Okay, we admit we’re a tiny bit obsessed with Mickey Rourke’s ever-evolving looks. Sometimes we compare him to a male version of Donatella Versace, and other times he is right on the edge of cool. He looks like he’s been around the block more than a few times, thanks to a combination of boxing and plastic surgery. One thing, – he’s never boring. And he somehow manages to keep a Russian model girlfriend, even though he hangs out with his gym buddies most of the time. (Above, he’s carrying coconut water)
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
WTFH? He is absolutely a fright! How sad that many years ago he made 9 1/2 Weeks, and considered a 80’s hottie. He was rumored to have had a massive drug problem that apparently didn’t work well with beatings in the ring and too much surgery.
That side profile first made me think it was Donatella Versace
i want that.
Life not long. Coconut water no cure for troubles.
No excuse for Rourke to be a slob.
His 80’s glory days showed such future promise but like Jan Michael Vincent he appears to have taken some multiple really bad falls. He looks like he has a lot of “stuff” to deal with.
………..no comment.
I’m sorry, but he looks insane
HARD to think of another movie star that has fallen so far and so HARD.
Looks like a very old Indian.
He looks wretched, like that dreadful, Hitler-esque Chili Pepper guy, Anthony Keidis. Unkempt and filthy looking.
did he get lip injections??? and looks like his nose was punched too many times AND that wig is ATROCIOUS