

Travis Kelce blabbed on his weekly podcast that it was HIS idea to join girlfriend Taylor Swift onstage during one of her recent European concerts, but we just heard what he DIDN’T reveal. Travis also came up with the idea of appearing in one of Taylor’s upcoming music videos for her latest album and my source says that some of it has already been filmed. Unlike most of Taylor’s last lovers (who’ve preferred to keep things on the down low) Travis loves the spotlight and enjoys having their romance out in the open.

Julia Roberts and her husband Danny Moder celebrated their 22nd wedding anniversary on July 4 with an Instagram post but I’m hearing that the couple ( who many predicted wouldn’t last) also have a secret Independence Day tradition where they renew their wedding vows to one another in private. The notoriously private couple stunned their friends and family 22 years ago when they got married during a July 4 celebration and Julia confided to a pal that they’ve repeated their wedding vow tradition almost every year (a few times they were apart working so they did it on a different date).

Desperate to save his faltering presidential campaign, Joe Biden is on an interview tour as we exclusively reported. Now we are hearing that in addition to the tour, Biden is prepared to take a cognitive test and release the results regardless of how they turn out. My political source says that at this point the president is willing to try almost anything to prove to the American people that he’s capable of being president and not mentally challenged.

On the other hand we are also hearing that his presumptive Republican challenger Donald Trump is TERRIFIED that Biden will be replaced and he’ll have to run against someone younger. My source says that Donald thoroughly enjoys painting Biden as old and feeble, but he’s worried he will be the one looking frail against a younger Democratic candidate. Get this: He’s even started using his wife Melania’s skin serum and emulsion that she orders from a top plastic surgeon every month. Donald is suddenly taking his appearance seriously. In addition to the fancy potions he’s also updating his wardrobe in hopes of appearing younger than 78!

Finally, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck made headlines for spending the holiday weekend on different coasts, but still wearing their wedding rings! For a couple seemingly on the verge of divorce, it’s odd that their rings are back on. Here’s what we know. Their marriage is rife with problems, including their different lifestyles (she loves the limelight and loves to live large, while he’s private and parsimonious). The only things they seem to have in common is incredible sexual chemistry and a true love and respect for one another. So for now, they’re not throwing in the towel, but are hoping to work out some sort of arrangement to stay married but live apart. As for the rings, we heard it was a calculated move to show the public they’re still working on their union.

PHOTO: New Heights podcast


Jennifer Lopez shocked the world when she abruptly canceled her soon-to-start summer tour to promote her new album. According to my source, although ticket sales were tepid, the real reason she nixed the tour is to save her marriage to Ben Affleck. Workhorse Jen isn’t about to give up her career however, so she’s looking for something that can keep her firmly planted in LA. (making movies and touring doesn’t accommodate that) But she DOES have an idea: My source revealed that J.Lo is now contemplating joining the talk show circuit, most likely with a syndicated daytime show. That way she can film a few days a week, and still have plenty of time to spend with Ben.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Jen and Ben on their way to Jack in the Box after Samuel Affleck’s basketball game


Well it only took them 8 days, but People Magazine just reported OUR May 20th scoop on Jennifer Garner. We were the first to tell you that Jen was hoping that her ex-husband Ben Affleck can save his marriage to his current wife, Jennifer Lopez. Mostly because J.Lo keeps Ben committed to a healthy non-alcoholic lifestyle. We also added the tidbit that Garner was actively playing the role of an unofficial marriage counselor doing everything in her power to ensure they stay together. See the link below of the item people ran today. Once again, you know where to turn to for the best Hollywood scoops!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Jennifer Lopez has an unexpected ally during her marriage crisis to Ben Affleck – his ex-wife Jennifer Garner! While J.Lo and Ben are working to figure out their future, an insider reveals Garner has offered her support to BOTH, encouraging them to make their marriage work. The former Alias actress has been divorced from Ben since 2018, (she’s happily dating businessman John Miller) so she KNOWS what it’s like to be married to Ben. She also knows Lopez has been a positive factor in his life, and the life of the kids. Garner’s biggest fear is that Ben will fall off the wagon and spiral out of control again if his marriage to Lopez disintegrates, so she’s actively encouraging them to stick it out.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA  Ben and Garner  chatting by her car


