We’re still confused by the Star Magazine cover story “NICOLE & JOEL MARRIED!” Star had Nicole Richie and Joel Madden married last June also, but it didn’t pan out. This time Star had many details about their private online wedding ceremony on October 14 conducted by, of all people, Reverend Moon. The magazine also wrote about Nicole’s father Lionel bragging about the wedding and the couple’s friends congratulating them. But Nicole and Joel have called the story ridiculous and insist they are NOT married. Star jumped the gun yet again.
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They are in pre-planning for the divorce proceedings. Since Nicole is off drugs she finally noticed what a douchebag this fellow is!
So Star jumped the gun, huh? Guess you forgot about your insistence that Katherine Heigl was having a baby. Janet, all of you so-called insiders are not inside at all and let’s face it, you guess just like the rest of us.
good god………….BE THANKFUL FOR THAT, folks!!
Star magazine has been going downhill for
a while now..i stopped buying them.
Missed you so glad you have this site..
What happened to the Chaz story, the comments weren’t positive enough?
Well, it was a between couple private agreement.. not legal consent marriage thing. She’s so afraid to act like a adult and immoral about giving her kids a postive role model family, he’ll take off and marry someone else and then she’ll boo hoo and be sorry.
There’s a big difference between stating that someone IS pregnant and WONDERING if someone is pregnant, as I did. And Katherine DID end up with a baby girl after all. I don’t insist something is a fact unless I know it is. There’s no excuse for that Star cover – it deliberately cheats readers.
These two are famous because?????? Thought so. No reason at all.
What the eff are they waiting for? They have TWO kids together already! Do they NEED any more reason to be married?
What does she see in him? (sorry)
What does he see in her? (sorry)
They are both immature and he is unlikely to settle down for at least 10 more years. He has already been out partying without her, and who knows what is going on in her pea brain. He likes the 2 kids, but not to the point where he gives up partying.
This match is weird, but then again, they are just following HollyWeird’s standards of weirdness.