Photo Credit: Splash News

Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal have a secret. Recently they were at a Lakers game seated next to Jeffrey Katzenberg. An eyewitness told us that at half time Reese was fiddling with an antique style diamond ring on her engagement finger. She showed it to Jeffrey and whispered something to him. Jeffrey looked around and advised her “You’d better take that ring off before people see it!” She and Jake chuckled and she slipped the ring off and put it in her pocket. The pair were very affectionate and touchy during the game. We think they got engaged for real over the holidays!

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  1. I hope so, they seem like a happy, decent couple and they both would deserve each other. I wish the all the best, and to be left alone by the nuisance “paps” and their crazyness. Just let them have a normal life.

  2. A much more likely couple would be Jake Gyllenhaal and Jeffrey Katzenberg – two full-blown (pun intended) faggots. Is Reese blind?

  3. These people are all freaks! Why keep an engagement secret if you have good intentions. One of the very reason for a ring is to say to others that I’m married or engaged to another person. Sheesh!

  4. There were pictures of her going in and there was no ring on her left hand.

  5. What’s with that goofy rag that’s always on his head? Please don’t be in the closet, or the front seat of the car in the garage, like the last one.

  6. Janet, WHAT is UP with the people on your site? i have never seen this much gay bashing on other sites! These people are rabidly homphobic nasty freaks with their verbals slurs, calling people they have NO IDEA of “faggot”…which HAS to be one of the all-time ugliest words out there!
    To the rest of you…the gay bashers…I ask you…why in the world would he bother to date for such a long time this girl and go everywhere with her, for YOUR distraction? Do you REALLY think you are THAT important???? NOT!!!
    You all make me sick!!!

  7. I get a lesbian vibe from Reese. Do you?
    I doubt they will tie the knot.

  8. Over 100 pics of them at the game and at least 1 vid and guess what, no “antique style diamond ring” anywhere on her “engagement finger” or anywhere else.
    “She showed it to Jeffrey and whispered something to him. Jeffrey looked around and advised her “You’d better take that ring off before people see it!” So who heard all this? The woman sitting next to Jake intently watching the game? Someone sitting way behind them who wouldn’t be able to see squat? A lip reader across the court? A Laker Girl during her halftime dance?
    Or maybe it really was a ring – it was Jake’s boyfriend’s c o c k ring she was holding hostage until he finished her “I’m so desireable and not like a pathetic Jennifer Anniston after my husband divorced me for another younger woman” photo op and then she would give it back.

  9. Well it could be she had the ring in her pocket and took it out during the game knowing she couldn’t be caught wearing it, she got involved too quickly with this guy on the rebound I hope she waits awhile to marry him or she’ll end up hurt like Rene Zellweger.

  10. REESE SHOWED ME THE RING!! It’s large and plain gold with some engraving. But the so-called eyewitness heard wrong. The ring isn’t Reese’s, its something she gave Jake at the beginning of their relationship. When they aren’t being papped he wears it thru his nose to always remind him he owes her for helping him beard.

  11. In ‘real’ life Jake is a closeted homosexual and has a child with his man-friend. As much as Janet wants to deny and censor this fact, it is well known in Hollywood circles. Reese is a fake ‘beard’.

  12. Reese and Jake’s fuaxmance is tacky publicity campaign.
    Doing photo opportunities is much easier than making good movies.

  13. Oh come on, people. This is PR pulling your collective leg. It’s real easy to make up a cutesy story to go along with some pictures. Hey, Reese was fiddling with a ring and whispering to JK and blah blah….guess what, no doubt someone will have “heard” them on the way out talking about “the wedding” and babies.
    It’s all PR yanking peoples chains, plugging this thing to death to sell careers.

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