Maybe it’s a scientology thing, (do they celebrate Christmas?) but Tom Cruise is already shopping for Christmas gifts. Actually, he has his minions scouring Beverly Hills and New York for the perfect selections for a very long list of his closest friends. And he is no cheapskate. Most of the gifts being considered are over $1000. Still, Christmas shopping in August seems a bit obsessive.

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  1. I saw one of his minions at the Pleasure chest buying him a dbl headed dildo so he and his gay male lover can have a merry xmas!

  2. I bet all his fans who helped make him famous, now feel duped. HE IS A LOSER. Though, it’s nice he showers his friends with nice gifts.

  3. Spelled that wrong…should have been albeit. Sorry folks.

  4. Wonder when he’s going to make Topgun II ? Guess he’ll be flying the F-18E’s, but there are some Scooters still around in the Phoenix area.
    Just this time, make a worth plot please… No F-5’s as the enemy… Maybe ask the Russians to fly in a Mig-29. I mean, if we can land a F-15E in Moscow for their airshow, why not.
    Just have a worthy plot, please, please, please…

  5. Course, look at him… Looks like a used car salesman.
    Might be time to upgrade a new character and become a new Hollywood heart throb…

  6. He looks like Austin Powers in that photo. “Yeah, baby, yeah.”

  7. When I see little faggot tommy on this photo, I feel a bit sorry for Katie. Because that woman has to live the whole fucking day
    with this little tommy cruise idiot. That’s real HEAVY!! I don’t see much of partner in crime, faggot pall Buckham lately. I’m sure Vicky isn’t happy with that. It’s a clear signal, the business faggot tommy is in, isn’t real busy lately(try gay-porn movies to play in). That’s why he must do something with his time and goes Christmas shopping in AUGUST!!

  8. Don’t worry, gerard vandenberg, Katie Holmes is being paid well to deal with Tom Cruise on a 24/7 basis.

  9. As Christ was actually born in September, feast of the tabernacles.. and concieved in December, yeah, it’s pretty much a conceived holiday.

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