Photo Credit: Splash News

Just like we told you, Madonna’s daughter Lourdes is happily spending much of her summer vacation with her biological father Carlos Leon in New York. Carlos, who’s still doing training and acting, gets very annoyed when he sees the photographers. Maybe because they’re not that interested in him when Lourdes isn’t around. It must be a relief for Lourdes to get away from all that Kabbalah and be able to eat different food.

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  1. ISs it a surprise we’re not interested in this BONEY FAGGOT?

  2. Janet, Perez had the same story on his site earlier today. Did you steal it again?

  3. yeah but who bothers going to Perez’s site? Janet Rules!

  4. I’ll bet she has tons of fun with her dad.
    Her mom’s a whack job – too bad for the little one.

  5. i’m sure that, given that her mom is starting proceedings to divorce her stepdad, that it’s definitely easier for her to be away from that this summer.

  6. He used to work out and train? his girlfriend at the Crunch gym on lower Broadway in NYC a few years ago.
    I saw him a few times at that Crunch having quietly intense discussions/arguments with a thin blonde woman who seemed to be his GF.
    I can’t believe he is heterosexual.

  7. Janet, Perez had the same story on his site earlier today.
    Perez is known for stealing
    stories and pictures.
    He has lost lots of viewers so now he goes to other sites and cries.
    He is on his way out..

  8. Perez Hilton routinely swipes stories and doesn’t properly credit, but that’s what failed actors and fat unattractive homosexuals do.
    As for Lourdes, I can only imagine how horrible it is to live with Hodonna. Is she ever around? I would bet that her Dad is more of a parent than Madonna who is just an attention whore.

  9. Oh, yeah, she looks delighted. Though, I’m sure living with Madonna has probably destroyed her ability to feel happiness. She is probably quite relieved to be away from her mother, queen of the hags.

  10. Sad that the only significant thing Carlos Leon has done in life is to have fucked Madonna.

  11. unlike everyone else who has only negative things to say…all the time.ill just say its nice that Lourdes has a great relationship with her Dad.

  12. How did that fugly Madonna and Carlos have such a gorgeous daughter? Two negatives definitely made a positive with Lourdes! She is going to be even more of a beauty when she grows up; let’s hope she has more morals than her alleycat mother. Oh wait, I shouldn’t insult alleycats. Cats are good.

  13. I’m sure Madonna gave him a long list of what to do and what not to do.

  14. Beautiful girl, looks like her dad too. Hope she turns out to be classy, unlike her mom.

  15. How much money a month does Madge pay Carlos…pretty sure he gets a goodly amount. Otherwise he looks like he would be in a homeless shelter. I think it’s good Lourdes hangs with him for a while. She is very smart and knows what is going on. Always thought it was strange Madge wouldn’t let her watch TV, yet she writes porno books, makes filthy videos, dallies with lesbos, and other nasty activities.

  16. Madonna has raised an intelligent girl and you people are bashing someone”s MOTHER. Lourdes & Rocco are probably the ONLY people that she knows who loves her for HER. I hope they do all right.

  17. Madonna has raised an intelligent girl and you people are bashing someone”s MOTHER. Lourdes & Rocco are probably the ONLY people that she knows who loves her for HER. I hope they do all right.

  18. Madonna has raised an intelligent girl and you people are bashing someone”s MOTHER. Lourdes & Rocco are probably the ONLY people that she knows who loves her for HER. I hope they do all right.

  19. Don’t forget David, the kid she adopted several months ago.

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