Matt Lauer’s fierce and determined interview with Paula Deen in which he didn’t let her squirm out of a single important answer, brought to mind the rumor that he might be in line to take over Piers Morgan’s show on CNN. Today is still lagging in the sweeps and it seems like no one will ever let him forget about the Ann Curry firing. So a nighttime interview show might be looking pretty good to Matt about now. And Piers isn’t exactly breaking any sweeps or popularity records either.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Everybody hates him.. he is trashy, cruel, a cheat, rude, boring..

  2. How this Bozo continues to bore us is beyond me.

  3. is CNN seriously considering replacing Piers so soon?

  4. This evil little gnome ought to get off television for good, and take his awful co-anchors and weatherman with him!

  5. Tell me it isn’t so! Talk about going from bad to worse if he takes over from Piers. I really don’t know how he has remained on air but I can’t stand the guy and certainly wouldn’t watch him interview ESPECIALLY involving breaking news coverage.

  6. I don’t like him at all. I think when you are so full of yourself you can’t be as good as you think you are and people like him prove it over and over again.

  7. What I could never understand is why Matt was ever dubbed a ‘hunk’. Yuck, he’s almost bald, huge honker, struck-up, serial cheater, is this a ‘hunk’? Replace all of TODAY show with new blood, as they all suck suck suck. His wife kicked him out twice for cheating, she should hire a P.I. and catch him once and for all and take him for all she can get. lol

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