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Photo Credit: Splash News

Sylvester Stallone and family are in Rome where his wife Jennifer is teaching their three daughters Sistine, Sophie, and Scarlet, how to shop. Recently Sly bought lakefront property on Lake Sherwood in Thousand Oaks where he intends to build a weekend getaway house with a view of the lake. He likes the lake for it’s fishing, swimming, and boating, and unlike Malibu, the area is very private and secure.

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  1. Jennifer hung on to him like a bulldog through thick and thin….through all of his affairs, a kid of out wedlock, and a couple other scandals.
    With her, $$$ was the big draw, and now she has a MUCH older man and plenty of his $$$ to buy that property and live like royalty. The 3 kids will have all that $$$ can buy. Nice, No?

  2. The girl on the right looks like Mona lisa…not sure if that’s a particularly GOOD thing…poor kids…plastic face daddy so vain he has to name all his kids with “S”…and what’s the one on the left doing? Looks like she’s trying to anputate her own head with something! And could strapless tops be any less inappropriate for a young girl nearing puberty and out in public, daughter of two famous people? I’d dress MY young girls a little fuller than THAT if I was their parents…thw one in the middle is practicallt doing a MILEY!!!

  3. I think the girls are surprisingly pretty, despite having a papa with that face. Jennifer isn’t all that either, but at least her genes toned down his strong features in all three of the girls.

  4. I wonder if he’s that cozy with his sons from his previous marriage.
    He’s a scumball.

  5. People like Stallone should be sterilized by the Government before they spread their defective genes around.

  6. You know there are numerous ways to make sure a balloon is EXPLODING?
    HAHAHAHOHOHOHIHIHIHIHI, so is his life!!

  7. 6:04 PM: He has other kids and it is doubtful he has much to do with them, especially with his grown boy who is seriously autistic.

  8. Reta, I totally agree. A strapless top on a girl that age is disgusting and the parents should be more than ashamed. That was the first thing I noticed. Pedophiles delight in that sort of bad judgement.

  9. Surprising how homely these poor girls are.
    The 2 younger ones got ugly DNA from dad.
    Sad when model women waste their good genes.

  10. Amazing how big stars (Stallone, Cruise, Dustin Hoffman) always marry a gal 4 or 5 inches taller. Many more, but can’t think of them now.

  11. Who travels to Italy in August, when its 400 degrees?? And all the locals are gone??
    Only high school tour groups do this!

  12. After this, he ditched them and headed straight to the local gay leather bar where he dominated several blond twinks in full leather for hours.

  13. They aren’t really married! Those kids aren’t
    Stallone’s. None of them have black hair like
    his REAL son, Sage. Just really look at them
    closely. The whole relationship is a sham!!!
    Look at Sly’s brother Frank…get it. Flavin
    is a horseface!

  14. They aren’t really married! Those kids aren’t
    Stallone’s. None of them have black hair like
    his REAL son, Sage. Just really look at them
    closely. The whole relationship is a sham!!!
    Look at Sly’s brother Frank…get it. Flavin
    is a horseface!

  15. They aren’t really married! Those kids aren’t
    Stallone’s. None of them have black hair like
    his REAL son, Sage. Just really look at them
    closely. The whole relationship is a sham!!!
    Look at Sly’s brother Frank…get it. Flavin
    is a horseface!

  16. Those kids are ugly whether they are Sly’s or his
    brother’s Frank. So is Flavin, what a long face
    with wrinkles…doesn’t say much for those awful
    products she trys to sell…badly I might add!

  17. It’s a shame Stallone doesn’t spend time with his
    REAL children! These girls aren’t his children!
    It’s all a big sham!

  18. Jennifer Flavin is a liar. When you lie all the
    time, it’s hard to remember what you’ve said in
    the past, and that’s because it’s easy to tell
    the truth, and hard to remember lies because they
    are just that, lies!! She needs to just shut up!
    Lot’s of people know her real life!

  19. Those kids and Jennifer Flavin are awful
    looking. I agree, those kids don’t look
    like her or Sly Stallone. Weird!

  20. Those kids and Jennifer Flavin are awful
    looking. I agree, those kids don’t look
    like her or Sly Stallone. Weird!

  21. Flavin is ridiculous…go away…just fade into the past and be long gone!

  22. Flavin is ridiculous…go away…nobody can stand
    listening to you. You say words that don’t even
    exist in the English language…go back to school.
    Your products are terrible, and certainly have not
    helped you. You have aged terribly with your very
    LONG face and wrinkles and creases!! It’s time to
    go fade away and be long gone!!!

  23. Flavin is ridiculous…go away…nobody can stand listening to her. She makes no sense when she
    talks on that awful show and her products haven’t
    worked on her. She has such a long horseface!!!

  24. Flavin is ridiculous…go away…nobody can stand listening to her. She makes no sense when she
    talks on that awful show and her products haven’t
    worked on her. She has such a long horseface!!!

  25. I have a friend who spends much time with the family. Jennifer is an angel and they are a great family. The girls have a wonderful life but are appreciative. Don’t always beleive rumors and remember that many people make mistakes, but can move on and be happy.

  26. In the know…..I know for a fact that they are
    not a family….Flavin….yes Flavin is a rude
    selfish liar about her whole life. It has always
    been about money and nothing else. Sly had to
    beg people that owed him favors to get her jobs…
    she has been with women in NY and Miami, and her
    life in the public is a sham! I know Sly! She
    has lied so many times on interviews, she forgets
    what she’s said…it’s a joke….many people know
    the truth about them…she’ll be gone soon.

  27. Jennifer Flavin was a whore and a call girl for
    years and is still a skank. She’s not married to
    Stallone. So, I don’t know who “in the know” is,
    but I totally agree with annonymous below. So if
    that’s Flavin’s mistake you’re talking about, she
    hasn’t changed. She’s mainly a lesbian and does a
    man when she feels like it. She truly is such a
    low life! And those kids are snots and rude and
    not Sly’s. So, your comment you have a friend
    that spends time with the family is a crock. They
    both have secrets, so it works for them to have
    this sham going on.

  28. The younger girl who looks like she’s trying to
    take her head off suffers from epilespy. The
    older one who had heart surgery can still have
    problems in the future. I agree, those aren’t
    Stallone’s REAL children. He has only the two
    sons from his first marriage. I know that for
    a fact!!!

  29. you should be ashamed of yourself attack little girls. sounds like you jealous

  30. Do you even know how to speak English?? They
    are sick children.
    Flavin’s business just closed because she is
    a complete idiot and a liar. She was a whore/
    call girl in the past and did nude pics.
    As far as the children are concerned, it’s no
    secret they aren’t healthy so who would be
    jealous of that.
    Flavin isn’t a good person…pay back happens.

  31. nycgirl you flip flop. You spoke poorly of them
    dressing their children in low-cut dresses and
    said how disgusting their children looked. Make
    up your mind and know what your talking about.

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