

Katy Perry’s lips have been sealed since she divorced her 10 years older husband of 14 months, Russell Brand. She described their union as a colossal mistake, and hinted that she intended to keep the “real truth ” hidden. Russell Brand isn’t facing any criminal charges YET, despite being accused of sexual assault by a handful of women, (some while he was married) and Katy is praying he resolves his potential issues without going to court. Katy has already been told by legal counsel that she’s likely to be summoned to appear if a criminal case is filed, and the LAST thing she wants to do is testify. She does NOT want to get dragged into Russell’s troubles, but realizes she might NOT have a choice. Our source says that despite their messy split, Russell has let mutual pals know he may need to subpoena Katy to appear as a character witness and wants to do so before any potential prosecutor interviews her. Does he expect her to say good things about him and vouch for his character? This will be interesting…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Strikes by the Writer’s Guild and SAG/AFTRA affected this years San Diego Comic-con and many of the events were canceled. Among them was the panel for That 70’s Show because actors could not participate. However, there was a display for the planned 25th anniversary of the show that could still be seen outside the hall.  According to The Underground Bunker, the photo featured the entire cast EXCEPT for Danny Masterson. He had been ERASED. No doubt because DESPITE Scientology’s EXTREME efforts to protect him, he was convicted of two counts of forcible rape and he faces 30 years to life in prison. On September 7 he will be sentenced by the female judge. For now, he is living at Men’s Central Jail in LA.

Phhoto: That 70’s Show


At last! Some GOOD news! You have probably seen those numerous Scientology ads on TV inviting you to “check them out.” FINALLY Scientology is getting a comeuppance! A celebrity church member is being punished for his crimes IN SPITE OF Scientology interference. (Ck The Underground Bunker for details) That 70’s Show actor Danny Masterson has been found GUILTY of forcible rape of 2 women in the early 2000’s. Danny looked smug and confident as he arrived in court every day with his wife (and fellow Scientologist) Bijou Phillips. Despite Scientology efforts to frighten the accusers, he is facing 30 years to life in prison. His wife WAILED and sobbed when she heard the verdict and he was taken into custody. This is a huge setback for the “church” of Scientology and we couldn’t be happier!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Danny, wife, and entourage arriving to court



This one is a bit tricky since it involves an alleged rape and the last thing we want to do is victim shame.  E. Jean Carroll, the woman accusing Donald Trump of raping her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the mid-1990’s, recently took the stand in the tantalizing trial looking different.  Before the trial, she changed her hairstyle back to how she wore it when she alleges the rape occurred.  An associate pointed out that up until recently, Carroll sported a sensible short hairstyle (above left) with a sprinkling of gray, but she showed up at trial with a blonde bob cut, much like her look in the 1990’s – and she appears  younger .  The associate speculates that this is a direct response to Trump’s insulting claims that she was “NOT HIS TYPE.”  The insider says the short hair made E. Jean look a bit plain, but the longer bob has softened and feminized her appearance –  and perhaps beefed up her courage…


VERY interesting that Alec Baldwin’s little brother Billy Baldwin, 59, turned up in downtown LA to support his brother-in-law Danny Masterson at his rape trial. Danny (That 70’s Show) is a well-known Scientologist who is married to another Scientologist, Bijou Phillips – she is the younger half-sister of Chynna Phillips, Billy’s wife. Billy is an evangelical Christian (calls himself a “Jesus freak,”) who apparently respects Scientology. He claims “Scientology is more accepted in Hollywood than Jesus” and he defends Tom Cruise for his work ethic and perfectionism. Scientology’s involvement in covering up Masterson’s nefarious activities is being closely examined in court. In spite of his beliefs, when Billy saw a paparazzi creep up as he and Danny Masterson approached the courthouse this morning – he covered his face, scurried away, and was not seen again!

Photo: Instagram -Alec and Billy


Surely, you have seen the extravagant ad promoting Scientology on TV lately. It opens with “Church” Leader David Miscavige (above) standing in a large light-filled modern building with good looking young people milling around, while discussing the virtues of the organization. It so happens Scientology is in bad shape right now. The Bass VS Caruso mayoral ads cast a bad light on Scientology- but the Danny (That 70’s Show) Masterson rape trial promises to be even worse for Scientology’s reputation. The three women accusing Scientologist Masterson of rape (happened back in the early 2000’s) are former Scientologists who were warned by their “church” not to go to police but “let the church handle it.” Scientology always PROTECTS its celebrity members. The women say they were harassed and threatened by the “church” until they LEFT, and finally DID go to police. The women claim they are STILL being stalked and tormented by the “church” as the trial continues. Hopefully, Masterson will get what he deserves- and Scientology will too.


SO happy to hear that the “Church” of scientology lost an important court battle that they expected to win. The three women who filed rape charges against That 70’s Show star (and longtime scientologist) Danny Masterson, said they were stalked and harassed by the church after they filed the police report. The girls filed suit against the church, accusing it of surveilling them, hacking into their security systems, filming them, threatening to kill their pets (!), setting fires outside their homes, and posting fake sex ads supposedly from the girls, offering free sex to strangers. The church denied everything and insisted they could handle the problem “internally” citing religious arbitration. They almost got their way, but a panel of judges just decided the cases CAN move forward in a court of law! Hopefully, scientology leaders will be dragged into court!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Corey Feldman and his wife of five years, Courtney, dined at celebrity hangout Craig’s this week and we almost forgot how short he is. Former child star Corey claims to be 5’5” and his wife is 5’10”. For years Corey refused to name names when talking about child molesters in Hollywood. He finally released a documentary, My Truth: The Rape of Two Coreys that DID, but it was in 2020 during the Covid pandemic and few people saw it. Corey famously accused Charlie Sheen of raping his pal Corey Haim when they filmed the movie Lucas in 1986. Charlie was 19 and Corey was 13. Of course Charlie denied it, and shockingly, nothing came of the revelation. People were more appalled when Charlie revealed he was HIV positive (and had exposed other men and women) a few years earlier. To Corey’s consternation, Charlie seems to get away with everything…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Former Scientologist Leah Remini is our hero this week. She has been reportedly doing everything she can to see that Danny “That 70’s Show” Masterson goes on trial for three counts of rape – at least that’s what Masterson is claiming. Today Masterson was in court for a pre-trial hearing before a judge to decide if the case will go to court. Scientologist Masterson has hired one of the world’s most expensive lawyers, Tom Mesereau (OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson’s lawyer.) It’s estimated that Michael Jackson paid Mesereau 100 million dollars in his child sex case! Do you suppose the church of Scientology is helping pay for this? If Masterson is found guilty it will be a huge blow to the church – you can read a detailed account of the hearing on Tony Ortega’s blog.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Can’t say we’re the least bit surprised that Green Card star Gerard Depardieu, 72, has been charged with rape, but we ARE surprised that France seems to finally be taking the case seriously. It’s been bouncing around the courts since 2018, and it is, at long last, being investigated. France has NOT embraced the #MeToo movement – in fact it has been described as “paradise for sexual predators.” Depardieu is beloved in his home country despite his entitled behavior, alcohol consumption, road rage, and drunk driving. We believe that any man who would pull out a bottle and pee into it in full view of fellow passengers on a plane (because he was told the restrooms were unavailable while plane was taking off) would probably be egotistical enough to sexually assault a 22 year old actress and think nothing of it.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA