Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

The first day of school can be somewhat traumatic even when your mother is Sarah Jessica Parker. Her son James doesn’t look thrilled at the prospect of summer vacation ending. Sarah dressed in a colorful outfit to walk James to school and stopped to point out an unusual bird in a tree to distract him. Sarah is about to start filming a comedy – “The Ivy Chronicles” – based on the book about a New York woman with two daughters who loses her husband, her job, and her Park Avenue apartment, and is forced to live in “reduced circumstances.”

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  1. Deer in headlights. Even kids 6 years old are savvy. Your mom in red jeans and a purple top? Embarrassing!

  2. I like SJP, but that kid will be graduating from Harvard before mommy has a starring role in a decent movie. Sarah should have retired after the first SATC movie.

  3. I look forward to seeing her in next years Kentucky Derby. She certainly has the face for it.

  4. My only problem with SJP is they keep pushing out there as the face of fashion. That she is not.

  5. How do these celebrities stay so thin? I’d really like to know their secret. I think it’s drugs, but I’d love to know what’s really going on.

  6. I want to know who started the rumor that she was gorgeous and was a fashion genius. She is none of those, but she does have good hair which she obviously spends a lot of time on. Wonder if Matthew B is still cheating. Once it starts….well, you know how that is.

  7. I agree with the previous comments, but have to really add my voice to Indy’s. Sarah has miracle hair – I think that is the thing that really seduces people.

  8. What a cute little girl, oops is that a boy? Cut his hair, he looks ridiculous. She is a scrawny horsefaced thing, I have no idea why she is held up to be this hot sex in the city person. And the husband is gay as a goose.

  9. Yeah Palermo. I agree. People in Hollywood tend to let their little boys’ hair grow too long. They think it is cute and edgy, but the kid is being scared daily because people treating him as if he were a girl.

  10. Her legs are nearly as thin as her sons. As for the coming project…OH BOY! We get to see her pretend to “be poor”! And doesn’t THAT sound appealing! As for her hair…gee, she can actually grow it long, THAT’S unusual. She dyes it all the time and gets the best spa treatments there is. It would be really amazing if she DIDN’T have good hair. What amazes ME tho is all the “stars” that don’t have “real” hair. It’s not that damn difficult to grow hair. I’ve done it myself. And yet these spoiled Hollywood types go out and buy what someone else spent years growing, and probably got paid a few bucks to cut off. Mainly Indian hair because it is so strong and supple. They are preyed upon because they are poor, and the rich take their long hair, thinking nothing of it. I look at it similarly to the ones who purchase kidneys from poor people who sell them to support their families. It really makes me sick how the poor keep getting victimized by the rich.

  11. SJP was quite good in State and Main, and others as a supporting actress. She is not the leading lady type. The husband has a girlfriend, and accommodations are made for the children.

  12. The colors are well and blended together and really pretty and attractive and light and direction in fashion is outstanding and they look very nice and wonderful.

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