

Nikki Haley made a surprise appearance in the opening skit of Saturday Night Live on February 3 and to be politically fair, NBC also invited her main rivals, President Joe Biden and Donald Trump to appear in future episodes. According to our source, President Biden is 99% committed to appear, but Trump not so much.  The problem is:  the show doesn’t guarantee anything, meaning – you gotta be able to take a joke.  Case in point:  SNL ribbed  good sport Nikki about her misstep when she didn’t mention slavery as the reason for the Civil War.  While Biden is prepared to be made fun of – (we can almost hear the age jokes now ) – thin skinned Trump has zero sense of humor when HE’S the butt of jokes.  He insists on complete control of a skit.  Needless to say, the show said no way,  so it’s unlikely now he will appear.  Based on his past behavior, he’ll CLAIM he was unfairly excluded, so remember where you read this.  He turned them down because he can’t take a joke.


Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA



All this fuss over Jason Biggs’ tweet! All Jason did was crack a mild joke after the second Malaysian airplane tragedy yesterday. He wisecracked “Anyone wanna buy my Malaysian Airlines frequent flier miles?” Irate readers scornfully tweeted that his remark was “too soon “ and “inappropriate.” It’s FUNNY and harmless and in no way insults the grieving relatives of the crash victims or anyone else! What’s WRONG with these judgmental Americans who jump to take offense to every little thing and act all holier than thou? Get OVER yourselves! Live and let live. We need more laughs and fewer snide complaints. WE ARE FIRMLY ON TEAM JASON. (Except we cannot defend that awful necktie)

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News