We know how controlling Barbra Streisand can be, so we can imagine what Elle magazine went through to get her on the cover. Barbra, 69, is extremely fussy about lighting and the angle at which she is photographed. That’s why some of her movies took SOOO long to make. But the end result is pretty impressive. Streisand is on the cover of Elle’s “Women in Hollywood 2011” issue coming out this month and she’s never looked better. Sadly, Barbra’s former manager and onetime best friend Sue Mengers died this weekend.
Barbra Streisand Elle Photoshop?
I love her voice but this is just too much.
This is so wrong. Why would she want this when she has to know that people are aware that she has aged. People are SUPPOSE TO AGE!
Above is a shockingly over photoshopped picture. I don’t know where to begin. Her legs are bigger than that….as is her body (not trying to be mean here). The face is that of a young 25-30 year old Streisand.
Heck, the 25-30 year old Streisand had a more rounder body and face!
It’s no wonder women have such body issues. No one at age 69 looks like this, and neither does Streisand.
Under the dictionary heading: greedy jew, a picture of Babs can be placed. A closeup of her face in life revealed about 40 miles of bad road, even when she was much younger….today w/o makeup she is a fright!
The wonders of photoshop. Still can’t erase the bitchiness of this woman.
J Lo butchers Babs:
Does Elle really think Streisand is going to sell magazines? She’s a little uh, seasoned, for their demographic.
How did Strom post that video? I tried to post one yesterday and I couldn’t. How do ya do that?
I have not tried this myself, but on youtube there is code that says “embed this” and you might be able to copy that and paste it into here.
Thanks E ! : )
OK, so this pic was shot through one of those fancy lenses…that’s made from tile LOL.
Regarding Sue’s alleged demise: Did they drive a stake through her, just to be sure?
It never ceases to amaze me how so many people just love to kiss this witch’s ass! She’s almost evil incarnate.
Oh , who cares about this woman, I hated her singing from the time I was a kid. Hate her movies, (Where she was an ugly young woman), and continue to find her absolutely repulsive. She seems the epitome of a racial stereotype, and not in a good way. Her songs, her style, her countenance are all horrific, and to those who love her, well, we are all entitled to our opinions. I just wish she would have stayed ‘gone away’.
Some people have all the luck! She has money, power a handsome husband, beautiful homes etc. One thing she doesn’t have though is, beauty. Youch, this is how karma works things out I suppose. So strike the first comment, she really DOESN’T have it all.
Personally I think I would rather have……well it’s probably a toss up. On one hand, you could buy a new face and body(which Babs definitely didn’t) but take the risk of looking like Joan Rivers. On the other hand pay for a good therapist to work out your self confidence issues. Judging from the above photo, Barbara has obviously not come to terms with her unfortunate looking face.
“So strike the first comment, she really DOESN’T have it all. ”
My comment was the first and I NEVER SAID SHE HAD IT ALL. What are you talking about????
Gina, I think Muffin was talking about her own post. She (?) was saying Barbara has it all, money, power, homes…then strike that because she has that face.
Truly an iconic ‘super-jew’. Would she have been as famous as a gentile?
Mistecal, tell me how u really feel about her.
I have it on good authority, that Strom is in fact – a Black, Jewish, Marxist, Independently wealthy Trans-Gender member of Mensa and legal Immigrant.
He/she has no outstanding warrants for bestiality, fraud or crimes of Hate, really, OK, maybe a couple.
But, in his defense however, he has returned the overdue copy of Mein Kamf to the library and let the young boy out of the basement. He’s also living proof of Americas dictum ” send me your huddled masses, your ignorant and lame ” …
this picture must be clear: SHE IS ROCKIN’ THE CRADLE, folks!!!!!!!
Some how I think someone with an ego conditioned by many years of feedimg, and of hero an idol worship, they begin to seriously conduct their lives as if their own hype were true, and act like they live in a universe twice removed from the rest of us. Some people are born beautiful and grow more so – but Streisand was born ugly and grew more ugly, especially pushing 70. She should now dress in a refined fashion appropriate to her age, more sophisticated and dignified. I think people like BS (no pun intended) are so permanently ensconced in their own little plastic bubble of their own image, and they don’t realize that if they don’t grow up and quit trying to be too too cutsie poo- “Awww, donnn’t sheeee looookk niiiicccce?” People will eventually start laughing at her. This woman cannot afford to depend on her beauty because she never had it, and she can’t afford to go through life as an old woman expecting the same idol & hero worship she enjoyed most of her youth. Hopefully she has sense enough to realize when the bell goes off signifying the end of her last act, she will take a final call and exit gracefully, stage left, and ride quietly into the sunset and leave no Elizabeth Taylor moments, Elvis Presley moments, Rock Hudson moments, Janis Joplin moments, behind to be remembered by. Maybe we could just listen as she walks through the stage door and into the street, singing some phonomonelly haunting masterpice like “Memory” from “Cats” and leave us all with that “Memory” that is the final thing she sings about. Brava Barbra!
Thanks Dragonfly. Sometimes I get soooo kornfused. lol
@Dr. Lawrence Fen
She would not be as famous as a gentile. Neil Diamond would never have been as famous or as rich as a gentile. The jews circle the wagon for their own but never let them forget it.
Babs came out of retirement but forgot to mention that the ticket prices were the highest ever recorded….she is jew, through and through!
In the meantime, James continues to be a kept man. All he has to do is stroke her feathers occasionally and he can live in exteme ultimate luxury she is providing to the utmost. In other words, he loves it.
This loon once said that the flower garden outside her window had changed colors to match her interior decor…Oprah was speechless… way back when Oprah had integrity. ….
Is it true she so cheap she clips coupons for nail salons and doesn’t tip.
By Dragonfly, thanks
Regarding “kornfused”
😉 hahah
Natrually on the cheapness…she is a true jew so true.
Indy’s right James hit the jackpot!
Thanks, diva, and when she says jump, he asks ‘how high’. LOL
chris, I also heard this about how flowers should match her decor and she has a fit if they don’t match and replaces them often. I also read that on a $250 dinner bill, she left a measly 10% tip, after being waited on hand and foot for 3 hours.
She tops the list of Most Hypocritical Libs in Hollyweird.
Didn’t she sue to have her ocean front home from appearing on maps?
TO: By Hello
When Babs was big, I was listening to ‘Cream’. When she gained her big gay audience, I was Punk , When she did her ‘ heartwarming movies’ I formed a lifelong revulsion to anything reviewed as ” Heartwarming”.
I like to think of myself as someone who makes my own choices, and is not a ‘sheeple’ to whatever Hollywood declares to be ‘ good entertainment’ Now, this is nothing against Ms. Striesand,It’s just that her style of sentimental music has never appealed to me. Her sentimental , low intelligence movies do not catch my interest. ( Some sentimental movies do though, I love Adam Sandler movies) What I am saying here is, each to his own. I would turn my little radio off, when I was a kid, sooner than have my ears spurt blood, when Barbra Striesand was broadcast.
Perhaps the problem is that they tried to turn Babs into a sexy symbol, when in fact, she was just a popular singer, with a nice voice.
Seems a jewish thing….a closeup of her face is a fright.
Why hasn’t anyone noted how truly BORING she is dressed!!!! And on a high fashion mag like Elle! She has great taste but displays NONE of it with this ‘defendent in court’ look. The beret needs to be permanently tossed! It is so dopey looking! Hate this cover!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Babs is an extremely arrogant jew. That schnozz is such a fright but she keeps it turned straight on so you can see its size. Boring is a word for her music as well but the yids rally around their own and make Babs and Neil Diamond among others, very rich…but they never let them forget it either. Send them all to Israel.