I AM KING FINAL cutcopy.jpg
Macy’s is inundating Los Angeles with these ads for Sean (P Diddy) Combs’ new fragrance “I Am King.” Sean happens to look great in this photo but the whole idea of men wanting to feel like “kings” is rather nauseating. What’s with this obsession with royalty? It’s egotistical and ostentatious like Sean Combs himself. The world doesn’t need more guys with that attitude. One is MORE than enough.

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  1. He is so everything that is not CLASS but he thinks he’s got it but he’s got it all wrong! He’s ugly, uncouth, dumb and arrogant…

  2. Obviously this is what Jlo thought too when she was a nobody dancer and was happy to give up as much, and wherever he wanted in order to acquire some fame.

  3. I agree with your sentiment wholeheartedly on this one Janet.
    Diddy is an Arrogant Ass

  4. Man, this dude REALLY thinks very highly of himself, doesn’t he ?
    And I ask…Why?

  5. …at the risk of making y’all throw up:
    it’s a Black thing; you woudn’t understand.
    (well, you might if you ever read a god danm book in your life)

  6. 1:04- I’m a literary agent. You could do well to pick up a book yourself- Say, a dictionary would be a good start.

  7. “Sean John” / “Puffy Combs” is a jerk! I’m boycotting Macy’s because they’ve put so much energy into this product. How about SJ’s liquor commercial too? It’s another ode to his arrogance!

  8. He’s an ass with one of the wierdest shaped heads I’ve EVER seen…UGG!!

  9. When is he gonna fade away from all the Media, this nausating creature? Jlo and him were a perfectly disgusting couple and deserved each other to the limits.

  10. Agree with MB… this worls is full of morons like Pee Whatever, however… it’s Macy’s we should really boycott for putting this ass on shelves into our faces.

  11. >>1:04- I’m a literary agent. You could do well to pick up a book yourself- Say, a dictionary would be a good start.

  12. Um. Now that Obama is Prez… Can you quit boring everyone about how black you are? People could care less. Let’s just pray that we can finally quit talking about what color someone is… who cares?!

  13. Really sparkle, I don’t see Obama’s name anywhere on that ad. I think Diddy’s talking about himself.

  14. >>Um. Now that Obama is Prez… Can you quit boring everyone about how black you are? People could care less. Let’s just pray that we can finally quit talking about what color someone is… who cares?!

  15. >>Really sparkle, I don’t see Obama’s name anywhere on that ad. I think Diddy’s talking about himself.>>
    you are too literal and in denial
    african american is more than a color.
    it is a culture and a history.
    you kids are too shallow and dismissive!
    if it’s not in front of your face, it doesn’t exist?
    good luck with that approach moving forwardin the post-obama world.
    everyone is going to have to step it up now, and Act Like You Know –
    times have changed & so has the show!

  16. He is not a dignified male. As far as the chick running her mouth about the subtext being a reference to an African King: Honey one who is a King in Africa OFTEN immigrates to America and is at the very bottom of the social hierarchy:)Get real he is just an image shaped by marketing and the media. He is just an average black man who is good at business and making money.He would be more marketable if he would STFU and try to restrain that massive fragile ego of his:)

  17. Come on everybody. We all know Coombs/Diddy/ Daddy/ whatever he is today, is an ass. That’s a given. It’s like sitting around debating whether water is wet. Hasn’t anyone got any filthy dirty stories about him? it’s what I log on here for!

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