Tom Cruise may not be as popular as he used to be. A photographer just tipped us off that when Tom’s Lions for Lambs movie premiered at the Arclight last Thursday, Tom had space roped off outside for what looked like a thousand fans. Photographers were crammed into a tiny area. But when barely a hundred fans showed up, the ropes were removed and photographers gleefully took over the choice spaces. Tom usually likes to spend hours signing autographs for fans, but he didn’t have to that night.
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33 thoughts on “TOM CRUISE: WHERE ARE MY FANS?”
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Tom is over. People have finally figured out what a loser he is.
Stick a fork in him……he’d like getting something stuck in him, like when Katie uses the strap-on.
tommy’s ferrytale has ended!! And I must confess: I’m happy about it because this sucker was “on top of the mountain” but simply couldn’t continue it, so he’d fall and I think hewill be a jobless sucker. But when you want to stay on top, alot of willpower is required. This Faggot took the most easiest way towards “GLORY”.
That little tommy chose to promote the scientology-church and later the buckhams but he was deadly wrong about those!!
He is so off the wall with all the Scientology crap. How much $$$ has he pored into this false misleading cult? Maybe in hell he can be president of all the scientologists there. Plus, come to think of it I have never seen a great movie he has been in. RainMan was dull as uh, well, as Katie. And the Mission Impossible Series (double YAWN). Margo, you are right: Stick a fork in him: He’s done. Plus I always thought he is AC/DC.
Tommy boy would gladly pay untold millions for say 4 or 5 extra inches (of height that is..LOL) Can’t figure out why he would always want to be looking up at his mate. Tom and Katie, David and Posh Beckham: You are soooooooo boring and we are tired of you big time. Maybe you all can convince each other you are still “HOT”. We don’t like his movies and we don’t like soccer. BTW, Tom, are you AC/DC?
It may be just me, but consider this: Just look at TomKat’s kid, Suri. I know what a ‘Gerber Baby’ looks like. Suri just has a different look, like a much older child. Just study a pic of the kid and draw your own conclusions.
This movie is an awful bomb and he’s star power riding it down to the dumbed-down hypocritic terrorist-loving America-hating hollywood film industry target.. Yeee haw!
tom had his glory in the early 90’s he must step aside now and be a husband and a father now. he does push that scientogly tooo much. sorry tomkat you must step down for the others who are more well liked. i seen the movie 5 thumbs down.
Always such a sweet crowd here in Janetland. Nothing but good
things to say about people they do not know and will never meet or talk to.
Oh I see our little DUTCH friend is back with the comments,he just can’t help himself.
Katie, paris has some ugly macaroni-toes and gigantic feet, that’s for sure!! But I really don’t get it that you’re allowed from tommy that you’re wearing slippers, with those extremely ugly knobble toes!! I’M REALLY AMAZED!!
On Tom: He is definitely on the ‘down-slide’. His glory days are soooo over.
On Katie: She needs to get some shoes that fit; I quite think she can afford it, altho it may be too late. Her toes are double knotty, double ugly. On Suri: Since about age 4 months, she has looked like no other baby I have ever seen. Plus she has a huge wide nose. Two “beautiful people” don not always produce a cutie-pie.
Katie looks fantastic,,,take a look,,wow
Gerard we all know that is you in the 5:34 post,,I thought we got rid of you
katie is looking better these days, as for suri I think she is super cute. tom is an idiot who is finally getting his commupance.
audit this-you suck! No one wants to pay money to see anything he’s involved in anymore. take 10 years off, then come back.
Okay, it’s obvious this marriage is a contractual sham, but will someone explain to me why the baby looks odd? What’s the deal with the kid?
Why do his clothes always look so odd? I’m sure they are expensive, but they never fit well. With those weird combed-forward bangs and weird vest. A lot of the time he looks like a middle-aged woman. Creepy.
I’m only surprised he was able to hide the crazy all those years – he can’t do it any more
OMG – maybe the peeps are catchin’ on to what I’ve know for a LONG time. Loser.
I think it’s pretty funny. Maybe if he ups his ante to the “church” of scientology – his next level will arrive. NOT!
To 11:56 a.m. RE: Suri…. Maybe the person who commented meant she didn’t have a baby face, per se. To me, personally, she looks a little different, and not ‘Gerber-baby-faced’ as I believe someone commented earlier.
Katie was born and raised Roman Catholic; once a Catholic almost always one. Scientology and Catholicism are like oil and water. His marriage to Nicole ended because of religion dispute. Katie may revolt and soon.
your 100% right Pepper Corn!! i don’t know why he hooks up with catholics all the time i’m sorry but true.
6:31 you are lauren graham and not married and 40 must i say more!!!!!!!!!!
tom needs a different look get burr haircut and let it go gray which we know he colors his hair let’s be more natural tom and get some different clothes too.always the same type outfit after all these yrs. he must be color blind or something.
Tom, to ramp up your own feelings of masculinity and confidence and dominance, could you not find one female on earth, famous or not, that is at least one inch shorter than you? This should have been your # 1 requirement. But, whatever floats your boat.
Oh TommY BOY! There is only the one explanation ! YES,,you like the boys. The church of the science of Scientology can try to fool the people but they cannot fall down the mountain with you and the Buckhams and the one and only Jenny from the blocks JLO
tom….all your fans are on the planet ***** waiting for you and your “wife” and baby alien to return where they will give you a hearty alien ovation and smother you with the love you seem to be desperately lacking here on earth……
Never liked him. I hated every movie I have seen with him in it. It only took Amnercia 20+ years to catch up to me
$cientology is evil.
I actually like the dress that katie is wearing and i like his suit as well. TommyGirl was raised catholic. Whatever the real story is, it is messed up big time. When the cult gets hold of a new member or “fresh meat” as they call them…. they really put the brainwashing screws on them…and they are encouraged to cut off ties with parents friends family etc. so, being that katie is comfortable while being brainwashed, i dont see her leaving for awhile.
as an aside, what was the story with the sleazy paparazzo who claimed to have photos from the cruise weddin g…and who was trying to blackmail them with it? and who then was found hung dead in his shower. what was the deal with those pictures…was there anything to it?
i don’t care about the height difference. who cares..he is short, it would be ridiculous to only date somebody because of their height. other hollywood hunks are short and really are pretty damn ordinary sans all the hype. so ordinary you might not even know who the hell they are when walking by them.
(it’s his personality that is offensive. i have to say that i think that he was really super hot at one time and all that….. )
what a crappy post!
It was raining and freezing overthere idiot!
Late at night, I’d like to see you waiting Tom for 2 hours!
there was nearly one thousand people!!!