Something awfully funny happened at the London Black Mass premier but Johnny Depp didn’t laugh when his wife Amber Heard did. Nothing new- Johnny RARELY cracks so much as a tiny grin. Could it be because his dental work is SO unphotogenic and difficult to explain? At one time it might have seemed like a good idea to get all those gold teeth – bottom and top – because Johnny so often played a pirate. Now he’s got a Mike Tyson jack-o-lantern smile that has to be disguised when he’s playing a normal person. When Johnny was younger he hated his pretty boy looks and tried to appear grungy. Now that he’s 52 he might be rethinking that idea. If you want a close look at Johnny’s dental work, google “Johnny Depp’s teeth images.”
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
His teeth are for the fifth Pirates. He must do re-shoots soon so he didn’t take the fake teeth off his mouth until is over because is a long and painful process and could damage his real teeth. He said it several times in the press conferences of Black Mass in Venice and Toronto
Pointing out physical flaws is gossip? I guess so.
…….so I will volunteer.
Johnny should go to one of those places that buys jewelry, silver flatware, and gold teeth. No questions, just a driver’s license. Just go in the morning before the scary people wake up.
70gs will replace all the missing and discolored teeth in his mouth with porcelain veneers- he can afford it.
mel gibson had disgusting looking teeth ( his own) until very recently.
gibson now has a million dollar smile although his new smile is obviously not his own teeth, these teeth are very, very white. unnaturally so.
i am still shocked at how completely johnny depp has lost his looks, he was so attractive (and thin!) for most of his adult life.
The guy probably needed to visit the toilet. You know, one false move and everybody is laughing at you. So he held his breath. Ya gotta wonder was he taking baby steps to get to where he needed to get to?
Watch how Maria Sharapova walk when she needs to take a dump. You’d swear she had a tennis ball shoved up her ass.