Let’s clear this up once and for all. Brad Pitt told Larry King that his romance with Angelina Jolie started AFTER he split up with Jennifer Aniston and he never cheated on his wife. For all you doubters- he IS telling the truth! Brad and Jen had decided to end their marriage long before he hooked up with Angelina. Long beforeFriends ended, Jennifer decided she wasn’t happy being married to Brad and had stopped trying to have a baby with him. It was Jennifer’s idea to split up. They were figuring out how to end it gracefully when he started filming Mr & Mrs Smith with Angelina. Angelina immediately set her sights on Brad and shamelessly turned on the charm. Brad was flattered but he didn’t reciprocate until he and Jen separated. Brad has never been a playboy or a cheater – in fact he’s one of the few faithful guys in Hollywood. Just ask Gwyneth Paltrow.

About The Author

79 thoughts on “BRAD PITT IS A ONE WOMAN MAN

  1. Even though Brad`s cheated on Jen was true,Brad is not likely to say that.After all he is a famous actress and has the fame.Any wise people won`t do that.

  2. I admire Brad for his committment to New Orleans. That Larry King interview was Booooooooring. Brad and Angenlina are the most over-rated couple I am able to think of.

  3. Even George Clooney knows Angelina has cut Brads balls off. She stores then in a glass jar that sits on the wood mantle, over the fireplace. Angelina points to the jar when Brad tries to be a man.

  4. They are all insanely insane. I am tired of seeing Ang sitting in a remote village with a dirty scarf draped over her head. Got to hand it to her; she does great snow jobs on the media regarding her supposed non-adultery and her charity work. So what if they give a few millions to the destiture, they still have multi-millions left.

  5. THANK GOD someone in the “know” is finally telling the truth about that breakup. I’m so sick of hearing Jennifer boo-hoo and putting her D-list friends into leaking to the press how miserable she is. She’s miserable…that Brad found someone better than her…IN EVERY WAY! Jennifer is no a nice person.

  6. I believe him 100%, from what I heard, they where just roommates for the last 2 and a half years of the marriage. Brad is better of with Angie, And Jen,, Well who really cares, I hate that lying Manly looking Fraud.

  7. Brad finally tells the truth about the breakup.However, most people don`t believe what he said in that case.DO you believe it? Who knows ? ONLY IN THEIR MIND

  8. I agree mdamon- Manison never wanted a kid(s) just fame, She used Brad to ride his coattait. She will never have kids, and she will never have another committed relationship, because she can’t keep and man, a man does not want to keep her. And Every man in HW knows what a manipulating user she is.. Karma. She will be alone for the rest of her life. except for the occational PR man she pays for, for a day or two..
    She can’t even keep the men she pays

  9. It was obvious that Brad had the hots for Angelina from the very beginning. Jennifer is just so darn PLAIN lookin’.
    Seems as if Brad only got into the humanitarian work due to Angelina’s influence.

  10. J’Ans career is over, she shoulda just popped out those long chinned kids.

  11. LMFAO, lookwhaticando is here. Still obsessing about Aniston lookwhaticando. Oh, to be the token Brangelina loon who can’t stop talking about Jennifer Aniston and actually talks like they were in the marriage “Maniston never wanted kids. Just fame. She can’t a man”. I wonder what it’s like to be so delusional? Is it a good life? Hahaha, pathetic!!!!

  12. Laura Dern moved in with Billy Bob and broke up his 4th marriage to Petra. Billy Bob was never engaged to Laura Dern. Petra likes Angie, dislikes Laura who then moved on and broke up Ben Harper’s marriage, and had a kid before he was divorced. Angelina did not alert the paps in Africa,the UK pap agency had a stringer pap in the area because many celebs visit this resort. All this is ancient history. The marriage was a failure because the two spouses were never sure that they wanted to be married. They were friends and should have stayed friends, should never have married. Brad cried for kids for years, Jen never did, this is a marriage breaker. Brad and Angelina are happy with their four kids and want more, doubt that either will ever leave the other. Jen also appears happy as a single woman, no pressure on her from anyone to have kids. Past time for those people stuck in the past to move on, it will be 2008 in 3 weeks.

  13. Laura Dern moved in with Billy Bob and broke up his 4th marriage to Petra. Billy Bob was never engaged to Laura Dern. Petra likes Angie, dislikes Laura who then moved on and broke up Ben Harper’s marriage, and had a kid before he was divorced. Angelina did not alert the paps in Africa,the UK pap agency had a stringer pap in the area because many celebs visit this resort. All this is ancient history. The marriage was a failure because the two spouses were never sure that they wanted to be married. They were friends and should have stayed friends, should never have married. Brad cried for kids for years, Jen never did, this is a marriage breaker. Brad and Angelina are happy with their four kids and want more, doubt that either will ever leave the other. Jen also appears happy as a single woman, no pressure on her from anyone to have kids. Past time for those people stuck in the past to move on, it will be 2008 in 3 weeks.

