Nikki Haley


Another juicy piece of DC gossip from our political insider that we couldn’t wait to share: They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and Nikki Haley is scorned! As the then Governor of South Carolina Nikki appointed Tim Scott as a Senator when the seat became open. How did he thank her? By sucking up to her Republican opponent Donald Trump and endorsing him instead! Tim’s cringe-worthy drooling over Trump only got worse when Trump started badmouthing Nikki and Tim all but went along. My source says that if she doesn’t become the Republican nominee (and at this point it looks like a long shot) Nikki plans to run against Tim when his Senate term is up in 5 years. As my source puts it, Nikki will never forgive Tim. Of course, a lot could change between now and then, but Nikki is rightfully upset at Tim’s betrayal and wants revenge.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Nikki Haley made a surprise appearance in the opening skit of Saturday Night Live on February 3 and to be politically fair, NBC also invited her main rivals, President Joe Biden and Donald Trump to appear in future episodes. According to our source, President Biden is 99% committed to appear, but Trump not so much.  The problem is:  the show doesn’t guarantee anything, meaning – you gotta be able to take a joke.  Case in point:  SNL ribbed  good sport Nikki about her misstep when she didn’t mention slavery as the reason for the Civil War.  While Biden is prepared to be made fun of – (we can almost hear the age jokes now ) – thin skinned Trump has zero sense of humor when HE’S the butt of jokes.  He insists on complete control of a skit.  Needless to say, the show said no way,  so it’s unlikely now he will appear.  Based on his past behavior, he’ll CLAIM he was unfairly excluded, so remember where you read this.  He turned them down because he can’t take a joke.


Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Just because we’re not a fan doesn’t mean we don’t have a well-placed Donald Trump source and this latest tidbit is a real doozy! The former president is well aware that Nikki Haley is suddenly approaching neck and neck with him. He recently confided to a friend that if he doesn’t win the Republican nomination for president and Nikki does, he plans to run ( and of course fundraise) as a third party candidate which will all but GUARANTEE that Nikki loses. Our source explained that Donald is the epitome of a sore loser and he plans to punish EVERYBODY if he doesn’t get the nomination. Just remember WHERE you read this!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA  Donald leaving the courtroom


This is political gossip AND fashion gossip so we just couldn’t resist sharing. One of our fashion sources revealed that presidential candidate, Nikki Haley is now working with an established stylist to make her look more presidential. A Republican Super PAC just gave Nikki their practically unlimited checkbook, so now her campaign is flush with cash. As a result, she’s being seen as a potential Republican front runner, and someone who can dethrone the divisive Donald Trump. Nikki decided she needed a makeover, so she’s working with a NY based stylist on updating her wardrobe, accessories, makeup, and hair. Even though she’s a conservative Republican, she’s also seen as reasonable and moderate, so most of the top fashion designers are willing to work with her. As our source explained it, many of the designers who refused to dress Melania Trump due to her husband’s policies, are more than willing to work with Nikki. Look for subtle changes from now on – her new and improved look will be complete early next year.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Sometimes we can’t resist sharing a snippet of gossip from our political insider: Disgraced former president Donald Trump is scheming to get back into the White House and we hear that he wants to turn his biggest threat into his running mate. According to our source, the ONLY republican candidate Trump is worried about is moderate Nikki Haley. (She’s the one who doesn’t want to criminalize abortion among other sane ideas) Trump fears Nikki is the only one standing in his way of becoming the republican nominee. Behind VERY closed doors he’s had his people reach out to offer her the spot of vice president – IF she agrees to drop out of the race soon, and join his ticket! For now, Nikki has no desire to abandon her OWN White House dream, but if she doesn’t do well in the early primaries next year, she COULD take Trump up on his idea!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA