#irelandbaldwin Alecbaldwin #janetcharlton
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The Baldwin clan is gathering in Manhattan this weekend for Alec’s marriage to Hilaria Thomas. This includes his 16 year old daughter Ireland and her new mystery boyfriend. Ireland, her cousin Kaia, and her unidentified beau cooled off with gelato in Greenwich Village Friday. The boyfriend didn’t tell his name but he did reveal that they met at an Easter party and for him “It was love at first sight.”
Photos via: NY Daily News
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Poor filthy little pig….hope she doesn’t marry anything like Alec.
Looks like these days, the gals are growing taller and the boys ain’t growing much. She is really tall, looks about 5 ft 11 or 6 ft.
They match like oil and water… Bad parenting, KIM&ALEC, very bad parenting, u, idiots…
XYZ: I agree. Sadly, there are as you know many cases like this in GollyWeird. Kids grow up with no morals, not knowing anything about real life and then when they start shacking, etc at an early age, do the parents really care? No.
She let’s a 16 year old climb up her bush no wonder he called her a filthy pig. He looks eager to have her dumb and stupid.
16 years old is not too young to have a BF.
she is a cute kid.
I agree w/ anonTWO; these days, it’s not too young. As a parent, I wouldn’t be thrilled w/ my daughter (who is 14) having an intimate boyfriend at 16… she, and every other 16-year-old I know, doesn’t have the maturity.. but, I’m betting that most of us DID. In fact, my best friend in high school,and this was the very early 70s, had her first intimate BF when she was 14. Just saying, it’s not uncommon. BTW, does anyone see a resemblance between Ireland’s dad and Ireland’s boyfriend?
damn, damn, damn………….SHE IS DOING IT ALL THE WRONG!!
I enjoy coming up to and whispering in his eary, “you little girl!” It ensures he doesn’t knock up my whore of a daughter.
Both of her parent seem a lot more intelligent and informed than the idiots on here who would talk trash about a young woman. There is nothing wrong with the way she dresses or having a boyfriend at her age. And who is to say the male has to be taller than the female. What a bunch of regressive cretins living in the past.
@ The Truth:
Regarding the lady being the taller than the man:
TELL THAT TO TINY TOM CRUISE. ALL THE WIVES HE HAD WERE 5 OR SO INCHES TALLER THAN HIM, AND YOU KNOW HOW THAT ALL ENDED. That is, except Penelope Cruz, and it’s been said that she told him to go to hell when he started trying to talk her into joining Scientology. 🙁
Ireleand you think you are so smug cybersmearing people with your little internet ID Truth1. But now the real truth is known and you are exposed you little bitch. Rot with your stinking drunk loser father.
Alec was right. Ireland is a thoughtless little pig. Just like her father.