Russell Crowe is turning into a male version of Janet Jackson. Between movies he eats like a pig and lets himself go. Then he starves himself and works out like a maniac to get in shape for an action movie. We were intrigued to hear that he is attached to star in an updated version of Michael Crichton’s Westworld. The original 1970’s movie was engrossing – it’s about a futuristic amusement park where guests can live out their fantasies. Visitors have a choice of Roman times, Wild West times, or Medieval times and they interact with robots – including beautiful women and sexy men for romance – and have adventures. The fun begins when park’s central computer breaks down and the robots run amok. For once, we think the remake might even be better than the original because technology has come so far.

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  1. This photo is from a sponsored Cricket event held in (my hometown) Wellington, New Zealand to raise funds for the people affected by the Christchurch quake. This event had a few ‘big namers’ there, including our Prime Minister, Aussie Cricketer/Serial womaniser Shane Warne. The highlights I viewed on TV, looked like a fun event.

    Russ was born in Christchurch, so was participating in this event to help raise funds.

    This event raised $500k.

    fyi: Russell Crowe is your typical kiwi male.

  2. Glad he tries to behave like something other than an abusive egomaniac on his side of the world.

  3. Beer, beer, beer (along with food and taken in to the bod together) is what does it.

  4. He’s an arrogant, pig F _ _ _ing, narcissist that thinks he is a stud. I can’t stand to watch anything that he is in.

  5. Russel Crowe is one of the best actors in the biz!! Arrogant or not, I Love Him and his great acting skills.

  6. Indy, I know this is a gossip site.
    But I need to ask your forgiveness.
    God help us.
    Reta. Care to comment.
    Mr. Crowe.

  7. you won’t believe it……….HIS TURD IS REALLY GI-GAN-TIC, folks!!

  8. Crow was excellent in A Beautiful Mind, but that was a long time and many pounds ago. He reminds me of how Alec Baldwin was a great looking hunk in his early years and let himself go. Both guys are frumpy dumpy middle-aged men now, and NOT sex symbols anymore.

    It becomes harder as you age to play games with your weight, and actually dangerous to do on your body and health. Look for a heart attack in either of these guy’s lives in the not too distant future.

    As for the original post by Janet on the idea of a remake of the movie “Westworld” I quite clearly remember the original for one reason only: the supurb look and the way he chose to perform the main role of the villain robot, the one and only Yul Brynner. NO ONE can re-do this role, I don’t CARE if the thechnology has breatly improved. The ACTING Brynner did as the relentless robot can’t be improved upon, so why bother? Irreplacible.

  9. Reta,
    I was thinking the same thing re: Crowe putting on weight, then taking it off quickly for movie roles. Not just unhealthy, but literally life threatening. It’s what killed Clark Gable and it sure didn’t help Elvis — who, in his early movie making days, did the same thing to lose weight, until all of those crash diets started making his metabolism crazy.
    I loved him in LA Confidential, but that was a very long time ago, too! 🙂

  10. Didn’t I read somewhere he recently quit smoking? Looks like he’s substituted donuts.

  11. I thought he looked great in Robin Hood, which I enjoyed, but then I’m a sucker for men in medieval garb. Oh and I’m with Reta, the first thing I thought about when Janet mentioned the Westworld remake was Yul Brynner. I got to sit in the second row to see him do the King and I. Damn could that man wear red.

  12. Meat video in the left bar of the home page is too much.
    Get rid of that shit, Janet!

  13. No it’s not zeus, but if he could read your comment, he’d probably invite you over for dinner considering Shatner is almost 80 and Crowe is 46. Crowe on the other hand would probably throw a heavy object at you.

  14. Yul Brynner was fabulous in all his parts and come to think of it, I don’t recall him letting himself go ever in real life. he was a fabulous actor, and immpressive as hell at everything he did. NO one could have played any of the roles he played, but him, they were his alone. Anybody who think they are going to remake this movie is a fool, unless they can fit Yul in there via the “halogram” like they had with Celine Dion singing with Elvis. Might be interesting to use his ofiginal parts and bits, and build a new movie around THAT, but no way can you replace him. Just not POSSIBLE.

  15. It must be very disappointing to pay big time bucks to see a “celebrity” at a fundraiser, and instead have to get a load of a tub of lard.

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