

When we came upon this Instagram bondage photo of Sam Smith that is creating SUCH a stir, we couldn’t help remembering back in the “Girls” days when Lena Dunham shocked her fans. She posed in strappy lingerie without photoshopping to reveal what “real women” looked like. Lena and Sam have something in common- they both want ATTENTION and they got it! Sam’s photo pulled an assortment of comments, such as: “Is there no decency left on the planet?” “Thank you for normalizing all body types” and “We need to bring bullying back!”

Sam photo: The Perfect Magazine

Lena photo:



Armie Hammer seems to have dug his own grave and his situation is a Hollywood FIRST. His kinky sex fantasies were revealed to the world in text messages and everything around him collapsed, despite the fact that sex fantasies are NOT a crime. He was replaced in several upcoming film roles, and his agency and publicist dropped him cold. It all started with an Instagram account called House of Effie where messages between Hammer and women were revealed- he wrote about his sex fetishes involving rape, cannibalism, and bondage. One by one, women shyly came forward and wrote about their own horrible – and similar – experiences with the handsome actor. Looks like he charmed vulnerable women who really liked him and put up with his nonsense until they couldn’t. Nobody filed charges and Hammer explained “I never tied up a human being before – only mannikins” (really?) and insisted “all interactions were consensual” but his career is doomed. Yesterday the woman named Effie took it step further and alleged a rape and assault, and LAPD is investigating.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA – Armie and Effie in happier times


Janet Jackson, 44, hasn’t performed for awhile so she was determined to prove she’s still got IT with her show at the Essence Festival in New Orleans. She seemed REALLY happy to be back in the spotlight and it showed. Her sexy bondage themed production featured futuristic S&M costuming and Janet’s new short haircut. Mid-concert she pulled a guy from the audience and trussed him up in a straight jacket device in a steel frame. (Sounds like Gaga, who stole the idea from Joey Arias.) She pranced around him like a dominatrix and he ended up flat on his back with her writhing on top of him. Naughty Janet danced as energetically as ever – her only concession to maturity was a bit of knee padding in her high boots.


We can’t let the passing of Malcolm McLaren go by without recognizing his immense cultural influence on both fashion and music. This “architect of punk” gave us The Sex Pistols and revolutionized the disco driven 70’s. In 1971 he opened his “Sex” shop on Kings Road with his then-girlfriend Vivienne Westwood and it became a magnet for style obsessed young people everywhere. On our first trip to London, that store was the first stop and it was amazing. (It was rumored that a girl had recently given herself an abortion in the dressing room with a coat hangar.) Bondage gear, red plaid suits, safety pin jewelry, and ripped insult t shirts. Malcolm and Vivienne changed fashion forever and inspired generations of designers to come. We wish we had saved a bondage jacket or seditionary t shirt – they’re worth thousands now.