Photo Credit: Splash News

Debbie Harry at the Stephen Sprouse tribute in New York and she looks better than she has in Years! Debbie and Sprouse made each other famous because she was his muse and she always wore his clothes back in the glorious punk days when everybody hung out at Max’s Kansas City. After he died she was never quite as adept at dressing herself, but she turned up at the party looking fine.

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  1. I’ve seen her in person close up and she’s old and haggard. She looks her age. She’s wearing a shittt load of makeup and fake lashes. Wash her face and then lets discuss.

  2. Oh my God! She reminds me of my grandma, she loved Debbie Scarey,

  3. You age-ists out there, knock it off! She’s beautiful. Janet, you think those shiny tights and shoes look good?

  4. Wash her face and then lets discuss.
    Wash ANYBODY’S face and discuss..
    Come on people get older that’s life..grow up!

  5. She’s 63, folks. Not quite a senior. And for 63, she looks absolutely fantastic. People get old…you will too. Wrap your heads around it.

  6. I agree with Robert…smart guy that Robert!!
    Blondie was awesome when they were hot and in and I used to love dancing to them…hope they come back stronger than ever with some equally great new tunes!!
    As for her looks, she pretty sure did have a new facelift because some pics of her not so long ago weren’t that hot, but she cleaned up nicely and whoever she got wasn’t Michael Jackson or Joan River’s surgeon, cause this in one time I can say a facelift actually looks GOOD. They usually look horrible…Mickey Roarke ANYBODY???

  7. Debbie look glorious! Anyway who says different is just jealous.
    Whoever did her facelift did a great job.
    Good for her- she cares about looking her best.
    I love Debbie.

  8. She looks great for her age whether it’s the makeup face lift whatever… I would love to see you haters at her age. We are ALL going to get old and ugly. If you think you will look better than that you are probably dreaming.

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