  14. Wow – I didn’t want to read the book-length posts – do you people have lives?
    Everything – EVERYTHING in Follywood is smoke and mirrors. The man-eater and Brad were together before he left his wife. Believe what you will, but he’s a cheater and so is the man-eater.
    At least JA had the class not to talk to the press. Class act. May the other two wallow in the cheating cesspool they created.

  15. Jen is unbelievable totally obsessed with her body; she never wanted to have a body. Her face, however, is shaped in such a way that unfortunately plastic surgery can do very little. Ang is not obsessed with her body…skeletal, knobby-kneed, and totally a free spirit. She will do what she wants. Is Jen hoping she will get bored with him, cheat, and THE PITTS will come crawling back to her? Jen is a complex person, and no one really knows what is going on in her mind. I think she is still very jealous of the man-eater (sexy?) Angelina.

  16. And, uh – what’s attractive about AJ’s body? Nothing. She is sooooo over-rated. She’s a freakin’ skeleton. Not lookin’ too healthy these days – thank God she has 4 nannies (one for each kid). It’s tough trying to play a part that she’ll never carry off. She’s a skank.

  17. I remember JA dating that Donovan guy (he was had a bit part on Friends). Anyway in my pee wee brain I thought JA seemed desperate while she was going out with him.
    I was stunned that BP took an interest to her. I never thought they were a “love connection”.
    She was hot TV; he was hot FILM. It was like they looked good on paper but that’s it.

  18. I remember JA dating that Donovan guy (he was had a bit part on Friends). Anyway in my pee wee brain I thought JA seemed desperate while she was going out with him.
    I was stunned that BP took an interest to her. I never thought they were a “love connection”.
    She was hot TV; he was hot FILM. It was like they looked good on paper but that’s it.

  19. I remember JA dating that Donovan guy (he was had a bit part on Friends). Anyway in my pee wee brain I thought JA seemed desperate while she was going out with him.
    I was stunned that BP took an interest to her. I never thought they were a “love connection”.
    She was hot TV; he was hot FILM. It was like they looked good on paper but that’s it.

  20. I am just surprised that Janet is saying Jen wanted out of the marriage. She had to have known that her stock in hollywood wood plummet without being Brad Pitt’s wife. Or had she deluded herself into thinking she was a movie star?

  21. The three or four in this adulterous triangle are so screwed up, words can no longer suffice. It is what it is what it is what it is what it is what it is.

  22. In the year leading up to the last episode of Friends Jennifer signed up to do 7 movies when the show was over. She had no intent on having kids right away. This was why there marriage fell apart. It was over before Friends was over. And let’s be real alot of people separate long before they announce their divorce, and they start seeing people while they are separated. Brad and Jen had alot of business interests that had to be concluded before they filed.

  23. Jennifer is a really really hard one to figure out. She is very good at masking her feelings. And, Angelina is beyond trying to figure out. Hollyweird, you harbor strange ones.


  25. Can someone do the math here? Shiloh was born ___ which, if you track back 40 weeks = brad and angelina were “not a couple yet” yeah right!!!

  26. I hate Jennifer Aniston, she’s a weak no-talent whiny TV sit-com hack, making a 2nd career out of a divorce. She feeds the tabloids because she’s got nothing else – coattail riding on the Jolie Pitts are all she’s got. Shameful. I LOVE Angelina Jolie – she’s a highly intelligent, talented, beautiful, compassionate, philanthropic and amazing young woman who inspires the world. Aniston inspires people to tan, bleach, whine, smoke and frolic on Mexican estates owned by sleazeballs who corrupt minors and worse (Joe Francis of Girls gone Wild fame) – she’s pathetic. Brad had the upgrade to end all upgrades forever with Angelina, the international philanthropist who ranks with Bono and Oprah, the Mom and the Oscar winning actress. Aniston is a bitchy lame LOSER.

  27. per MANY people who worked on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Brad and Angie boinked their brains out during filming. Then Brad lied so that $$ hungry Jen couldn’t claim adultery and take have his fortune. It was all about the money honey. Oh, and whatever Angelina’s PR people told them to do to protect HER image.Of Course. Jennifer is a whiny-career minded bee-Ahtch who can’t act worth her weight in crap. Then again, neither can Brad & Angelina. If they didn’t have their looks, NONE OF THEM would have an acting career. NONE OF THEM. They simply do not have the talent.

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