina and their kids, they are much more alike that Brad and Jen ever were. Brad and Jen were living apart most of 2004, he was living with DavidF and other friends and in hotels while they worked out all the details of the divorce with their attorneys. Notice they did not fight over their property at all. Jen wanted out as much as Brad, she did not want kids, she wanted a career, said Brad was not the love of her life. Brad was getting older, wanted a family with kids desperately, said his marraige was a merger, and met and fell hard for Angelina and as a bonus Maddox. None are saints and do not say they are. Brad is Angelina’s for life, he will not leave her or the kids for any reason, and Angelina now depends on him.

  41. it so funny when we get worked up over these people,
    we dont know them personally, they dont pay our bills
    so why are we so involved?

  42. Angelina set up that photo shoot in Africa? I actually didn’t know that. I agree this is none of our business, blah blah, but anyone reading this site is reading it for entertainment. Jen was Rachel. She married Brad Pitt, the guy who’d been wounded by Gwyn. We routed for her. And just like every fairy tale, the happiness had to be dashed by a blood vial wearing, brother kissing, fiance stealing, admitted self inflicter of pain rewriting her own story. She would have been more noble in many people’s eyes if she’d settled on someone unattached. But as Woody Allen said, the heart wants what it wants. He’s in the soup now.

  43. We are involved, precious 6:02 p.m, because in all the world there is no lifestyle like A and B. (Do they ever spend one day not traveling?) I think Ang is a mental case, just like her pappy said, after all wouldn’t he know? By her own admission, Ang is a free spirit and said she still finds women attractive. I think Brad will never fully trust her. I think Jen will never get a permanent man, because they feel that she will never be over Brad. As to looks: Yuck on Ang’s big fat flabby lips. Yuck on Jen’s long chin, big nose, and thin lips. As to the timeline of cheating, etc.; who cares.

  44. Jen is not that pretty; she lets that straight flowing hair cover part of her face to hide her loonnngg chin line. Having said that, I knew it would not last. When these 3 are that insanely famous, they are no longer truly human…yet don’t know how they would be classified. I sometime think Brad wishes he had had been less famous, married at about 25, and had 4 or so kids by the time he was 35. All he ever talked about anyway was he wanted a family. To me, the family he has now is not the ideal one. I think in the back of her mind, Jen wishes Ang would..shall we say…cease to exist and he would come back to her. Who knows anyone’s thoughts?

  45. Janet, you are soooooooooooo wrong here. Brad is a cheater, Has been for years. He cheated on my friend Robin Givens when they dated in the 1980s so please don’t act like you know since you don’t dear.

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