We can’t help but wonder what’s going on with Zahara’s lips. Did she just wake up after sleeping on her face? A bad photo angle? Or is it something more serious that we never noticed before? Can any mothers out there explain this? It would NOT be easy to have unattractive lips in a family so famous for their puckers, so let’s hope for the best.


54 thoughts on “PUCKER UP

  1. Ok now I think you have reached a all time low picking apart a baby.. no class or style. saddddd

  2. How dare you scrutinize an innocent baby’s appearance. Shame on you. You are no better than perez hilton making fun of the dead.

  3. Well. Since you tell us to tell you what we think, here goes. She is African, and has lips that are well, African. To me, your observation seems insensitive and racist. To call full lips, which are commonly associated with Africans and African Americans, “unattractive,” well, I find that unattractive. Open your mind.

  4. Wow…that’s pretty low, isn’t there any good news to day you have to bag on a toddler…you must be proud of yourself…

  5. Why is everyone having a collective heart attack about this. There does, in fact, seem to be some sort of blister above her upper lip–it’s not just that she has “full” lips, there’s something ABOVE the lip, like a blister or sore. This isn’t racism, it’s just curiosity.

  6. What a bunch of pearl clutchers!
    It’s obvious that there is something wrong with her lip.
    Fever blister sounds right.

  7. Leave poor Janet alone. Actually when I saw the pictures earlier this week, I was thinking the same thing. Fever blisters was my guess.

  8. you are treading thin ice with the comments about a child’s appearence.

  9. You’re the racist one Wendy,if you think that African lips look like that. Her lip looks strange in that photo. What’s derogatory about that?
    Should we close our eyes and pretend we don’t see it because she’s St. Angelina’s child?
    Lighten up!

  10. Well, since you took that from another site that had scanned the magazine you would know the picture is distorted because of the orginal scanned version.
    There isn’t anything wrong with her lips.

  11. her lips DO looked jacked up.
    get over your “P.C.” bull crap and get real.
    it’s almost 2007 people.
    I’m mixed, and I agree w/Janet.

    Hey Janet, please visit a new hair stylist and have your hair color corrected.
    You look great for your age, but the color is cartoon-ish.

  12. Janet. Take that advice from the streets of Hollywood post. You’re too pretty to have that 1990s haircolor. Do domething new.

  13. It does appear that there is something strange there…however I thought the same thing about the photos of Shiloh in the people magazine when they first came out. It looked as if she almost had a cleft pallet. Weird coincidence.

  14. I stand by my original opinion. I am sticking up for the kid, not her mom. I am not into people who date married people. Messed up. But I don’t really care, either, about that. None of my business. But calling a baby unattractive is just mean.

  15. noone is calling her unattractive. The baby is beautiful. And noone is making fun of her. That is not the point. The point was that something does not look right. Not “man that kid has a big nose” it is that her little lips appear to have something wrong.

  16. what has this poor innocent black child ever done to anyone. Leave her alone. Picking on people because of their lips, or skin color, or hair color is cruel, mean and very tasteless.

  17. I actually looks more like scab from a fall, maybe fell and bottom teeth cut lip. It has happened to my children.

  18. It actually looks more like a scab from a fall, maybe fell and bottom teeth cut lip. It has happened to my children.

  19. My guess is same as Jenny’s: it’s a boo boo! Maybe Maddox pushed her down?

  20. It’s irrelevant whether its a blister or an injury. There are a lot of other things to talk about then a baby’s lips.

  21. why are you so mean to pick on a poor child, what’s next a slanted eye joke about maddox?

  22. “Yawn”
    yet you posted
    September 16, 2006 5:56 AM
    Posted by: Anonymous
    Yes, I did. Nice of you to notice.
    I’ve been reading Janet’s columns for a long time, and I was excited when she got her site. However, I’m really disappointed in where this one is going. It’s just not the quality that she’s known for.
    C’mon, talking about “unattractive lips” on a baby??
    Must be running out of gossip in H’wood if that’s a highlight.

  23. It’s not so much that Janet Charlton was making a racist statement, which I don’t think she was, but that she’s posting about a friggin child. Come on!
    Yeah she may have a blister, so?
    We don’t see you posting about your yeast infection do we?
    Come on Janet, there must be something more newsworthy than the blister of a minor.

  24. Janet, I think the photog did some photoshop on her lips because on their earlier candid photos from New Orleans Zahara’s lip are normal.
    I don’t think it’s racist because I thought the same thing and I’m Black. I just think something is off with her lips and I think it’s the photograph.

  25. Hey Pat,
    Like what? Read the papers lately or watched the news?
    Consider yourself saved.

  26. it’s a cold sore (herpes). it can appear anywhere on the face (so it’s possible that it’s not only on the lip but also above it).

  27. It’s either a cold sore or more probably it looks like the poor tot’s been wiping her runny nose too much and has a little rash under her nose- something quite common.

  28. janet I loved your column in star magazine for years and years. it was fun and refreshing and loaded with juicy gossip. why are you sinking so low with posts like this. I liked your old column better.

  29. No one can save anyone Mimi!
    I’m on your side, but too vague i suppose.
    Janet’s just fishing for fat, stupid trout with this stinky bait. Most trout don’t see it, some give it a sniff and keep going, some bite, some bite down so hard they swallow it. That’s the fat trout she’s after!
    The story here is…there is no story. And the bait is very distasteful!
    But Janet’s a good fisherman and knows how to catch a fish, she needs to eat too.
    My point is OUR KIDS ARE OFF LIMITS. it’s unethical diversion, even for mindless gossip!
    Do you swallow Mimi?!

  30. She has a snotty nose. Big Deal. haven’t your heard the saying ‘pick on someone your own size’ or is that just an Aussie way of life?
    Like really, picking on a baby!! tut tut!

  31. Maybe she uses a pacifier frequently and her upper lip is a little chapped. It happens a lot.

  32. Maybe you should stop criticizing baby lips and focus more on those haggy old lady hands that you keep hidden with gloves. You’re not fooling anyone.

  33. I saw the same pic in a lot of magazines, Zahara’s lips are OK! Nothing’s wrong with them. Its just this photo is very blury. Get the better picture, Janet!!!

  34. Your reporting is petty and desperate, and frankly I’m bored. You’ve lost this reader.

  35. Lots of Babies from 3rd World countries have cleft lips.. That is what it is.. it looks like a light case of it. they have Corrective Surgery that helps.

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