lindsaycutyes“When Lindsay Lohan gets really wasted, she gets mean and arrogant and often backstabs her Hollywood competition.” At least that’s what a former “party pal” of hers told The Enquirer, and who are we to doubt her? The source claimed that when she was loaded, Lindsay bragged that she was the greatest actress in the world and she slammed her competition with the following comments:
Scarlett Johansson is “ugly, fat, and has no talent.”
Jessica Simpson “can’t sing and is as dumb as (bleep).”
Sienna Miller is a “no talent crackhead.”
Keira Knightly is a “flat, shallow, cardboard cutout of an
Jessica Biel is a “phony, scheming joke of an actress.”
We wonder what they think about HER?

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  1. well she’s right except about scarlett johansson. keira knightly thinks too much of herself. I think they call that delusional. 🙂


  3. Did she have a boob job?
    Or what?
    Somebody ought to buy her a wonder bra and lift them babies up and then show them off.

  4. 3:52 like duh! LL has the H’wood standard: fake boobs and nose.
    I love her ravings she’s such a hot mess!

  5. Pot – meet kettle. This skank is cooked. Put a fork in it.
    Oh how far she is falling – kind of good Karma, eh?

  6. Well, she’s lost everything else… might as well crap on the last of her friends, co-stars and acquaintances!

  7. she ‘s right.
    and lohan is white trash, who doesn’t appreciate the opportunities she has been given.

  8. I think everyone agrees with Lohan critism of these lousey actresses.. only she isn’t the greatest actress in the world, she’s just the greatest over-addicted actress still alive..

  9. Whoa.. pot,kettle,black, it’s not like you or any of us gossip, say catty things about others and then speak nicely to their face huh?

  10. 3:13, She’s right about Scarlet Johansson too. She has a weird shaped face, is short and dumpy, and was really only good when cast in roles as oddballs with affect-flat personalities (iow, when playing herself).
    Lindsay was at least amazing in the Parent Trap. Hard to recognize her today, however.

  11. It is not desired of those girls what they are thinking of this lindsay lohan type. I guess the same statement as, at least, half America!!

  12. Scarlett Johansson is “ugly, fat, and has no talent.”
    Jessica Simpson “can’t sing and is as dumb as (bleep).”
    Sienna Miller is a “no talent crackhead.”
    Keira Knightly is a “flat, shallow, cardboard cutout of an
    Jessica Biel is a “phony, scheming joke of an actress.”
    It’s called projection, Lindsay Hohan is talking about herself.

  13. Lindsay needs to shut the f up and take a look in the mirror.

  14. Lindsay is the biggest joke of all (except for maybe Paris). Don’t they know everyone is laughing at them?

  15. Sounds like something she’d say. Anyone remember she & Kate Moss writing “Scarlett is a c*nt” on the wall of a bar bathroom? She despises Scar so much, I kinda think she’s jealous….

  16. I pray for the old lindsay the redhead we fell in love with in mean girls that lindsay was awesome she needs to distance herself from her mother and the upper crust hollywood white trash ie paris nicole and whatever other girl we all read about but wonder what they do lindsay u r diffrent u have talent lets get the last laugh u really do rock

  17. I guess she hasn’t heard about people in glass houses.

  18. I feel sorry that she has the disease of being an addict. I hope she can get the help she needs for once and for all.

  19. Scarlett can’t act. Her best work is silent, and then she is at the top of her game.
    Jessica does not think clearly and has weak vocal ability.
    Sienna…jury’s still out on her acting ability.
    Kiera…yes to all of that, but she is working with some talent.She is successful because of her looks.
    Jessica B, unfortunately. while she may be a nice girl, and despite 7th Heaven, is out of her league in the acting dept, and has sculpted her way into the public’s eye. And can’t she see she is only JT’s rebound girl? Maybe he will help her grow up when he dumps her.
    So there were truths to Lohan’s words.
    So what? She is focusing in the wrong direction, no matter how right she may be in her assessment of others.

  20. Lindsay is done. Another tragic tale of a wasted talent. Her parents screwed her up so bad, then let her run wild. She had/ has no values, an empty human being. Just another suicide.

  21. former “party pal” is either that butch DJ or her former assistant the quit.

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