Hi Readers,
We are going to try something new. As a one-woman operation, writing this website is a time-consuming task. We hear a lot of great gossip but don’t have the staff and resources of other websites like TMZ, so they occasionally break the story first. That doesn’t mean we don’t have some exclusive details, so we are going to call this weekly feature, HERE’S WHAT WE KNOW. As the title implies, we will update you on what we know about items you might read elsewhere. Just because we didn’t write it first, doesn’t mean we don’t have some good tea to share! So here we go:

Everyone is talking about Tish Cyrus stealing her husband Dominic (Prison Break) Purcell from her daughter, Noah. Here’s what we know… Noah WAS casually dating Dominic before Tish hooked up with him, but the gals were already estranged before the betrayal. Noah and her mom Tish have been on the outs over Billy Ray Cyrus. Noah is a daddy’s girl and took his side when Tish finally pulled the plug on the marriage. On the other hand, Noah’s big sister Miley sided with her mom, and is now estranged from Billy Ray…

Kayne West is back to posting direct pleas to his ex-wife, Kim Kardashian on social media. His latest one urged her to take their kids out of what he calls “system school” (which some took to be leaning into antisemitism.) We DO know that Kim called a meeting with lawyers since the social media post apparently violated their custody agreement by naming the school where the kids are enrolled. Huge safety concern for Kim – so she’s using this an ammunition to get full custody. We will keep you posted.

Finally, Stephen Baldwin raised concerns about the state of his daughter Hailey’s marriage to Justin Bieber when he asked fans and his social media followers to pray for the couple. Here’s what we know: We already told you the marriage was in trouble and that the couple were in therapy and spending time apart. This time we beat the other websites in revealing this, so we will say it again, WE TOLD YA SO!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Tish Cyrus and Dominic Purcell


As rumors swirl that their marriage is on the rocks, here’s what we are hearing about Justin Bieber and his wife Hailey:  While it’s true they’ve been going through a rough patch – which our source attributes to Justin’s mood swings and depression – they ARE  in therapy working on their relationship. As part of their treatment they’ve been spending time APART with Hailey holed up in their Beverly Hills mansion, and Justin spending more time at their home outside of Palm Springs at the posh development, The Madison Club. When they are together it’s for events like the Super Bowl. While this can change on a dime, for now our source predicts they will both fight to save their marriage…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


NOW we know the reason why Katy Perry and her baby daddy Orlando Bloom aren’t married yet – she’s waiting for her first marriage to Russell Brand to be annulled so she can marry Orlando in a Catholic Church! Katy has been trying to annul her 14-month marriage to Russell ever since he asked for a divorce in December 2011, but the process can be long and arduous. Since Brand was accused of rape and sexual assault by four women, Katy is in a BIGGER hurry. According to my source, Katy is FINALLY close to getting the ill-fated marriage scrubbed from her record, and she will marry Orlando before the ink is dry on those annulment papers.


Photo: Instagram Katy Perry


Marriage problems ALREADY for newlyweds celebrity hairstylist, Chris Appleton and his husband White Lotus season one star Lukas Gage? The two rushed into marriage, eloping to Las Vegas on Kim Kardashian’s private jet, just a few months after hooking up. But now their initial infatuation has cooled and their 12-year age difference is becoming a thing. Our source says that the couple have off the charts romantic chemistry and might have mistaken passion for true love. They really didn’t know one another and are discovering they don’t have much in common outside the bedroom! They’re determined to try to make this work, so they’re in therapy, but at least one friend predicts this hasty marriage is doomed…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Dolph Lundgren, 65, recently, married his 27 year old, personal trainer Emma Krokdal on the Greek island of Mykonos, where he has a villa. According to an insider, there is a reason the Swedish actor married in Greece – since neither he nor Emma are Greek citizens, their wedding is non-binding! According to Greek law, only Greek citizens who marry in the country have legal unions. So while Dolph is spiritually married to the much younger Emma, they still are not legally hitched! Our source says that Emma was none too happy when she discovered the marriage wasn’t valid, so now she’s strong-arming Dolph to marry her again, but this time in America.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Liev Schreiber couldn’t be happier- after seven years of dating and a recent quiet marriage, he and Taylor Neisen are expecting a baby.  He was with Naomi Watts  for ten years and had two children, but they had a “modern relationship” and never married. (Like Goldie and Kurt) Consequently, when they decided to split and go their separate ways in 2016, there was no messy divorce and they remain friends, raising their kids together. Interesting that both he and Naomi chose the old fashioned way and both MARRIED their current partners (She’s with Billy Crudup)  So much for “modern”relationships…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA