starcutjones.jpgStar Jones seems to be wallowing in praise since she “came out” and admitted she had gastric bypass surgery in 2003, ignoring the fact that everyone already knew about it and had labeled her a liar. Star claimed she didn’t want to mention the surgery because she didn’t want other people risking their lives to emulate her. REALLY. Lawyer talk. Actually, as the weight rolled off, she enjoyed bragging about her “years of hard work” and her “commitment” – her rigorous exercise programs and strict eating habits. She loved feeling superior to us as she boasted about her swimming and tennis lessons, pilates, and long daily walks. She laid it on thick and made herself appear to be a shining example of self discipline. She sold a lot of books and got tons of publicity. NOW she admits she is a liar. Too late, Star. You lost your credibility a long time ago.

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  1. Rosie called out Star on her lies a year ago. Miss. Jones is pathetic, she got fired from The View because of her nasty diva attitude. Hey Star, you should change your name to: LOSER!
    I hope you new show fails,
    PS. Your husband is GAY!

  2. Yeap Rosie was right and I remember how Star attacked Rosie for misleading comments. Star is a double talk lawyer and she’s not even good at that. Her career is over.

  3. I’m not a fan of hers by any means, but I must give her credit for that huge weight loss. Even with gastric bypass, it takes a lot of self discipline. Look at Carnie Wilson – she’s getting fat again. In fact a lot of people who get the operation end up getting fat again. So far, she has kept losing.

  4. That is a fabulous picture! I hope that one goes all around the internets!

  5. Shame on you Star. You are so passe! Go and hide you freaky looking self!

  6. Shame on you Star. You are so passe! Go and hide you freaky looking self!

  7. Star, we are so over you. You have no credibilty. I doubt your show can survive with so mucch negative opinions that people have about you.

  8. Star, we are so over you. You have no credibilty. I doubt your show can survive with so mucch negative opinions that people have about you.

  9. She was on celebrity Jeopardy a few years ago and couldn’t even answer a simple law question. What a sad excuse for a lawyer and now she’s a big fat liar. MOO MOO

  10. I hope her new show bombs. This woman is a complete joke. Her 15 min of fame is up! She looks like an alien now. YUCK! Go away!

  11. After a few years of weight loss, most gastric bypass patients gain the weight back. They can’t lose their emotional eating habits.
    Ask Roseanne Barr–she’s the first to admit that she ate her way out of her weight loss as fast as she possibly could.
    Star Jones is also involved in a bypass-the-sex marriage. When’s she gonna tell the truth about that one?

  12. most people agree Mrs. Reynolds looked better as a fat person.
    she dressed better too.

  13. Well forgive and forgive., she finally said sorry and told the truth.

  14. The woman is the second most hated woman in America after Ann Coulter!
    Star do us a favor and go away already and your husband is a flaming queen sista!

  15. Star is over.
    She jumped the shark with her “Princess Diana type” wedding to her fagalicious husband, Big Gay Al.

  16. Nobody believed she did it on her own, she lost the weight too fast and it was obvious to anybody that she was not the “exercising” type. I would have had more respect for her if she just told the truth, but she is a lawyer, they are all habitual liars

  17. Star is a phony and still a BIG FAT LIAR! She come down hard on Rosie for pointing out the truth about her weight loss knowing all this time she was lying. Typical lawyer BS. I can’t imagine who would want to see this ill informed woman she can not be trusted! Someone call a boycott of sponsors for her new show!!!

  18. This FAT B!tch is OVER! She is hated more than Omarosa! Surreal Life is next in Star’s career… Game Over you heffa!

  19. I have tried to figure out why I dislike her so much. She is so self absorbed and so full of herself. The last straw was when she actually asked for sponsors on her website to give her freebies for her wedding. How classy. I will stop getting court tv the moment she comes on. Like we didn’t already figure she had surgical help.

  20. I have tried to figure out why I dislike her so much. She is so self absorbed and so full of herself. The last straw was when she actually asked for sponsors on her website to give her freebies for her wedding. How classy. I will stop getting court tv the moment she comes on. Like we didn’t already figure she had surgical help.

  21. I think Star Jones article in Glamour magazine was very sincere warm amd humble. I would also add there is so much hatred cruleness and unkindness on these postings,but this is America and everyone is entitled to their opinion.
    Star knows who I am and in my dealings with her I have found her fair understanding and considerate. So I once again am in the minority on this posting hopefully just this posting. Good luck and God speed Star you deserve it. and I look forward to the hateful comments on this posting. Have a nice day.

  22. Michael AKA.. BIG GAY AL. did Star hire you another male escort from in exchange for your post. Your just as phony as she is. What don’t you understand America can’t stand to watch this liar on TV. She owes Rosie an apology!

  23. Down with Star down with this trash. Gurl you thought you were playing America but your saggy ass was fired from the View! You are a nightmare to work with and painful to watch. And who ever said you owe Rosie an apology.. You sure do.

  24. Janet please don’t post anything more about this nappy headed ho. She is ghetto gutter trash of the worst kind.

  25. Make her go away already. This woman is vile to the core. You had your chance Star and you blew it big time.

  26. Rude, Brash, Foul and Liar are a few kind words to describe Star Jones. Yes she got fired from The View and made an ass of herself in the process. She should just move to Ohio and raise chickens with her gay husband.

  27. Star gorged herself on food and fame and lost both battles. I don’t enjoy her at all. And from the comments above I see I’m in good company. Star you poor pathetic woman give it up already no one can stand you.

  28. I quit watching The View because of her and Meredith Vierra. It’s been great not having “Star” anywhere on my TV. Now, if The Today Show would only send Meredith back home to her husband and kids, life would be good. NBC made a terrible choice when they picked Meredith.

  29. I will not watch anything “Star” is a part of. I can’t stand to look at her… barf! Have another spoon full you lazy cow.

  30. High the mighty fall flat on their arse. Star thought she was all that and a bag of chips. she sure is… a greasy basket of fish and chips with extra tar tar sauce.
    Star sold all the wedding gifts she got on eBay. She is tacky.

  31. Janet please take this picture off your site. Star is a has-been.

  32. The surgury is just the beginning of a completely different routine. Prior to the procedure, patients go through a LOT of counseling for diet, exersize and piece of mind. While she did lie, she has to have some amount of accountibility to keep this weight off. You can stretch your new stomach if you eat too much, that’s why people gain the weight back.

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